Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 657 Billion Investment

Chapter 657 Ten Billion Investment
It is said that the efficiency of government departments is low, but in fact it is not necessarily the case. The key still depends on what they are doing.

On July 2007, 7, the signing and groundbreaking ceremony for the Wuyang factory and R&D center project of Guanghui Motors began less than a week after preparations.

Of course, if Wuyang had considered the ceremony earlier, the real preparation time must have been more than a few days.

On July 7th, Jiang Hui and his team came to Wuyang from the imperial capital. In the afternoon, Jiang Hui first met with Zhang Dalong to learn about the development of the Weichat project, and then went to inspect the fifth website of The sheep office has a full schedule for the day.

"Mr. Jiang, this is the list of leaders attending tomorrow." During dinner that night, Liao Yun gave a list to Jiang Hui.

Generally, the schedule of a heavyweight leader is determined at the last minute. Wuyang's team was able to send the final list of personnel today, which is considered to be their best effort.

Jiang Hui just hoped that the attitude of these personnel would not change so much before and after signing the contract.

In Tianchao, when you invest in a project, before you decide to invest, leaders at all levels are very enthusiastic and dare to promise any conditions.

But after signing the contract, it is hard to say how much can be implemented.

Coastal cities as a whole are doing relatively well, but if they go to the mainland or outside Shanhaiguan, they will be completely unreliable.

In later generations, there is a saying that investing in Shanhaiguan is not enough.

It sounds a bit grandstanding, but it may actually be cruel. This is a lesson that many investors have spent real money to buy back.

"Will all the first and second in command of Lingnan and the first and second in command of Wuyang be present?" Jiang Hui took a look at the list and found that the level of attendees was higher than he imagined.

However, if you think about it seriously, it's actually easy to understand.

According to the plan of Guanghui Automobile, in the next three years, the investment of Guanghui Automobile in Wuyang will reach [-] billion.

Not to mention in 2007, even in 2017, a project with an investment of [-] billion can shock the first and second leaders in the province.

Speaking of which, Brilliant Auto's [-] billion yuan is actually not a one-time payment, although it does not mean that Brilliant Group really can't afford [-] billion yuan, but it doesn't need to be.

The project address of Brilliant Automobile is located in the suburbs east of Wuyang. Now the housing price there is less than 5000 yuan, and the land price is less than [-] yuan. This kind of discount, five thousand mu of land is about one billion yuan.

It seems that one billion yuan is quite a lot, but when calculated, it actually costs 300 yuan per level, or 20 yuan per mu.

The one billion yuan does not need to be paid in one lump sum, but paid in three installments according to the ratio of three, three, and four before the project is completed and put into production.

In other words, on the day of the signing ceremony, Brilliant Auto only needs to contribute [-] million yuan.

Of course, in order to imitate Brilliant Motors and take the opportunity to hoard land, Wuyang City also stipulates that the project must be laid and started at the same time. The foundation construction must be completed within the year and the plant frame construction and equipment bidding will begin.

In this way, Brilliant Automobile's almost one billion this year is enough to spend.

As for the follow-up, Wuyang City also said that it can help organize a group of banks to support Guanghui Automobile with loans. According to the city, it is no problem to borrow several billion.


The next day, Jiang Hui, the general manager of Brilliant Motors, arrived at the scene early in the morning.

After inspecting the preparation projects, and listening to the precautions put forward by the leaders of the municipal general office, they began to receive people at all levels who arrived one after another.

Although there was still more than an hour before the ten o'clock ceremony, the leaders of the district had already arrived.

According to the unspoken rules of the Celestial Dynasty, the higher the rank of the leader, the later they arrive.

This time the big bosses in the province are on the move, and the leaders in the districts and cities will definitely be out in advance.

At 55:[-], with the arrival of No. [-] car, all the people attending today's event were present.

For this event, two hosts, one male and one female, were invited from Lingnan TV.

At ten o'clock, the ceremony officially began. As the host, Jiang Hui was the first to be invited to speak on stage.

"Dear Secretary Wang..." Jiang Hui took about a minute to express his thanks.

"As the general manager of Brilliant Automobile, standing here today, I want to affirm my confidence in this project. As the largest Internet group in China, it is the first time for Brilliance Group to set foot in automobile manufacturing. The car came to express doubts."

"At this moment, how can I guarantee the success of this project? Those who should believe will continue to believe, and those who don't believe will still not believe."

"This reminds me of the scene when Guanghui Group just started to enter the mobile phone field. At that time, not many people believed that Guanghui mobile phones could succeed, but today's sales of Gphone have proved everything."

"The current monthly production and sales of Guanghui mobile phones are about 200 million units, and it will increase again soon. It is conservatively estimated that the overall production and sales of this year can reach 500 million units, with an output value of nearly [-] billion, making it the largest in Shenzhen and even Lingnan Province. export-earning enterprises".

"I firmly believe that Guanghui Automobile will have its own day of glory. Many people have doubts about Guanghui Automobile's one-time investment in the construction of a factory with a production capacity of 50, and feel that Guanghui Automobile is messing around."

"Those who are familiar with me know that any investment I make is targeted, some can be profitable immediately, and some things can be profitable later...".

"I personally have full confidence in China's economic development, China's auto market, and Brilliant Automobile."

"I believe that many years later, when everyone thinks back to today, they will find that they have witnessed the rise of an auto giant. You will see that the 100 billion investment of Guanghui Automobile is not just for fun, let alone in vain...".

It took Jiang Hui 10 minutes to make an ingenious speech. However, judging from the speeches of the leaders of the province and city, the leaders were quite satisfied with Jiang Hui's speech.

It took nearly an hour, and the signing ceremony between Guanghui Automobile and Wuyang City on investing in the construction of a 50 yuan automobile factory and R&D center project of Guanghui Automobile was officially held.

On the side of Brilliant Automobile, Jiang Hui personally acted as the signing representative, and on the side of Wuyang City, the top leader of the municipal government was also the representative.

In fact, it seems that for this ceremony, many people have spent a lot of effort to prepare. In fact, when signing the contract, it only takes a few minutes.

The same goes for the groundbreaking ceremony.

Before 11:30, all activities were over.

However, as the behind-the-scenes boss who rarely showed up, Jiang Hui shouldn't expect to be truly liberated after the ceremony. It just means the beginning of a new busy day.

Just now, the secretary of Nian, the top leader in the province, came to Jiang Hui in person, saying that after the luncheon, the big leader wanted to see Jiang Hui.

(End of this chapter)

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