Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 638 Graduation Speech

Chapter 638 Graduation Speech
It is always said that graduation is nowhere in sight, but in a blink of an eye they go their separate ways.

Because of parting, the air is full of sadness;
Because of nostalgia, there is reluctance in his eyes;
Because of the beauty, I cherish the past memories in my heart!
On June 2007, 6, the graduation ceremony of Teito University of Technology was held as scheduled in the gymnasium.

After more than an hour of speeches by leaders at all levels, Jiang Hui, a representative of outstanding graduates, took the stage.

"It's a great honor to be able to speak here today as a representative of the graduates. I would like to thank the school and the college for their trust and support..." When he first came to the stage, he said some words of gratitude. Played very slippery.

"Time flies like an arrow, time flies, and the four years of beautiful and difficult university life have quietly flowed into yesterday like sand in a funnel." After finishing his thank you words like a routine, Jiang Hui began his graduation speech.

"At this time, we who are standing at the end of the long study road must be full of emotions and thoughts. The past bits and pieces, all kinds of things, come alive, vividly in our minds." Needless to say, the review part of the speech routine comes up.

"At this time, facing my dear classmates and facing the beautiful campus, although I have a thousand words in my heart, I can't say a single word...".

"I once saw a saying: If you live each day as if it were your last, then one day you will find that you are right."

"The world is changing fast, and we are about to graduate from college, but that doesn't mean our studies are over. The beauty of learning is that others won't take knowledge away from you."

"So the first thing I want to say today is about learning, and in many cases, graduating from college means that learning has just begun. The world will teach you a lot."

"I think of this world, this planet, as a school and the classroom of our lives. Sometimes the lessons will be detours and obstacles, and sometimes crises. I think the secret to coping with it all is to face it, as we face it. Like a college course...'.

The speech Jiang Hui said some time ago about the house-related matters caused a heated discussion on the Internet. Although Jiang Hui was not afraid of such discussions, he was too lazy to toss about such things all day long.

So in this speech, Jiang Hui basically talked about the theme of "chicken soup".

Some scholars in later generations have specialized in research related to chicken soup texts, such as "water dripping through stone, not because of strength, but because of persistence". According to the analysis, people who like this kind of chicken soup texts generally have poor reaction ability and low cognitive ability, and are more likely to accept religion, Views of the paranormal or conspiracy theories have also become more obsessed with complementary and alternative medicine.

However, Jiang Hui's "Chicken Soup Essay" will definitely not just say a few words without connotation, but will add some dry goods to it.

"The second point I want to say today is about hard work. I always think that hard work is important, but direction is more important. Many people work very hard after work, work hard, leave early and return late, and don't forget to enroll in training classes on weekends in their spare time, and even Go back to work and start a graduate student again."

"All these efforts are aimed at: early promotion and salary increase, a monthly income of [-], buying a house in a school district, and even financial freedom. However, the cruel fact is that these methods are difficult for you to achieve the goal of a monthly income of [-]. Not to mention financial freedom".

"It is self-evident that hard work creates value. However, labor cannot participate in the distribution of value well. I hope that after graduation, everyone should consider capital investment in addition to professional labor."

"Whether you admit it or not, after graduation, most people will be ordinary people. What kind of ordinary people? You won't buy a lottery ticket and win 500 million, you won't become Bill Gates or Li Ka-shing, and you won't sit When the plane falls, very few of you will succeed in starting a business, and you will not marry a big star, or marry Andy Lau."

"Ordinary people tend to be cautious in life and career, live and try new things cautiously, and are afraid of failure after trying."

"Precisely because most people choose the low-risk and stable path, most people are also in a highly competitive labor market environment, and competition will smooth out various premiums. These premiums include education, appearance, and time investment. Wait on up".

"That's why countless students from prestigious schools can only live the lives of ordinary people. Apart from enjoying the superiority brought by their appearance in school, most good-looking people will quickly return to dust after graduation."

"So I want to say that the direction of efforts is very important. Are those directions correct? You can go to the Internet to learn about the flowers I mentioned before and try to believe them."

"I think that people generally don't do things that they don't believe in from the bottom of their hearts. Sometimes we know that something is good in words, but we don't do it because you don't think so in your heart.

For example, reading and sleeping. From the bottom of your heart, you must feel that sleeping is more comfortable, so you will throw the book aside.

It doesn't matter what you say, the body is often the most honest."

“The third point I want to talk about today is about failure. Most people like to hear success stories, we all want to succeed, don’t we? But we have to ask ourselves, what is success? You have to keep asking yourself this question. Because your answers will change over time.

However, we must be soberly aware that no one's life is smooth sailing.

We all have difficulties and setbacks.

If things go wrong and you're in a dead end, that's life telling you it's time to change...”

"So, whenever there is difficulty and crisis, I ask what has it taught me? As long as you learn your lesson, you keep going.

If you really learned your lesson, you'll pass the test and never have to fail again.

If you haven't learned your lesson, it will come to you in another form and give you some remedy...".

"The greatest pain of a person is often knowing too much and doing too little. Knowing 1 ways to financial freedom, but the soles of your feet have never stepped out of an acre of three-point land that makes you comfortable, and because of this Very anxious, very hesitant.

What is it called?This is called self-deception, or it is also called self-deception."

"Either you know a little less and live happily like a fool for a lifetime, which is also very happy."

"Either you know a lot, do your best to do them, act like a lunatic, and turn what you know and want into reality."

"Don't be the hypocritical criminals caught in the middle, their groans are ignored.

This is the end of my speech, thank you for listening, I wish you all a bright future."

Jiang Hui stepped off the stage after speaking, and was greeted with thunderous applause.

Jiang Hui's words touched the students in the audience a lot. As for the effect, how many people really follow what Jiang Hui said depends on everyone's fate.

(End of this chapter)

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