Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 643 No Contrast No Harm

Chapter 643 No Contrast No Harm

As one of the top Internet portals in the United States, Yahoo has a special mobile phone column on its homepage, and Yahoo has also equipped professional personnel for this column.

As for testing various mobile phones, it can be said to be one of the daily tasks of the Yahoo Mobile column.

"Mike, is it necessary to test these two phones again? From the parameters, the gap can be clearly seen?".

"The test still needs to be tested. Apple is also our long-standing customer. At least see if we can find some iPhones."

"It's easy to write about the iPhone alone, and there are a lot of highlights, but if you put it together with the Gphone, you can't say it."

"What we are doing this time is a series of reports. It is necessary to write it separately, and it is also necessary to compare it with Gphone. At the same time, we can compare it with Nokia, Motorola and Blueberry."

"Well, I think we should focus on the comparison of other brands other than Guanghui mobile phones, so that everyone can do it easily."


Stanford Electronics Association.

"The rear camera has 200 million pixels, A*V image quality, and it cannot record video, which makes people speechless."

"Text editor does not cut, paste and copy, did you forget this?".

"In the mail and SMS applications, the interface cannot be adjusted to the landscape mode. When I think of the 3.5-inch screen of the iPhone, I really worry about my thick fingers."

"SMS cannot embed pictures, let alone emoticons and emoticons."

"There is only a black background. Does Jobs hope that users will be a 'neatness' patient who can tolerate black wallpaper for a long time? It is impossible to change the wallpaper, and the background color is only the only set black."

"There is no way to connect the entire mobile phone to a computer. Is this to create an independent world?".

"What you said is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that it only supports 2G network. How can I surf the Internet with this slow-speed network? The advantages of the iPhone can't be reflected at all."

"The image quality of the camera is poor, I can bear it, anyway, I don't like to take pictures; I can't bear it when it can't be connected to the computer, anyway, I can send emails; it only supports 2G, I can bear it, anyway, I can use WIFI; but there is no appstore, The whole phone can’t download apps by itself, so what do I need it for?”.


Nokia Marketing Department.

"The screen was completely broken when it fell from a one-meter-high desktop to rough ground, and it is said that replacing a screen costs 69 US dollars. Hehe, Jobs made a glass phone."

"Not only is it not at the same level as our anti-drop performance, even compared with HTC and other mobile phones, it is completely inferior."

"I think consumers who bought an iPhone must regret it, and the maintenance cost will scare them to death."

"Yes, Apple products are always more expensive than others. It is said that some consumers call it 'Apple Tax'".

The "Apple tax" in this period is not quite the same as that of later generations.

It is also a computer with similar configurations, but Apple's is more expensive than others.

The same goes for MP3s and the like.

Therefore, consumers jokingly call the part of Apple that is more expensive than other products the "Apple Tax".

However, in later generations, the "Apple tax" is because Apple stipulates in the terms of the App Store: rewards through virtual currency should be regarded as in-app purchases, and Apple will extract 30% of the share from it, and must go through the Apple payment channel. This is known in the industry as paying the "Apple tax".

But no matter what kind of meaning it is, the strength of Apple is revealed in the bones!


Sony Ericsson R&D Test Center.

"How? Is the battery life really less than an hour?".

"To be precise, it runs out of battery after 40 minutes of talk time. The battery capacity of the iPhone is 1400 mAh, and its 3.5-inch screen is a big power-hungry consumer. It is inevitable to use it for a short time."

"Is this too exaggerated? Our product has the shortest battery life, and it can also have a two-hour call."

"Hey, Apple's mobile phone, the short battery life is only a problem, the bigger problem is that its battery is not removable."

"That is to say, consumers can't directly change a battery to continue using their mobile phones after they run out of power?".

"Yes, it must be connected to the charging cable for charging. I estimate that in the future, iPhone users will have to keep the charger with them every day, and charge their mobile phones at least twice a day."

"I think we can turn our attention away from Apple and not look at other things. It is impossible to have an impact on our company's mobile phones with this battery level."

"I also think so".


Brilliant cell phone.

"Have all the test reports come out?".

"It's already out, and all the soft articles have been updated."

"Immediately send it to the US branch, and at the same time communicate well with Twitter and potato lamp brother companies. We want to let the majority of consumers know the gap between iphone and our Gphone in a short time."



"On the first day of listing, less than [-] units were sold? Are there still some stores that have not been counted?".

"This data has been confirmed many times, and there are indeed only so many."

"Is there a problem with our distribution? Didn't we arrange 30 goods to be delivered to various stores? How could it not be enough to sell?".

"All the distribution is normal, and there are no shortages in each store. Except for the first two hours of opening, the sales of iPhones are relatively good, and the latter is not very ideal."

"According to what you said, the next day's sales may be less than this?".

"You have to be prepared for this."

"Why is this happening? Didn't Du need to make an appointment for the Gphone of the Guanghui mobile phone at the beginning? The supply is completely in short supply?".

"That's a Gphone. There are a lot of comparisons between a Gphone and an iphone circulating on the Internet. Netizens generally believe that if you want to buy an iPhone, you might as well buy a Gphone."

"Our ios system is the best in the world, so no one sees it?".


Brilliant mobile phone store on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan.

"The scene of queuing at the opposite Apple store only lasted less than two hours and then disappeared. Do we have to envy their store's management level is higher than ours?".

"Hey, the store is smaller than ours, but the queuing scene disappeared so quickly, which shows that consumers don't buy Apple's account."

"It caused me to worry a lot, and I was afraid that they would affect our sales."

"An opponent that can affect our Gphone sales has not yet appeared, just the iphone? I made a good comparison when they were released, and they are not at the same level as our products."

"But their prices are about the same as ours."

"That's because people don't know how dead characters are written."

"In any case, the closest product to our Gphone has finally failed, and I'm relieved."

"It is indeed very close. It is so close that people think it is two generations of products of the same company. I don't know if it involves infringement."


(End of this chapter)

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