Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 641 Here Comes the iPhone

Chapter 641 Here Comes the iPhone
In 2004, Apple convened more than 1000 internal employees to form an iPhone research and development team, and began a project classified as highly confidential, a smartphone research and development plan named "Project Purple".

Among them is Jonathan Ive, the designer behind the iPhone.

Steve Jobs, Apple's chief executive at the time, believed that Apple should shift from its original focus on computers and ipods to smartphones.

It has to be said that Jobs's vision is still superior to others. In 2004, he realized that the future of mobile phones belongs to smart phones.

However, the first taste of soup is not so delicious. If you want to be the pioneer of the industry, it means that you need to try and create everything yourself.

In this way, the speed of research and development will naturally not speed up.

So it was not until January 2007, 1 that Jobs launched the first-generation iPhone at the Apple Worldwide Software Developers Annual Conference at the Masconi Convention Center in San Francisco.

At this time, the Gphone of Guanghui mobile phone has been officially launched for sale.

Apple was hit right away.

In fact, Apple first entered the mobile phone market in 2005, when Apple partnered with Motorola to launch an iTunes phone, the Motorola Rockr.

Although in theory the device merged mobility and music, in practice it didn't generate much interest from consumers.

Apple's mobile phone road can be said to be bumpy all the way!
However, on June 2007, 6, after all the hardships, Apple's iphone was finally going to meet consumers.

On June 1900, 6, the Nobel Prize Foundation was established.

On June 1965, 6, the US military fought in Vietnam for the first time.

On June 1995, 6, the US space shuttle Atlantis and the Russian Mir space station achieved the first docking in space.

Originally, on June 2007, 6, the iPhone handheld device developed by Apple, which integrates mobile phone, media player, Internet communication and other functions, was launched in the United States. It is also a historical event. After all, it marks the beginning of the era of smart phones.

However, with the Brilliant mobile phone, the significance of this day has been greatly reduced.


Apple's official Twitter: In human history, there are four famous apples.One tempted Eve, one awakened Newton, one ruled the square, and one was in the hands of Jobs.Today, Apple, which is full of temptations, brings you iphone, an epoch-making smart phone!
The official Twitter of Brilliance Mobile also updated a message: When the annual ring of history is about to turn to a new circle, a wave of great changes in the terminal industry is already coming.The world's communication industry is changing people's communication and life at an incredible speed. We will enter the era of smart phones in two to three years, and Gphone will replace traditional feature phones and become the protagonist of the new historical period.

At the same time, Apple's direct sales stores in the United States began to officially sell iPhones.


Apple Store on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan.

With the opening of the door of the directly-operated store, people lining up outside began to enter the store and began to experience iPhones.

"Tina, there are so many people queuing up outside, we're going to send it out." Two cashiers were chatting at the cashier counter.

"Eve, you're overthinking, you didn't come to the company, why are you happy?"

"We have commissions and bonuses, but why do these people just watch but not buy?"

"Wait a minute, let people experience whether it is easy to use."

"Didn't there be hundreds of people queuing outside just now? How do you feel that after entering now, there is no one outside?"



"How is the situation of each directly-operated store? Is there a situation where the supply exceeds the demand? Do you need to urgently add additional goods?".

"I just watched the surveillance video of each directly-operated store. At the beginning, there were more people buying iPhones in each store, and even had to queue up at the cash register. But slowly, there were still many people watching, but the people who bought People are scattered."

"Let all the people in the marketing department dispatch to the directly-operated stores to understand customers' opinions. Whether it is a good sale or a bad sale, we must understand the reasons."

Historically, Apple's first-generation iPhone was not considered a success, and was even somewhat of a failure compared to subsequent generations of products.

The sales volume in the first year was less than 600 million. This figure is really rotten in front of the subsequent generations of iPhones.

Plus now with the Gphone, no comparison can do no harm.

Whether the iPhone can maintain the sales level of the previous life is still a question mark.

The only advantage it has over Gphone is that, in addition to Apple's directly-operated stores, AT&T's various counters are also sold.

AT&T, also known as the American Telephone and Telegraph Company, is an American telecommunications company and the second largest mobile operator in the United States. Founded in 1877, it has monopolized the long-distance and local telephone markets in the United States for a long time.

AT&T's predecessor was the American Bell Telephone Company founded in 1877 by Bell, the inventor of the telephone.

In 1895, the Bell Company split off the nationwide long-distance business project it was developing in the United States and established an independent company called the American Telephone and Telegraph Company.

In 1899, AT&T integrated the business and assets of Bell in the United States and became the parent company of Bell System.

The company has long been a pioneer in long-distance telephone technology in the United States.In the era of mobile communication, it is the leader of mobile technology.

If you still don't understand the strength of this company, you can simply say one more thing.

Lucent, which is currently at the same level as Warwick in the world, is a company that was spun off from AT&T in 1995.

Two, earlier in 1984, AT&T was forcibly dismantled once by the U.S. Department of Justice, and one was divided into eight.

Even after being divided into eight, Lucent, which is independent from the inside, can be on an equal footing with Warwick. You can imagine the size of this company.

When Apple was developing the iPhone, it cooperated with AT&T, and all the phones sold at AT&T counters were contract phones.

Simple understanding, Apple's cooperation with him is equivalent to Apple's cooperation with China Unicom in China.

Although it is not the largest mobile communication service provider, its second largest size should not be underestimated.

It is no problem to help you sell hundreds of thousands a month.

You know, a mature mobile communication company has the contact information of countless potential customers, and there are many ways to help sell a mobile phone.

So is AT&T going to help sell the iPhone hard?
In fact, if you think about the purpose of the cooperation between the two companies, you will know.

The starting point of AT&T's initial fight for the exclusive distribution rights of the iPhone was to expect that this revolutionary mobile phone product would bring a large number of new users to it, because the mobile phones they sold over the counter were all customized contract phones and only supported their home network.

Historically, the iPhone has barely lived up to its trust, attracting millions of new users to AT&T in less than a year.

However, history has been changed, and whether the iPhone can still sell as expected is a question that many people are concerned about.

(End of this chapter)

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