Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 656 The reaction of the island country car companies

Chapter 656 The reaction of the island country car companies

With the development of modern construction technology, factory construction has become easier and easier.

The modular design and the extensive use of steel frames have greatly accelerated the construction speed of the factory building.

In the past, it usually took about three years to build an automobile factory, and if you count the early planning, it would be even longer.

Up to now, if you want to be fast, it is not an exaggeration to finish it within two years. Even if the plan is done well in advance, it is not too scary to complete it in one and a half years.

Of course, the premise is sufficient funds.

However, with the economic development of the Celestial Dynasty to the present, the price of land began to rise significantly, although compared with the price of later generations, it is still the price of cabbage.

However, compared with previous years, it is still obviously rising, which has led to more and more land-related disputes.

The most obvious ones are demolition and land acquisition.

Brilliant Automobile's factory site selection has actually been going on for a long time. Originally, at the beginning of this year, Jiang Hui hoped to complete this work in the first half of this year.

However, considering that the company's own demolition is too troublesome, it is easy to cause a commotion.

Therefore, after preliminarily selecting Wuyang City as the production base of Guanghui Automobile, Guanghui Automobile was discussing the land acquisition with several districts in the city.

For this reason, Pi Wei, the deputy general manager in charge of the project construction of Guanghui Automobile Factory, basically stayed in Wuyang for the past six months, and didn't even come back to participate in the recent model evaluation meeting.

Of course, it also has something to do with the fact that model development is not in his charge.

Up to now, the demolition and land acquisition of the [-] mu of land Brilliant Auto wanted has been completed.

Demolition is difficult, but when the demolition is related to the performance of the leader, no matter how difficult it is, it can be done.

The construction of a factory with a planned production capacity of 50 is enough to attract the attention of leaders at all levels.

If you don't pay attention to this kind of project, some other provinces and cities are willing to help you pay attention to it.

"Mr. Jiang, Wuyang hopes that we will hold a signing and foundation laying ceremony next week. It seems that the leaders of the province will also attend." Pi Wei returned to the imperial capital from Wuyang to report on the construction of the Guanghui Automobile Factory.

In order to win the investment from Brilliant Automobile, Wuyang City also made great efforts.

Although the current land is not as tight as it is in later generations, it takes a lot of courage to requisition 5000 acres of land for Guanghui Automobile at one time.

In fact, the site selection for the factory was basically finalized in April, and the rest is to wait for the local government to help with land acquisition and demolition.

Fortunately, that piece of land is mainly farmland, and there are only a handful of buildings on it, so this month, it was finally all completed, and it was just waiting for the Brilliant Automobile to officially settle in.

"It's a barren land, what kind of foundation laying ceremony is going on now, it's nothing to watch." Jiang Hui is now becoming less and less interested in such meaningless ceremonies.

"It is true for us, but for Wuyang City, they don't think so. Our project is the largest new investment project in 2007, and it is also a very important political achievement," Pi Wei said .

If a car project with a plan of 50 yuan can really achieve this production and sales data, then the number of jobs it will attract, the tax revenue it will bring, and the increase in GDP will all be very impressive.

Generally speaking, a car company with 50 yuan needs about 1 employees, not counting R&D personnel, and this is only the employees of the car company itself.

If the associated parts companies and 4S shops and other personnel are counted, this number can be added with a zero.

Although Wuyang City is a first-tier big city with many job opportunities, there are still very few companies that can bring tens of thousands of new high-quality jobs at one time, and it can even be said that there is not one in a few years.

Not to mention, after the completion of this project, it can directly bring in tens of billions, indirectly bring in hundreds of billions of GDP growth, and tens of billions in tax revenue every year.

This is why the governments of all regions in later generations like and welcome automobile companies to build factories in their jurisdictions. It is really that the automobile industry has brought too many benefits to the region.

"Since they have a good idea, let's do it." Jiang Hui felt that since Wuyang wanted to do this kind of irrelevant matter, although he had no interest in it, he still followed Wuyang City's wishes to do it.

"Well, then I'll contact the Municipal Office later to finalize the specific time, and then I'll make an appointment with Secretary Liao." Seeing that Jiang Hui finally agreed, Pi Wei heaved a sigh of relief.

Otherwise, he who was caught in the middle would have a headache.


After Pi Wei contacted Wuyang City, the other party finalized the specific schedule that day.It is reckoned that in fact, people have already decided on it, and they are just putting on airs in terms of form.

Otherwise, to coordinate the attendance of so many leaders, but to confirm the schedule five days in advance, there must be many leaders who cannot spare time.

Sometimes, it’s not just a matter of saying that there are so many opportunities in the day. There are meetings and meetings, and the schedules of the leaders are full.

After the two parties finalized the signing and the groundbreaking ceremony, Wuyang City released the news to the public and began to arrange the content of the ceremony in detail. Brilliant Automobile will cooperate accordingly.

Of course, Brilliant Automobile also announced this information on its official Weibo.

Netizens didn’t respond much to this piece of news that didn’t have much content. After all, Brilliant Automobile has neither released pictures of its models nor announced its investment amount, so there is not much information that can attract netizens.

However, on the contrary, the auto industry's response to this matter is much more enthusiastic.

The first to jump out to comment are Nissan, Honda and Toyota, which have joint ventures and are also located in Wuyang.

Nissan’s official Weibo: Aggressive investment strategies are no longer suitable for the current era. A company that has never made a car would suddenly invest in a factory with a production capacity of 50. It can only be said that ignorant people are fearless.

Honda's official Weibo: Adhering to the rolling development model, small investment and large output, this has always been the development principle of Honda in China.Since the first model Accord was launched in Tianchao in 1998, after ten years, it has now reached 50. The arrival of 50 is the result of ten years of hard work. The development of the automobile industry cannot be achieved overnight!
Toyota's official Weibo: In the Internet industry, there may be all kinds of skyrocketing prices, but the real industry still needs to be down-to-earth and step by step. Be careful if you take too big a step and get involved.

Tianchao's auto market is huge, but its development is uneven. As far as 2007 is concerned, East China and South China are the two largest regions.

And South China is the stronghold of Japanese companies. Brilliant Motors suddenly rushed into the stronghold of others. It is no wonder that those few island country car companies jumped out collectively.

This is equivalent to Brilliant Automobile's door-to-door, and it is still a factory with a one-time investment of 50 production capacity.

Of the three car companies in the island country, none of them has a production capacity of 50 in Wuyang.

(End of this chapter)

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