Chapter 640
George is an electronic enthusiast and a loyal fan of Apple.With a little money in his family, he has collected almost all the products of Apple since its establishment.

Of course, George also collected a lot of electronic products of other brands.Radios, computers, cell phones...everything is there.

It must also contain the popular fried chicken in the mobile phone field this year-Gphone.

However, although George is very satisfied with the experience of Gphone, as a white supremacist American, he has always been worried about the fact that Gphone came from China.

"George, tomorrow is the day when Apple's iPhone goes on sale, should we queue up now?" said LaGrand.

LaGrand is also an electronic enthusiast and a good friend of George. As the saying goes, birds of a feather flock together.

"It's ok, last time the Gphone was launched, I didn't go to the queue in advance, which caused me to spend an extra $[-] to buy one from someone else."

"Well, although we make up this little money, the most important thing is to be able to buy your favorite items as soon as possible."

"I'll pack up, prepare some food and water, take the tent and set off."

The name "audiophile" was first invented by "audio equipment enthusiasts" in Hong Kong.

Around the 60s and [-]s, the power amplifiers at that time were mainly tube amplifiers.Due to the hot weather in Hong Kong, air-conditioning was not popular at that time, so every time they played with equipment or listened to music, they always sweated profusely, their faces flushed, and they never got tired of it.

After a long time, they called themselves "audiophiles", and this title was accepted by everyone, and became a common name for "audio enthusiasts".

Gradually, other people who love various collections are called so-and-so enthusiasts.

Especially in countries with relatively developed economies such as Europe and the United States, there are all kinds of enthusiasts everywhere.

George is just one of them!


A slum in the suburbs of New York.

"Remember, everyone, dress stylishly and don't be sloppy," said a man with the appearance of a little boss to a dozen young people.

"Head, can we really get two hundred dollars just by standing in line for two days?".

"Wrong, you can only get 150, I want to draw [-]."

"We don't buy mobile phones, so what's the benefit of Apple hiring us to queue like this?".

"This is not something you and I need to worry about. We just need to pretend to be normal consumers and queue up."

"No problem, will the food be distributed uniformly?".

"Uniform food? Are you a pig? I wish people didn't know that we are organized? Let me tell you, if the media visits you, don't let it slip, or you won't even get a penny." ".

When Gphone was launched, there were long queues at the door of all directly-operated stores early, which aroused widespread reports, and it was a free advertisement for Gphone.

In the past six months, Apple has made sufficient preparations for the launch of the iPhone. Hiring sailors to help line up is one of the warm-up plans provided by Apple's cooperative advertisers.

This scene in the slums of New York is also happening in other parts of the United States.


Brilliant Mobile flagship store on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan, USA.

"Ai Li, Apple's direct-sale store is directly opposite to ours, so it won't affect our sales?" Lisa, a newly opened employee, said to her boss, Ai Li.

"Lisa, during the induction training, I have fully introduced the functions of Gphone to you, and also explained the current situation of global smartphones to you. You must have confidence in our products."

"I just think that our company is a Chinese company after all, and Apple is an American company through and through. I worry that consumers will choose iPhones instead of our Gphones."

"If you want to put it this way, why do you drive an island Toyota Corolla? Why don't you buy a native American Chrysler 300c?".

"Because Corolla is very good in all aspects and fuel-efficient, it is very suitable for people like me who have little money."

"That's right, our Gphone is also very good in all aspects, why do consumers buy iPhones?".

"But I see that many people have started queuing up with tents now, and the sales will start the day after tomorrow."

"That's the scene when you haven't seen our Gphone on the market, it's much crazier than Apple."

"Okay, then I'd better sell my Gphone."


PC Magazine is a well-known IT magazine in the United States and the flagship publication of ZD Group, the world's largest IT media. It is famous for its product and technology reviews.

As a magazine based on laboratory product evaluation, it aims to provide IT product purchase guidance information for small and medium-sized enterprises and powerful individual users. It is a good reference for consumers and enterprises to purchase.

Although its name takes away the word "PC", people are not simply doing computer evaluations.

A variety of IT products such as notebooks, desktops, monitors, scanners, printers, switches, servers, mobile phones and digital cameras are all their targets.

Apple, as a giant in the US IT industry, has always been a user that PC Magazine focuses on, and there are various cooperations between them and Apple.

Basically, every generation of Apple's computer products will be advertised in their magazines, and the iPhone is no exception.

"Editor-in-Chief, this is a sample magazine sent by Apple. They hope that we will refer to this sample magazine in the new issue to report on the content of the iPhone."

"We asked them to send us a few prototypes for testing, but they still haven't sent them over. Without testing, how can we report?".

"I also urged them, but the other party insisted on waiting until the iPhone is on the market before mailing it to us."

"Then let's wait until we receive the prototype and arrange the report after we complete the test."

"If this is the case, it can only be the next issue of the magazine."

"The next issue will be the next issue."

"But the marketing department has promised Apple to let them be on the cover of our issue."

"I am the editor-in-chief, and I have the final say on the content of the magazine. Why should I listen to the marketing department?".

"I heard that the marketing department recently signed a large advertising contract with Apple, involving more than 100 million US dollars."

"Hitt, money, money, money, these guys only have money in their eyes. If this goes on, the signboard of our magazine will be messed up by them sooner or later."

"Apple is considered an established company, and their product performance should be no problem."

"Are you talking nonsense with your eyes open? Who wrote the Gphone report last time? Did you not know what you wrote yourself? The parameters announced at the iPhone conference are obviously inferior to Gphone. When the time comes We were bragging about it, so don’t you think about the consequences?”.

(End of this chapter)

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