Chapter 649

Germany was able to rise rapidly after World War II and become the country with the strongest economic strength in Europe, and they firmly adhered to the "four basic principles": one is "accurate measurement", the other is "excellent equipment", and the third is "excellent equipment". Talents", fourth, "standardized production" has a very big relationship.

Now if you go to the shopping mall, you will find that the cameras made in the island country have almost monopolized the Chinese market.

However, the high-end cameras and video cameras produced by the islanders all use lenses imported from Germany, and only the lenses of low-end products are self-made.

The islanders themselves admit that they can never achieve the high optical precision that the Germans can achieve.

For a camera, the core technology that determines the quality of the photo is the lens. It looks simple, so try it out!

This is the best embodiment of "accurate measurement".

As for "excellent equipment", today the Germans monopolize the entire production of machine tools and industrial machine tools in the world. The highest level of precision machine tools in the world is also produced in Germany, and other countries do not even have the right to speak.

The three-dimensional measuring instrument launched by Carl Zeiss factory has an accuracy of 0.5 microns.

Whether it is excellent or not, everyone knows it all too well.

As for "excellent talents", look at German business executives, Yishui's Ph.D., which is very different from other countries.

As for "standardized production", Jiang Hui's later generations have seen many videos. Among them, the Germans even started "standardized production" for paving sidewalks, which was the most impressive.

They invented a paving machine, first put the bricks in the big groove on the top, when the machine is driven forward, the bricks are laid down like a carpet, and the road comes out.

With so many advantages, the management of German companies is worth learning from.

"You've thought it all over. I want to stop Mi's work in China. I think it will be boring. Then you can go to the European branch of Guanghui Group, which is under construction, and help me manage the European business," Jiang said. Hui listened to Yang Yan's explanation, and after thinking about it for a few minutes, he said to Yang Yan.

"Let me manage it? I've never been the top leader of any company. Would you be too hasty?" Yang Yan didn't expect Jiang Hui to let herself be directly responsible for the European business.

"Everyone has a first time. Besides, you are now the director of the international business department of Guanghui Group. Your own level is the same as that of the bosses of these subsidiaries such as and Meituan. The current European branch of Guanghui Group is in The management level is also the same as these subsidiaries."

"That's what I said, but it's like a not-so-important minister in a national ministry directly goes to an important province to be the top leader. It seems to be flat, but it's actually a high-level promotion."

"The European branch is too far away, and I usually go there less often. I need to arrange for someone I can trust to take charge of it for me. Since you are determined to go to Germany, I don't have to worry about the candidate."

Maybe it was because Jiang Hui said that he was a "trustworthy person", so there was a smile on Yang Yan's face.

"Then don't regret it if you screw up at that time," Yang Yan said with a smile showing two dimples.

"You just need to help me keep track of those subsidiaries. All the companies under the Guanghui Group have become popular, and it's not so easy for you to screw up. Besides, you can arrange a few experienced assistants to assist at that time."

"You won't just be the shopkeeper, right? You're not afraid that I'll turn the European branch into my private land?" Seeing that Jiang Hui even let himself decide on the staff arrangement at the vice president level of the branch, Yang Yan was half-joking Said.

"If you have the ability to turn them into your private land, then I will let the European market be your private land forever."

"Hey~ After I go to Germany, will I not see you once in a year?".

"How come, you still have to come back for the work report twice a year, besides, it's impossible for me not to go to Europe once a year."

With the rapid increase in the number of overseas branches of Guanghui Group, in order to allow the headquarters to better control and grasp the development of each branch, it has almost become a routine to report on the work in July and January every year.

The two chatted about the European branch, and it was almost time to get off work.

"Let's go, let's eat," Jiang Hui said, getting up.

"Are you really going?" Yang Yan was a little hesitant.

"Why, you were worried and went to dinner alone with me. No one in the company dares to chase you anymore?" Jiang Hui joked.

I don't know when I went there, but those who have a close relationship with Jiang Hui, such as the secretary Liao Yun, the director of the General Manager's Office Zeng Qingying, and others, although they are beautiful and have good conditions in all aspects, no one in the group dares to work in the Ming Dynasty. face to pursue.

Although Jiang Hui silently felt wronged in his heart, and he really didn't get involved in their actions, the people below who couldn't stand it would have various guesses in their hearts.

For example, if the people below knew that Jiang Hui invited Yang Yan to dinner alone tonight, there would definitely be some discussions in private.

In the enterprise, this kind of gossip is the fastest to spread.

"Tch, I'm kindly thinking for you, lest you go home and kneel down on the durian."

"Then let's go."


Jiang Hui took Yang Yan to a newly opened Cantonese restaurant in the International Trade Center. The restaurant is located on the [-]th floor of the building. From the private room, you can see the high-rise buildings outside and the continuous flow of traffic.

"Do you want some wine?".


"White or red?".

"Let's have a bottle of red wine first."

Yang Yan's drinking capacity was better than Jiang Hui imagined. When the two of them drank a bottle of red wine, Yang Yan, whose cheeks were slightly flushed, still had a clear mind.

"Remember "Because of Love"?".

"Of course, I wrote the song after dying a lot of brain cells."

"It's a lie, I've discovered it. Song writing is easy for you. When I received this song from you, I really thought you put so much effort into preparing it."

"Miss Yang, you are too wronged. I will mourn for my dead brain cells for a second."

"Because of Love" is a song "self-created" by Jiang Hui when he met Yang Yan, and it was specially given to Yang Yan.

Speaking of which, the evolution of the relationship between two people also started from this song.

However, the beginning of the story is easy to guess, and no one knows what the ending will be now.

"You mourn in silence for your dead brain cells, and I want to mourn in silence for the countless tears I have shed," Yang Yan muttered a little aggrieved, with red eye circles, which really aroused heartache.

"I'm sorry, I've always wanted to tell you this sentence, but I haven't said it for so many years."

"Did you do anything to me, and you don't owe me anything, I'm not sorry, you're right," Yang Yan said stubbornly.

(End of this chapter)

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