Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 655 Model Evaluation Meeting

Chapter 655 Model Evaluation Meeting

The auto market in 2007 can be described as turbulent, and China's auto consumption has completely embarked on an upward path.

The Brilliant Automobile Development Team first reported the overall situation of the Tianchao Automobile Market.

Throughout the first half of 2007, China's auto market maintained a growth rate of [-]%, and along with this, major auto companies started a price war.

The price war in 2007 was mainly based on official price cuts by manufacturers. Since the beginning of the year, many manufacturers have started to cut prices officially, and 4S stores have promoted the price war on the basis of price reductions by manufacturers, making the price war fierce. Many models have set new sales records.

First, the price of the whole series of Excelle was reduced by 7000-10000 yuan; then the price of the whole series of Volkswagen in the north was reduced, and the price of Sagitar was reduced by 2.1 yuan at the highest; In addition, the main models of Dongnan Automobile and Long-distance Automobile have also undergone price adjustments.

Immediately afterwards, more than a dozen companies including Peugeot Citroen, Qirui, Fiat, Yueda Kia, and nearly a hundred models all lowered their prices...

This is just the beginning of price cuts in the Chinese auto market, and it is far from the end.

In later generations, the price of almost everything is increasing, but the price of home appliances and cars has basically been falling.

"This price positioning is a bit high. I think at least it can be done: the starting price of medium and large SUVs should be 19.98, the starting price of large SUVs is 24.98, and the starting price of medium-sized SUVs is 14.98."

Regarding the pricing of the sales team of Guanghui Automobile, Jiang Hui thinks it is still too high.

Of course, looking at this price from the current point of time, it is actually very competitive.

However, considering that these models will not be put into production until the end of next year at the earliest, they will continue to be sold for five or six years. Although there will be small changes in the middle, the main body will not change.

So Jiang Hui hopes to set a price that will be competitive for a long time.

"Mr. Jiang, in fact, our current price is an average of [-] to [-] cheaper than the mainstream joint venture brands in the market. Compared with imported cars, the advantage is even greater. If the price is further reduced, the profit margin will be affected." .

"The planned number of units you set is too small. The monthly sales of medium and large SUVs are 3000 units, the monthly sales of medium-sized SUVs are 5000 units, and the monthly sales of large SUVs are 2000 units. With such a number, the cost must be high."

The monthly sales of any SUV in the later generations will exceed ten thousand, or even tens of thousands. Obviously, in Jiang Hui's eyes, the current number of projects is too conservative.

"Mr. Jiang, the number of our vehicles is determined by a professional market research company. According to the current market environment, we preliminarily judge that Guanghui Automobile is a new brand, and it is relatively difficult to achieve good results."

"No, I have a different point of view from yours. Of course, Guanghui Automobile is a brand new brand with a weak foundation, but I have confidence in our models, I have confidence in China's auto market, and I have confidence in the growth of SUVs. As far as you guys are concerned The current number of planned units, I think multiplied by three is about the same, and even this is still a conservative figure."

After Jiang Hui finished speaking, everyone was stunned. It is estimated that these people had never heard of the boss directly multiplying the goal by three in his previous company.

In their eyes, an upward adjustment of 50.00% is already an astonishing figure.

But what I hear now is three, not zero point three.

After chilling out the closet at the scene, Kato said, "Mr. Jiang, I believe our car model is the most beautiful, but if we plan to triple the number of cars currently planned, won't it be too radical?".

"No, just plan according to three times the number of units, and I will be responsible for all consequences."

Regarding the number of units, Jiang Hui felt that there was no way to convince them no matter what.

From the perspective of 2007, no one would set such a high goal for a new model of a new car company.

Since it is impossible to persuade others, then there is no need to persuade.He directly used his own rights to make a final decision with one hammer.

Anyway, Brilliant Automobile is its own wholly-owned holding company, and no other shareholders jumped out to make trouble.

Seeing Jiang Hui's firm attitude, and considering Jiang Hui's past success stories, everyone also acquiesced to Jiang Hui's decision.

"If that's the case, then our price can indeed be lowered," Kato said after struggling for a while.

"Well, let's continue to read the following content."

At different stages of a model development, there are different technical evaluation meetings, and the content of the evaluation is naturally different.

In addition to confirming the clay model today, the focus is on introducing the market positioning, price target, and main equipment configuration of each model.

In fact, when Jiang Hui arranged the design of today's three models, he basically determined the market positioning, so although the content of this part is very important, there are not many places to criticize.

The determination of the price target is very critical.

In Tianchao, whether the appearance of the car is good-looking and whether the price is reasonable are the most important concerns of consumers.

The determination of the sales price can also be combined with the income target to introduce the cost target.

Only by setting reasonable cost targets can we determine equipment configuration and supply system arrangements, etc.

In this regard, in fact, Guanghui Automobile has an advantage that all other car companies do not have, that is, Guanghui Group has many leading Internet companies that can help with publicity and promotion. The promotion cost of Guanghui Automobile will definitely be lower than other competitors, and Better results.

These days, the smell of wine is also afraid of deep alleys!

If you don't let more consumers know and understand your model, it will be very difficult to improve sales.

Obviously, Brilliant Auto has no worries in this regard!
As for the equipment configuration, this is actually closely related to the price and model positioning.

If you have a 10,000+ model, you will definitely not consider configuring an air suspension and forged wheels.

Similarly, your 10,000+ model must not even have a side airbag.

Other automatic air conditioning, navigation, xenon headlights, leather seats, etc. also need to be carefully considered in combination with the price and model positioning.

Although the car level of Tianchao continues to decline, but overall, the configuration is constantly improving.

How to strike a balance between rich configuration and cost is the specific consideration of the sales planning department.

"Brilliant Motors has only been established for more than a year, and it has only been more than two years including the preliminary planning. It is inseparable from everyone's efforts to make it to today step by step. Generally speaking, I am still very satisfied with the development progress of these models. Satisfied, I hope that in the coming time, everyone can make persistent efforts and strive to make our glorious cars appear on the streets as soon as possible... ".

At the end of the evaluation meeting, Jiang Hui made a concluding speech, and the development of Brilliant Automobile has entered a new stage.

The long-prepared factory construction can be considered to start.

(End of this chapter)

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