Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 646 This is a protracted battle

Chapter 646 This is a Protracted War
"I think this gentleman's worry is completely unnecessary. Apple has not infringed any patents of Guanghui Mobile. On the contrary, our research has found that Guanghui's Gphone is suspected of infringing our company's patents.

Colleagues from our legal department are already sorting out the relevant information, and through this press conference, our company officially announced that it will sue Glory Mobile, demanding that they completely stop the sales of Gphones in the United States and compensate our company for a loss of 6 million U.S. dollars." Jobs said with a "serious face."

For giants in the US technology industry like Apple, they always have countless ways to deal with various lawsuits, and dragging opponents into marathon lawsuits is a very effective way.

This trick works especially well when you have a dispute with a foreign company or small business.

Setting up a litigation marathon trap is a common method used by multinational companies to drag down independent innovation in developing countries and maintain technological monopoly.

Companies such as Intel and Qualcomm often do this kind of thing, and Apple is no exception.

On the one hand, in the name of protecting intellectual property rights, in order to protect the monopoly interests, sue the other party for infringing its intellectual property rights out of thin air.Attempts to use the trap of a lawsuit marathon, or even other improper means, to block the independent innovation of emerging companies.

Or, when caught in a passive infringement case, bite the other party in turn, confuse the water, drag down the other party through long-term litigation, achieve out-of-court settlement or even directly turn defeat into victory.

Obviously, after urgent discussions, Apple adopted the latter to deal with the patent litigation case of Guanghui mobile phone.

Whether it is Apple's Jobs or the professionals in their legal department, they all know in their hearts that according to conventional means, Apple is likely to lose the lawsuit.

Although after losing the lawsuit, Apple can delay the execution of the judgment by continuing to appeal, but this is not the best policy after all.

On the contrary, by taking a bite back and taking advantage of Apple's home court advantage to drag Brilliant Mobile into the water, the final likely result is an out-of-court settlement.

Especially in terms of appearance patents, although the Gphone was registered first, the iPhone also registered some patents. Sometimes, at the legal level, it is difficult to say who must have infringed whom.

Of course, in fact, Du is often well aware of who has violated whom, but such "facts" are useless in front of the law.

The most obvious is the patent dispute between Land Rover and Landwind in later generations.

Whether or not Landwind has infringed on Land Rover's appearance patents, the people of China are well aware of it.

"This kind of plagiarism is extremely frustrating. It is not allowed to happen. The intellectual property rights belong to Jaguar Land Rover. If the intellectual property rights are violated, it is a violation of the international norms that apply globally." .

After Jaguar Land Rover registered the appearance patent in 2012, the Landwind X7 was also successfully registered in 2014.

This is very similar to the situation of Gphone and iphone. Gphone registered a patent first, and then the iphone also successfully registered a patent.

In the dispute between Land Rover and Landwind, under the lawsuit of Land Rover, the National Patent Office finally canceled the patent right of Landwind X7, but the patent right of Land Rover Evoque was also cancelled.

In another Honda v. Shuanghuan case, which lasted 12 years, Beihe Provincial Higher Court finally ruled that Shuanghuan did not infringe on Honda's automobile exterior design patent, but Honda Co., Ltd. had to pay RMB 1600 million in compensation. It can be seen that patent disputes The outcome of this kind of thing is really beyond the comprehension of ordinary people.

Of course, the results of these two cases have something to do with the fact that my country’s patent examination system does not conduct substantive examination of design patents, so design patents are easy to obtain authorization, and there are certain skills to pass this situation smoothly.

But, don't you think there is no such situation in the United States?


"Next is the last question for today's press conference. I invite this reporter from the Los Angeles Times."

"As far as I know, the sales of iPhones are far behind Gphones. Can it prove that iPhones are not as good as Gphones?".

"The sales volume of Rolls-Royce is far behind that of Chevrolet. Is it possible to prove that Rolls-Royce will not go to Chevrolet? Whether a company is successful or not depends not only on the present, but on the long-term..."

Jobs answered this question with a slightly different concept.

Rolls-Royce and Chevrolet are not in the same class at all, and there is no comparison.

This is different from the situation of Gphone and iphone, the positioning of these two phones is very close.

If you really want to compare cars, it is more appropriate to compare Hyundai and Chevrolet.

However, what Jobs wanted was to secretly change the concept!

"Okay, today's press conference ends here, thank you for your participation."

Apple's spokesperson ignored the numerous reporters raising their hands and directly announced the end of the press conference.

Some reporters who wanted to squeeze in front of Jobs to ask a few more questions were ruthlessly stopped by Apple's security guards.

Some reporters also found an open space to sit down and edited the news urgently, trying to make their website the first to release information.

Brilliant Mobile sued Apple, but was countersued by Apple. This news should still attract the attention of many people.

After all, Gphone and iphone are the leaders of smartphones, and many people are happy to see the struggle between them.


Brilliant cell phone.

"Mr. Dai, the urgent information just came from the United States. Jobs announced at the press conference that he would sue us, saying that our Gphone infringed the patent of the iPhone."

"Are you kidding me? When our iPhone was launched, their iPhone was launched. Who came first? They copied us."

"It is true in reason, but the final legal judgment is not necessarily in line with reason. We must make sufficient preparations."

"You sort out the situation, and I will report to Mr. Jiang later."


When Jiang Hui was informed of this information, he was not very surprised. It can only be said that Apple's approach gave Jiang Hui a deeper understanding of the "rogue nature" of American technology companies.

In fact, Jiang Hui did not expect to be able to really ban the sale of iPhones by letting Guanghui Mobile sue Apple.

With Apple's status in the United States, it is reasonable and unreasonable. You, a Chinese company, don't even think about banning other people's products through litigation.

Don't think that the United States is really a society ruled by law. The so-called legal system is also relative. People always have the opportunity to find you a disgusting way to deal with it within the scope of the so-called law.

Of course, if Guanghui Mobile is also a big American company like Apple, then Apple will just wait to get rid of its underwear.

However, now, at best, it is just a dream of Apple, and by the way, a dozen advertisements will let more Americans know about Guanghui mobile phones.

Forget it, let's wash and sleep.

Don't be too naive!
Grind it slowly!

(End of this chapter)

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