Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 654 Clay Model

Chapter 654 Clay Model
Brilliant Automobile Research Institute now has more than [-] people.

Under the leadership of Kato, a skilled worker, several senior executives have been recruited one after another, and they have gradually entered the right track.

In addition to Kato, those who participated in the technical evaluation meeting today include Li Lin, a Chinese-American who was recruited from GM this year and is responsible for the development of electrical appliances; Changgang and others who came over to be in charge of the design.

Before officially starting the report, Jiang Hui visited the 1:1 clay model under the leadership of Kato.

With the development of electronic technology, computer-aided design has been widely used in the design process. Basically, every OEM will use design software such as CATIA or UG.

But the clay model is still widely used because of its high efficiency and authenticity of performance.

For almost all world-renowned automobile companies, making clay models is a very important part of the design process.

Since car styling is actually a sculpture process, it is necessary to use clay that is easy to process and modify by hand, so that the exterior design can be modified more quickly and in a timely manner, and the results can be seen intuitively.

The front of the relatively realistic clay model is now made. If you don't look carefully or touch it with your hands, you can't tell whether it is a real car or a model.

"Mr. Jiang, this one is the clay model of our medium and large SUV, the internal code is GH01. Our stylist combined the sketch provided by you and made a 1:1 model after many revisions."

In the Guanghui Automobile Trial Workshop in the northwest corner of the first floor of the Guanghui Building, there are three clay models. Kato is now introducing the outermost model to Jiang Hui.

The appearance design of this GH01 is very precise and elegant. The design of the front face gives people a sense of domineering.

The side line design is also very smooth, showing a full sporty atmosphere, and the two rough waistlines start from the fenders to the taillights.

Compared with all SUVs on the market today, this model has no rivals in appearance. After all, the renderings are based on the best-selling model Toyota Highlander ten years later.

"This taillight can be properly protruded to the sides to create a more spacious feeling," Jiang Hui said, turning around the model.

On the whole, Jiang Hui is very satisfied with the shape of this car, but considering that Chinese consumers generally have a tendency to buy cars that are bigger and better.

Jiang Hui felt that it was necessary to make a car appear larger through the shape of the four doors, two covers, bumpers and headlights while the wheelbase and wheelbase remained unchanged.

In Tianchao, most people think that the big car has a lot of space and is comfortable to ride; some people think that the big car looks grand and elegant; some think that the big car looks more beautiful.

Anyway, the bigger the better!This is very similar to the United States.

In fact, a large body will have many disadvantages.

Most directly, it is naturally more difficult to park a large car, especially for novice or female users.For those drivers who rarely drive or drive "big cars", parking a 5-meter-long car in a small parking space will definitely be a little stressful.

Moreover, the one with a larger body generally has a higher grade, is more expensive, and has a larger displacement and higher fuel consumption.

However, no matter how many shortcomings there are, they are not as good as consumers liking this one, so Jiang Hui still hopes that all the products of Guanghui Automobile will meet the market demand.

"If this is the case, will the two taillights look abrupt after all?" Li Lin said.

"This requires fine-tuning the appearance of the car body, mainly the tailgate, to make the changes of the taillights as smooth as possible."

Jiang Hui is talking about the successful experience of various brands in later generations, which have been tested by the market, so he speaks with confidence.

"Then we will start to adjust it in the afternoon, and resubmit a plan in two days."

"There is another one. The shape of this aluminum wheel is too mediocre and has no bright spots. I hope it will be cut with a bright surface, which looks like black and white."

As a very important appearance part, aluminum wheels are one of the products that are most likely to highlight the personality of the model.

Generally speaking, high-end models of sports cars and luxury cars use forged rims, ordinary cars use cast aluminum alloys, and low-end models use steel rims.

In fact, from the perspective of quality, any specification can meet the requirements, but the forged shape can be richer and more slender, which looks high-end.

Brilliant Automobile's GH01 will naturally not use the expensive forged wheels, but the most widely used aluminum alloy casting wheels.

"Bright cutting may be easier to rust."

"You can increase the film thickness when painting. The aluminum alloy itself is not easy to corrode. There should be no problem after thickening and painting. You can determine the specific parameters in subsequent tests."

"Thick film coating should be able to solve this problem, but the coating fee will rise to a certain extent."

"Necessary cost changes are acceptable".

Next, Jiang Hui successively visited cars GH02 and GH03, which are medium-sized SUVs and large SUVs.

In fact, from the editing of the internal code, we can see the importance of the model.

Medium and large seven-seater/five-seater SUVs are the focus of promotion, medium-sized SUVs are the supporting models for sales, and large SUVs are the representative models of brand height.

According to the current models of Brilliant Motors, with reasonable pricing, it is not a problem to achieve monthly sales of [-] to [-].

Looking at the Harvard H6 of later generations, it sold more than 7 units a month at its peak, and medium-sized SUVs such as the legendary GS4 can also sell more than 3 units. Medium and large SUVs such as Toyota Highlander and Volkswagen Touron are in short supply.

In the context of the overall rapid growth of the domestic auto market, the increase in the market share of SUV models has not attracted the attention of many OEMs.

After 2015, the major car companies are desperately pushing all kinds of large, medium and small SUVs, because at that time, the growth rate of SUVs has been much higher than that of cars.

When Jiang Hui came back from his rebirth, SUVs had already accounted for half of passenger car sales, and some analysts believe that the proportion will eventually reach [-]%.

Judging from the sales volume of 2500 million passenger cars a year in the future, [-]% of the market share... is enough for Brilliant Automobile to rush in and carry forward.

"The appearance of these three models, as a whole, can be used to generate drawing data according to the current clay model, and start to prepare prototypes. The details will be adjusted this week."

Jiang Hui then made some comments on GH02 and GH03.

Because these models themselves are made according to the appearance drawings drawn by Jiang Hui with his golden finger, the general direction is in line with Jiang Hui's requirements.

A good start is half the battle. The future of Brilliant Auto is still worth looking forward to.

(End of this chapter)

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