Chapter 658
Lin Feng is a senior reporter of Lingnan TV Station. On July 7th, the head of the station found him personally and asked him to lead a team to follow and film the signing and groundbreaking ceremony of the Brilliant Automobile Project.

In the past, Lin Feng was arranged to lead the team at other companies' foundation laying ceremonies, but it was rare for the director to personally call him to the office to give instructions like this time.

That night, Lin Feng also got the list of people who will attend the ceremony tomorrow.As the official mouthpiece of the province, Lingnan Satellite TV has a relatively clear grasp of the itinerary of the main leaders at all levels. After all, it often has to consider whether to arrange personnel for on-site shooting.

In the early morning of July 7th, Lin Feng returned to Taiwan and held a meeting with other members who also arrived early to discuss the arrangements for filming and follow-up reports.

Such activities attended by the first and second leaders in the province at the same time will definitely appear in the Lingnan news that night, and the major official media in the province must also report on the next day.

Some tasks do not need to be deployed uniformly by the Propaganda Department, and everyone knows what to do.

"Brother Feng, what background do you think this Brilliant Automobile has? Why did so many leaders attend a signing ceremony?" After the meeting, the group started to go to the ceremony site, and Lin Feng's intern assistant Xiao Wu asked gossip.

"Do you need any background? If the 50-capacity automobile factory is not a bluff, then this will be the largest single investment project in Lingnan Province in recent years. In this idea of ​​taking charge of the economy, no matter which province it is placed in , it is only natural for great leaders to step in.”

Although Lin Feng felt that Xiao Wu's question was a bit low-level, since Xiao Wu was the director's niece, he gave some pointers.

"I also studied the automobile industry last night. We now have three automobile factories in Wuyang, and none of these three has sold 50 yuan. How dare Guanghui Automobile build such a large factory? Is there something wrong with it?"

"You call it salty eating radish and worrying about it. Besides, since Guanghui Automobile is a subsidiary of Guanghui Group, there will be no major problems with this project.

I heard that when Guanghui Group entered the mobile phone industry, it considered whether to put it in Wuyang. However, it is said that the deputy mayor who was in charge of this work at that time did not believe that Guanghui Group could do a good job in mobile phones. They didn’t cooperate very much, and as a result, they put the project in Shenzhen.”

"That is the Guanghui mobile phone that produces Gphones in the back, right? I heard that this company is now a top-ranking enterprise in Shenzhen, and has made a great contribution to foreign exchange earnings through exports."

"Yeah, it's fine if you miss a Brilliant mobile phone, but if you miss another Brilliant car... Hehe, if the Brilliant car turns yellow, it may be nothing. If the Brilliant car is as popular as the Brilliant mobile phone, the leaders of Wuyang will have to buy it." Sit up."

"That's true".

"So, Guanghui Auto is backed by Guanghui Group, and Guanghui Group has large profit players such as Guanghui Mobile and Guanghui Games. No matter how bad the project of Guanghui Auto is, it will not be worse."

Lin Feng and Xiao Wu were chatting about Brilliant Automobile all the way, and soon arrived at the ceremony site.

Although the big leaders have not arrived yet, the ceremony has not yet begun.However, when Fang Linfeng came to the scene, he was still taken aback.

Wuyang Daily, Lingnan Daily, Nanfang Daily,,, Autohome, Daily Headlines, Wuyang Satellite TV, Shenzhen Satellite TV...

All kinds of media in the province and some media outside the province made the entire media sitting area very lively.

"Old Lin, the provincial TV station actually sent you here as a reporter. It seems that Director Wu also attaches great importance to this report." Zhou Lin and Lin Feng, reporters from Lingnan Provincial People's Daily Online, greeted each other.

The Lingnan Provincial People's Daily Online and Lingnan TV Station are both important official propaganda sites, and the reporters in charge of each know each other.

"It's not the same for you, there are not many events where you can understand that the reporter of Zhou University personally goes out," Lin Feng said to Zhou Lin while greeting friends around him.

"I heard that this project of Brilliant Automobile was personally supervised by the top leaders in the province."

"Well, I've heard that too. It is said that the investment is tens of billions. If there is no water, it is really worthy of the top leader to personally supervise."

The two chatted for a while, and when the city leaders began to arrive, the two began to work separately.

When the provincial leaders arrived, Lin Feng had already started to work at his best.

Lin Feng methodically commanded the photographers, videographers and other entourage to do various shooting tasks.

This type of activity is not difficult to shoot, but it is tiring.

Not to mention that I started to go to Taili early in the morning, and I had to follow the steps of the leaders to take shots at any time during the luncheon, and I might not even have time to eat.

What made Lin Feng even more depressed was that after the luncheon, the bigwigs in the province were going to meet Jiang Hui.

Lingnan TV Station needs to follow up and shoot all the official activities that the first and second leaders in the province participate in, and then quickly edit and broadcast them on the same day.

In this way, Lin Feng has to be busy from morning to afternoon. If you count the time to go back to the station to edit the video lights, it can be said that he is busy from morning to night.

"Brother Feng, my stomach has protested several times, why don't we take a break?" Xiao Wu said at the end of the luncheon.

"It's not like you haven't heard that Secretary Wang is going to meet Jiang Hui from Brilliant Motors soon. This is considered a formal event, and our station must participate in the filming."

"It turns out that being a reporter is so hard. It seems that after I graduate from university next year, I really have to seriously consider whether I want to be a reporter." Xiao Wu said with a look of disgust.

As a pampered and spoiled only child, Xiao Wu came to Lingnan TV Station for an internship purely on a whim.

In fact, she has a small background in her family, and she will go to work in the Propaganda Department of Wuyang City after graduation next year.

As for whether he can enter the Propaganda Department, this is not something Xiao Wu should worry about at all.

"Many people only see the bright side of the reporter, but ignore the hard work behind it. In fact, if you want to do a good job in any line of work, you must pay for it." Seeing that Xiao Wu and himself have worked hard for a long time For the sake of it, Lin Feng began to tell Xiao Wu some of his own experiences.

"That is, not to mention anything else, it is my uncle. Sometimes when I go to live in their house, I find that basically every day he comes home very late, and even when he is at home, he often receives work-related calls. I don’t have any private time of my own.”

"The more senior cadres are, the less private time they have, and what they gain is bound to lose. Well, let's not talk about it, the talks are about to start, let's go ahead and get ready."


(End of this chapter)

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