Chapter 645

Although the market economy talks about a fair competition, in fact the initiative is not fair.

If you master the technology, you will have the initiative, and if you have the initiative, you will have an advantage.

Just like Qualcomm, a company with more lawyers than engineers.

The rogue Qualcomm in the technology world calls it second, and it is estimated that no one dares to call it first.

Qualcomm has 3000 CDMA patents, but Qualcomm is not satisfied with collecting money. He has a "patent anti-licensing" agreement. As long as Qualcomm's chips are used, this agreement must be signed with Qualcomm.

This agreement stipulates that companies using Qualcomm chips must delicense their patents to Qualcomm, and cannot sue other Qualcomm customers for using these patents.

Qualcomm relied on this agreement to make its chips more popular in the market.

Third-rate companies sell strength, second-rate companies sell products, first-rate companies sell technology, and super-first-rate companies sell rules—standards and certifications.

This is really not a joke.

This time, Brilliance Mobile will also enjoy super-first-class treatment.


“According to well-informed sources, Apple’s newly launched iPhone is suspected of infringing on the patent of Guanghui mobile phone, and Guanghui mobile phone has sued the court to stop the sale and compensate for related losses…” Google News reported in the headline of the technology sector.

As soon as this news came out, it quickly attracted widespread attention and forwarding.

It became trending news on Facebook and Twitter in a short time.

"Apple, which always likes to sue others, is sometimes sued. It seems that it always has to pay back when it comes out."

"What company is Guanghui Mobile? Why haven't I heard of it?".

"Objectively speaking, many functions of iphone are indeed suspected of plagiarizing Gphone."

"Steve Jobs, who is good at creating miracles, is he going to create a unique miracle for the American people?".

"Although I don't want to admit it, the iPhone is really not as easy to use as the Gphone."

"Banning people's sales at every turn? Why do technology companies like to play this game?".


All kinds of comments flooded the Internet, and the major media quickly flocked to Apple's headquarters to get first-hand news.

Apple mobile phone is also worthy of being a company with rich experience in handling emergencies. When the media flooded in, they decided to hold an impromptu press conference.

"Alison, aren't you in charge of the news on the entertainment section of your website, why don't you come here to join in the fun?"

"Hey, Sam, you don't understand this. Now the news of Guanghui Mobile suing Apple is not only on the headlines of technology, but also social news and entertainment news are reported everywhere."

"So exaggerated? I didn't even notice it."

"This is the first time that a Chinese company came to infringe on a patent of a technology company in the United States. This is no longer a simple patent dispute case."

"It's quite reasonable for you to say that."

"That must be. I won't chat with you anymore. It seems that the press conference is about to start." Alison began to squeeze in front of the crowd after speaking.


Apple's conference was attended by Jobs himself, which shows how high the status of iPhone is in Jobs' eyes.

However, in fact, there is no need for Apple to say anything. The reporters who came basically guessed the result of this conference.

No matter whether it actually infringes the patent of Guanghui mobile phone or not, Apple will not admit that it has infringed the patent of Guanghui mobile phone now.

It sounds a bit of a mouthful, but it actually makes sense when you think about it seriously.

Although the world economy has entered the 21st century, the development model has undergone great changes, but the model of big fish eating small fish and the strong bullying the weak will never change.

Many small companies have registered patents, but when large companies infringe their own patents, the result is often that the bad guys are not punished.

In the eyes of Apple, maybe Guanghui Mobile is still a small company.

However, there are many things that capsize in the gutter. Who knows if Apple will also capsize this time.

"Hello everyone, first of all, I would like to thank friends from the media for their concern and support for Apple. Today, our company held this press conference. I think everyone knows the reason, so I won't say more," said Apple's publicist. The director of the department is the host of this press conference, and his speech means that this press conference has officially started.

"Apple is committed to making world-class products and delivering an unrivaled user experience to consumers in every market.

Apple believes deeply in protecting innovation and takes intellectual property seriously.We developed iphone to make users feel the charm of smartphones.

It's a pity that we didn't know about the patents of KF Mobile before we launched the iPhone.Also, we don't think we're using their various patents...

Our team has been working hard to create products that exceed consumers' expectations, and attaches great importance to every consumer's opinion and suggestion... ".

The spokesperson spoke for 5 minutes, anyway, it was just a point of view: Apple is very good, we have never copied others, and we don't know that others have registered some patents related to iPhone...

This seems to be the consistent view of large companies in dealing with various complaints and lawsuits.

Before there is a judgment, you will never admit that you have a problem.

Even if they themselves know that they have a problem, they also know that the other party knows that they have a problem, and they also know that consumers know that they know that they have a problem, but they just insist that they have no problem!
Then came the Q&A session of the press conference.

"Today, our CEO, Mr. Jobs, attended the press conference in person. He can answer three questions from everyone. Okay, the beauty who raised her hand, yes, it's you." Yahoo's female reporters can ask questions.

"Hello, I'm Christina from Yahoo. As far as I know, the Gphone of Guanghui Mobile was launched half a year earlier than your iPhone, and from the evaluation of users, the Gphone is higher than the iPhone, and many functions of the iPhone are also better. It is indeed very similar to the Gphone, how do you explain this problem, Mr. Jobs?".

"I don't know how the user evaluation you mentioned came from. I have always believed that the iPhone is the best. As for the similar function you mentioned, look at the cars running on the road outside. Which one is not similar in function? , This doesn't explain anything," Jobs said with a displeased face.

"Okay, Christina, thank you for your question. Next, please invite the friend in the blue dress." The right to speak decisively interrupted Christina who wanted to ask questions, and invited the next reporter.

"Glory Mobile requires Apple to stop selling iPhones and compensate up to [-] million U.S. dollars in damages. I would like to ask what will you do if the court finally decides that Apple is infringing?" Nibel from America Online mentioned a very upset San Jobs question.

(End of this chapter)

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