Chapter 642

Just like the launch of the Gphone, Nokia and other mobile phone giants have come to belittle the glorious mobile phone.

It is also a smart phone, and the iphone cannot leave this fate.

So in Jiang Hui's view, to a certain extent, Guanghui Mobile and Apple are online grasshoppers, not just competitors.

However, what is slightly different is that this time it is not Nokia and Motorola that jumped out first, but other technology giants.

It can also be seen that Apple under the leadership of Jobs has really provoked many people in the American technology industry.

Microsoft CEO Ballmer said on his Twitter on the day the iPhone went on sale: iPhones have no chance of entering the market. Maybe they can make a little money, but most of the 13 billion mobile phones sold each year will still Equipped with Microsoft's system, it would be good for Apple to get a 2%-3% share.

Well, it is obvious that Microsoft is upset that Apple did not use Microsoft's system on the iPhone, but created an independent IOS system by itself.

Once upon a time, Microsoft was the overlord of the technology industry. With the two major weapons of Office and Windows, it attacked left and right, beat the invincible opponents all over the world, and counted money to the point of cramp.

It's a pity that he met Jobs, since he was born Yu and Shengliang?

Just entering the 21st century, the Internet bubble burst, and the core position of the personal computer was in jeopardy. Jobs, a god-like opponent, insisted on relying on iTunes and iPod to fight his way out.

On the side of the couch, how can you allow others to sleep peacefully?
Microsoft immediately launched the Zune player, which was a big killer. It thought it would be easy to regain the lost ground, but unexpectedly, due to the outdated design and functions, there was a backlog of goods.

In the first round, Apple wins.

If history continues to push forward, then the subsequent story is simply a history of humiliation for Microsoft.

Whether it is the battle between ipad and surface, or the collision between ios and windows phone, Microsoft has lost in a mess, and Apple has abruptly been crowned the number one throne in the technology industry.

Apple's enemies are not limited to Microsoft.

BlackBerry CEO Basley also said on his Twitter: Apple has entered the sea with mud, the market is already very crowded, and consumers have many choices. The iPhone cannot change the existing market, and some media have blown it a bit too far.

Why is Blackberry fighting Apple?
Let's take a look at a passage from the media interviewing consumers.

"Out of curiosity and because I needed to be in the market for a new phone, I walked into an Apple retail store on June 2007, 6 to try out the iPhone for myself and it was light, thin, and responsive.

I played with it for a while and loved it, it's a good device, a quality phone and I can browse the web comfortably.I remember holding my iPhone in my hand and being really moved.

But in the end, I chose to buy a blackberry 8800. "

Blackberry mobile phone is a Canadian brand of portable wireless communication equipment, which was founded in 1999.

It features support for e-mail, mobile telephony, text messaging, Internet faxing, web browsing and other wireless information services.

In a way, it's also a smartphone!
In the "911 Incident", almost all communication equipment in the United States was paralyzed, but the mobile phone of the US Vice President Dick Cheney has the function of BlackBerry, successfully connected wirelessly, and can receive real-time information about the disaster site anytime and anywhere.

After that, there was a wave of Blackberry craze in the United States.

It is simply the rise of a god!

During the adjournment of the U.S. Congress due to the "911 incident", each congressman was allocated a BlackBerry mobile phone, allowing congressmen to use it to deal with state affairs.

Soon, the portable e-mail device became the regular electronic product of corporate executives, consultants, and every Wall Street trader.

To put it more directly, in 2007, the leader of the smartphone market in the United States was not Glory, let alone Apple, but BlackBerry.

Looking at it this way, it is perfectly normal for the CEO of BlackBerry to step on the Mi iPhone a few times.

In addition to Microsoft and BlackBerry, another technology giant also jumped out to step on Apple.

Palm CEO Rubenstein wrote on his Twitter: Can a toaster make coffee?There is no such cross-border product in this world, because such a combination is not as comfortable as using it separately.In the field of digital products, this law is also applicable. An iPod is an iPod, a mobile phone is a mobile phone, and a camera is a camera. If they are all integrated together, it does not mean that there will be a good result.

Although people didn't directly mention the iPhone, everyone knows what it means to update such a tweet on the day the iPhone goes on sale.

This is not over yet, there are countless people who jumped out to step on Apple.

"Apple should stop the iPhone project quickly. They are risking their own reputation. This company that never makes mistakes may make a big mistake."

"iPhone is a flashy gadget, it only attracts a small number of hardware madmen, as to whether it can make waves in the industry, the answer is obvious - even more difficult."

"For Apple, the iPhone is their bet on new businesses, and even after the success of the iPod and the Mac, Apple can't guarantee that the phone won't turn the tide.

Jobs’ goal is to get a 2008% market share by the end of 1. Although it seems not difficult, it also means that they have to sell at least 1000 million iPhones, while Apple’s most successful iPod sold only 3900 million units last year.” .

"The iPhone looks great, but for the mobile phone industry, it certainly won't be the next iPod."

"iPhone didn't impress me. As an old player of Windows Mobile, the touch screen is no longer novelty."

"Obviously, you don't understand touch screens at all. This kind of product is terrible for mobile phones. There will definitely be various problems with future iPhones."


Well, how many people did Jobs offend in the American technology industry?
Gphone was not scolded so badly when it was launched.

Of course, not everyone looks down on the iPhone.

"I love the iPhone. It's extremely easy to use, all functions are almost automatic; the interface is more beautiful and friendly than any other phone on the market (have you ever used a Gphone?), and it is pure joy to use. Almost a perfect phone cell phone".

"Whether it's hype or not, it's fair to say that the iPhone is revolutionary. Despite its flaws, it's smart, it's stylish. It can do things no other phone has ever done before, and it lacks most of the features of a phone. Function".

"The email and web browsing experience is unbelievably good, plus the crisp music and video playback experience. Apple has brought a revolutionary device to the market: a smart and responsive touchscreen, and created a new The user interface. My three-year-old daughter can unlock an iPhone and use it to make a phone call in an instant.”


Whether belittle or praise, Apple's official launch of the iphone still attracted a lot of attention.

Maybe it's because the iPhone is really controversial, maybe it's because Apple itself is a unique company, maybe it's because Jobs is so controversial.

(End of this chapter)

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