Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 648 Yang Yan's Choice

Chapter 648 Yang Yan's Choice
Just as Jiang Hui returned to his office from Brilliant Investment, he ran into Yang Yan who came looking for him.

Yang Yan, 22 years old this year, is a little more mature and capable than four years ago, and the jerky face has gradually disappeared.

As the internationalization of the companies under the Guanghui Group is getting bigger and bigger, the business of the International Department of the Guanghui Group is also getting busier.

As the head of the International Department, the more work the International Department does, it also means that Yang Yan's power is getting stronger to a certain extent.

Being in a high position will make a person more confident, and his temperament will also change.

In the past few years, apart from some group meetings, Jiang Hui didn't see Yang Yan very many times, and the number of times the two met alone was even more rare.

Yang Yan: "Boss Jiang, do you have time?".

Jiang Hui: "Yes, let's sit in the office and talk."

Jiang Hui's office is on the top floor of Guanghui Building, a large room of more than 200 square meters. Although the decoration is not resplendent, it reveals a sense of elegance in its simplicity. Zeng Qingying put a lot of effort into the layout of this area.

"What would you like to drink?" Jiang Hui said, putting down the notebook in his hand.

"It's rare that you take the initiative to ask me what to drink, it's fine," Yang Yan said while sitting on the sofa.

"Have you been too busy recently? I think you seem to be thinner," Jiang Hui said while handing Yang Yan a cup of black tea.

"Have I ever been fat?".

"When I first met you, it seemed more sensual than now."

"This girl's figure has always been maintained like lightning."

"Hey, there is a saying that the diameter of lightning is five meters, compared to its length of several thousand meters, it is indeed very slender, but are you sure you want a waist like lightning?".

"Metaphor, I am a metaphor, okay?"

"When will you bring your boyfriend out for a stroll, and I'll treat you to dinner."

"I can understand that you are taking the initiative to invite me to dinner? Do you still not know if I have a boyfriend?" Yang Yan gave Jiang Hui a white look.

Although Jiang Hui doesn't meet Yang Yan often, he has always paid close attention to Yang Yan's affairs. In addition, Yang Yan, as one of the "eight beauties" of Guanghui Group, has almost no boyfriend. Things the company knows.

"It's easy to ask for a meal. It's better to hit the day than to choose a date. I know a good restaurant. I'll treat you after get off work."

"Take the female subordinate to dinner after get off work, she is still a beautiful female subordinate, you are not afraid that your family will give you a face when she goes back," Yang Yan said a little sourly.

Speaking of which, since Jiang Hui met Yang Yan during the first semester of freshman year, Jiang Hui felt that Jiang Hui was chasing Yang Yan at the beginning, and Jiang Hui did have a special feeling for Yang Yan.

However, Jiang Hui gradually didn't dare to provoke others due to a combination of circumstances.

As a girl, a man is chasing after yourself, chasing after him, the other party knows that he has fallen in love with you, and then you turn around and catch up with others.

It is estimated that he is a normal person, and there is resentment in his heart.

So regarding Yang Yan's current attitude, Jiang Hui could only touch his nose and smile bitterly in his heart.

"Did you come to see me today for something?" Jiang Hui changed the subject rather bluntly.

"I heard that the group is going to set up a European branch to coordinate and manage the European business?" Seeing that Jiang Hui was talking about business, Yang Yan quickly returned to the topic.

"I have this idea. In the past few years, Guanghui Group has developed well in Asia and America, but its business in Europe is a bit so-so."

Modern economy and technology originated in Europe, and European countries, especially Western Europe and Northern Europe, have also accumulated abundant wealth through these hundreds of years.

Germany, the United Kingdom, France, Italy, and Spain are all top ten countries in the world economic ranking. Although the populations of these countries are generally small, their consumption potential is not low.

Coupled with the fact that some core equipment manufacturers and parts manufacturers of industrial products are distributed all over Europe, it is also an inevitable choice to strengthen the development of European business.

"I have to review this, the work of the International Business Department has not been done properly."

"It has nothing to do with you. It is the reason for the group's strategic decision. No one can be blamed. What, do you have any suggestions?".

"Since I graduated from university a while ago, I have been thinking about a problem. Although I have worked with you in Guanghui Group for nearly four years, I feel that my management level still needs to be improved, so I want to study in Germany. A graduate student or something," Yang Yan said in confusion.

"Study abroad? You are studying German, are you going to Germany?".

"Although I am studying German, my English is also very good, okay? Why should I decide that I want to go to Germany, um, although I really want to go to Germany."

"In terms of management level, the world's mainstream is nothing more than the most typical of the three countries of the United States, Japan and Germany. The United States is the world's leader, and their corporate management must be unique;

As an island country, a geographically small country can rank second in the world, Japanese management also has many merits, especially lean management;
As for Europe, it mainly depends on Germany. Among the three major business management models in the world, the German business management model has been widely respected and learned by the world's business circles in recent years. Even the American business circles generally believe that German business management More dynamic and effective than the US, so I think someone as smart as you would definitely choose the German one."

"I have a general understanding, and I think German corporate management does have some unique features, such as their emphasis on brand orientation and international marketing," Yang Yan said while taking a sip of tea.

"German companies attach great importance to product quality and comprehensive after-sales service. For example, Audi has four principles to attract customers around the world: leading products, exquisite image; arouse customers' interest in cars; customer-oriented. These four In the final analysis, the principle is a product quality and brand issue.”

"In addition, I think Germany has unique corporate culture and personnel management strategy. Germany is an industrialized country with a number of world-class companies. In addition to world-renowned brands, these companies also have their own unique corporate culture.

Cultivating a good corporate culture is an important part of German business management. It is a matter of corporate image to the outside world. This image is not only the brand and benefits of the company, but more importantly, it is to cultivate the sense of responsibility of the company and employees to the society, so that the company can grow from top to bottom. From the bottom to the bottom, what is shown to the society from the inside to the outside is beautiful things; internally, it is mainly to cultivate team spirit... I think these are quite meaningful for our Guanghui Group." It is a rare opportunity to show it in front of Jiang Hui. In her non-vase year, Yang Yan talked to Jiang Hui in an orderly manner for ten minutes why she chose Germany.

(End of this chapter)

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