Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 652 Drunkenness

Chapter 652 Drunkenness
Selfishness is the essence of human nature. The so-called country is easy to change, but nature is hard to change!
Why do officials want to keep their official positions forever and always want to climb up?Even a little sesame official is like this;
Why do rich people always want to get more wealth and keep their wealth forever without any loss?Almost all rich people hope that their wealth can only increase but not decrease, otherwise they will be very unhappy.

Why do those so-called successful celebrities always want to be famous all over the world, to last forever, and even to be the only one?

Why is it that a wife is inferior to a concubine, a concubine is inferior to a concubine, and stealing is inferior to being unable to steal?No matter how virtuous and beautiful the daughter-in-law at home is.

In Jiang Hui's view, this is all because all of this is the natural law of human selfishness.

Just like Yang Yan said: "If I really found someone else and found what you call happiness, is this really what you want to see?".

Although Jiang Hui didn't want to admit it, the real thought deep in his heart was that he didn't want Yang Yan to really get along with others.

So when Yang Yan asked, Jiang Hui was speechless.

The theory of the Big Bang is now generally accepted, and the essence of this theory is expansion.

The same is true of everything in the universe. Trees want to grow stronger and occupy more space; animals are also desperately expanding their populations to obtain stronger territories; human nature is also expanding, and the selfishness contained in it will Want more as you get more.

"Look, I knew it!" Yang Yan was already a little half drunk.

"Don't drink it, I'll boil some water for you, drink some water," Jiang Hui said, looking at Yang Yan who was leaning on his shoulder.

This should be the closest time the two of you have ever been together.

In the current weather, although the air conditioner is in the living room, Yang Yan's thin nightgown can't stop her fiery body at all.

He breathed the vague fragrance from the girl next to him, and the hot alcohol-smelling breath from his mouth.

Jiang Hui felt that his body was a little out of control.

"Come on, cheers."

It was fine if Jiang Hui didn't say, but when he said "don't drink", Yang Yan picked up the cup and drank again.

"If you drink any more, you'll be drunk." Jiang Hui grabbed Yang Yan's hand and stopped her from drinking.

Her hands were like catkins, her skin was like creamy fat, and she wore a pink silk nightdress with a slightly lower neckline, revealing a piece of snow-white.

Under the stimulation of alcohol, Yang Yan's face was like a lotus, her eyebrows were like willows, and she looked at Jiang Hui with eyes that were more charming than peach blossoms, very attractive.

A shawl of black hair is naturally scattered on the back, and bright red lips are slightly raised.

"You go back", Yang Yan's mood suddenly became very depressed.

"I'll help you go back to your room and rest."

Regardless of whether she agreed or not, Jiang Hui picked up Yang Yan and walked to the bedroom.

After Yang Yan struggled a bit, Jiang Hui hugged her.

Just as Jiang Hui put Yang Yan down and covered her with the quilt, Yang Yan's voice came to his ears: "Don't go, don't go, okay?"

Although it is said that good wine is not good, it is relative. If you drink too much, you will gradually faint.

Yang Yan's current state has reached the point where she keeps saying "I'm not drunk, I'm not drunk", but she is actually drunk.

Under such circumstances, Jiang Hui was naturally worried about leaving her at home alone.

"Go to sleep for a while, I'll be in the living room, you can call me whenever you need something, I will not close the bedroom door", regardless of Yang Yan's answer, Jiang Hui left the bedroom and came to the living room.

If you don't come out, you won't be able to come out tonight.

Jiang Hui hasn't considered how to deal with the relationship between the two, so it's better not to do some things yet.

"You guys go back first, just come back and pick me up tomorrow morning," Jiang Hui sent Pan Wei a text message.

After sending the text message, Jiang Hui came to the balcony alone.

In the night of the imperial capital, it is rare to see the stars, and tonight is no exception.

From the balcony, you can see Zizhuyuan Park. The trees in the park are dotted with lights of various colors. The sound of some vehicles honking in the distance, and the evening wind blowing by make Jiang Hui's mind become more sober.

In the eyes of Pan Wei and others, perhaps Yang Yan was regarded as Jiang Hui's successor.

In fact, in Guanghui Group, the executives who joined the company early knew that the relationship between Jiang Hui and Yang Yan was special. Some even chased Yang Yan, and the answer they got was: "When you think you are better than Mr. Jiang, You come after me again."

Since then, very few people in the Guanghui Group have targeted Yang Yan.

To be honest, these days, if you have money and your own conditions are not bad, it is really not too difficult to find a beautiful girlfriend. There is no need to touch a woman who may be the boss's slave.

In fact, Jiang Hui himself is a little lost and confused now.

Although it is said that people's desires are infinite, Jiang Hui never thought about being a playboy like Edison Chen.

Now that Bai Xue and He Ling are together, they often give me headaches.

After a few years, when the parents start to force the marriage, it will be very difficult.

Whoever you choose to marry is wrong!
If there were more Yang Yan, or other more women, then I probably wouldn't have to worry about work every day. Just dealing with the relationship with these women would be exhausting.


"Water, I want to drink water." Yang Yan's voice came faintly from next to his ear, interrupting Jiang Hui's thoughts.

Jiang Hui hurried back to Yang Yan's room, and saw that Yang Yan had lifted the quilt, muttering "water, water, water" in her mouth, and her nightgown was also shrunk to her waist, revealing her long snow-white legs, even snoopy Little Nene is exposed.

"Women are fickle indeed. The gap between the cute underwear Yang Yan is wearing and the sexy clothes hanging in the bathroom is too big," Jiang Hui couldn't help thinking in his heart.

Before boiling hot water, Jiang Hui went outside and brought in a bottle of mineral water, unscrewed the cap, sat by the window, covered Yang Yan with the quilt again, and fed her a few sips of water.

Fortunately, the girl was only clamoring for water, and she didn't vomit all over the bed, otherwise the night would have been a toss.

Seeing such a beautiful woman sleeping on the bed in cool clothes, Jiang Hui ran to the bathroom and took a cold shower, crushing his little brother who kept protesting.


The next day, Jiang Hui went to the downstairs community early to buy buns, soy milk and fried dough sticks, and put them on the table.

Then he went back to Yang Yan's room and Li took a look. Jiang Hui already knew that Yang Yan must be awake.

but.You can never wake up a person who is pretending to be asleep.

"Breakfast is on the table outside. I'm going back to work first." After Jiang Hui finished speaking softly, he left Yang Yan's house and went downstairs regardless of whether Yang Yan heard it or not.

"Mr. Jiang, we are in the parking lot. If anyone needs a car, call me anytime." Just as Jiang Hui was about to take the elevator, he received a text message from Pan Wei.

Jiang Hui didn't reply anymore, but went directly to the parking lot.

"Ah Wei, haven't you guys gone back?" Jiang Hui couldn't help asking Pan Wei when he saw that there were still two cars parked where yesterday.

"I asked Xiao Zhang and the others to go back first, and Xiao Li and I stayed behind, just in case."

"Thank you", Jiang Hui didn't say much, and got into the car and went to the company.

For some people, you don't need to always say thank you, just know it in your heart.

Too many false thanks make people feel unfamiliar!

(End of this chapter)

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