Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 660 The Repercussion Caused by Brilliant Cars

Chapter 660 The Repercussion Caused by Brilliant Cars

The signing and foundation laying ceremony of Brilliant Automobile in Wuyang, as well as the interview with Secretary Tianwang, gave Brilliance Group a sense of presence in Lingnan Province.

In Jiang Hui's hometown, when it's meal time, many families like to watch the news of Lingnan TV.

"Hey, Dad, is that Jiang Hui from Uncle Jiang's house in our village on TV?" Jiang Yifa is a teacher in a local elementary school, and it is summer vacation, and his daughter, who is a freshman, is also going home for the summer vacation.

"Didn't you say that Secretary Wang of the Provincial Party Committee was receiving guests? How could it be Jiang Hui?" Jiang Yifa said as he came out of the kitchen with dishes.

"Really, you can see that the host has already mentioned his name, so it must be him."

"I didn't expect that Jiang Hui to be so powerful. I didn't see it when I was a child. Before, your mother and Jiang Hui's mother were still close friends, and your brother and Jiang Hui were still elementary school classmates."

"That's right, then ask your mother and aunt to mention it later, and see if you can let me go to Guanghui Mobile for an internship."

"Isn't your school in Shenzhen better? It should be easy to get in, right?"

In the eyes of parents, their children are the best, especially in rural areas. If their children are admitted to university, Liu feels even more amazing and thinks that time is omnipotent.

"It's not as simple as you think. In the second half of the year, I will only be a sophomore. Not to mention that I can't compare with the seniors, seniors, and graduate students, and I can't compare with the masters from all over the country."

Glory Mobile is now a well-known company in China, and its popularity is still rising like a rocket.

Naturally, the recruitment of Guanghui Mobile has attracted widespread attention, even the recruitment of interns.

"Then I'll go back and ask."


Xu Yixin's class group.

"Xinxin, is your boss so rich? Now the investment is in tens of billions."

"Yes, yes, it's too scary. If this money is used to make movies, how many years can it be made?"

"I really regret why I didn't sign up for driving lessons with you at the beginning."

"I'm also going to Guanghui Film and Television, asking for introductions and support."

"I said, don't be an idiot. The 100 billion was paid by the headquarters of Guanghui Group. How can our company pay that much money? How can a film and television company make so much money?"

"Xinxin, you don't know how to be blessed while you are in the blessing."

"That's right, a full man doesn't know a hungry man is hungry."

"Speaking of which, when will you introduce Boss Jiang to us?"

"Haha~ You are not afraid of being caught by us first, are you?"


Imperial city government.

"Haven't you heard of the news that Brilliance Automobile invested 100 billion yuan to build a factory in Wuyang?" the deputy mayor in charge of industry said angrily to the director of the China Merchants Bureau.

"They haven't contacted us. I didn't know about it until the Wuyang government announced that it would sign an agreement with Guanghui Auto a few days ago."

"You haven't heard anything about the 100 billion investment? How many industries can be driven by such a large investment, how many jobs and taxes can be added? You are dereliction of duty, do you understand the dereliction of duty?"

"As soon as I heard that Guanghui Motors was going to sign an agreement with Wuyang, I arranged for people to contact Guanghui Group. But the other party said that this matter has been settled and the land has been acquired, and they did not mention to me that they would invest 100 billion yuan. , I thought it was just a small fight of billions."

"The Guanghui Group was established in the Imperial Capital, and its headquarters is also in the Imperial Capital. But look, first the Guanghui mobile phone and the Guanghui drone went to Shenzhen City, and now the Guanghui Automobile has gone to Wuyang. What do you ask the superiors to do?" What do you think of us? Investors in their own jurisdiction have been snatched away, what will other investors think? Do they think there is a problem with our investment environment? Do they think there is a problem with our government’s handling of affairs? Use your head to think Think about whether it's good or not."

"When I go back, I will immediately call the people from Guanghui Group to explain and see what they think."

"You are a pig. At this time, you still ask people to come and report and explain to you? Do you want them to move all the companies away from the imperial capital? You don't need to worry about this matter. I will ask the general office to contact them. I will Find a time to go over and investigate, and then you will go with me."


Shenzhen Municipal Government.

"How is the Guanghui phone running recently? Have you encountered any problems?"

"No, I just visited their company last week and asked them to ask for help from the government. If I can do it, I will do it right away. If I can't, I will ask the leaders for help. , they didn't ask any questions."

"Then have they mentioned to you about building a car factory before?"

"It was mentioned informally, and when Brilliant Motors was incorporated last year, it seemed to have sparked heated discussions on the Internet.

However, Guanghui Group has never been involved in the automobile industry, and we have never heard of any car company they have cooperated with, so we did not expect that Guanghui Automobile would invest 100 billion to build a factory with a production capacity of 50. "

"The affairs of Guanghui Group cannot be treated with common sense. When Guanghui Mobile went to build a factory in your district, did you ever think that they would have the results they have today?"

"Mayor, I have to review this point. I am indeed a little lax and have not looked at Guanghui Group from a higher perspective."

"Schedule a time, let me go to Guanghui Mobile for a walk. If there are no accidents, Guanghui Mobile should be the company with the largest output value in your district this year, and it will also be the company with the largest output value in our market. In the future, it will even be the company in our city and even The largest company in our province."

"I'll contact Mr. Dai as soon as I get back, and set the schedule for your inspection as soon as possible."


Wuyang Automobile Group.

"Brilliant Auto has invested 100 billion in our city to build a factory and R&D center with a production capacity of 50. What do you think?" the boss of Wuyang Automobile Group said to a group of ministers below at the weekly meeting.

"Internet companies like to tell stories the most. I think the project of Brilliance Motors may be yellow."

"It is too radical to build a factory with a capacity of 50 at one time."

"The city didn't even have any contact with us during this ceremony, do they have any thoughts about us?"

"Actually, I think that no matter how the Guanghui Automobile project is, at least it can be seen that the province and the city attach great importance to it."

A group of ministers expressed their views one after another.

"What our group is selling now is the joint venture car factory with Toyota and Honda, and the joint motorcycle factory with Honda. Others are not good, but you haven't discovered that these companies are all joint ventures? The technology is controlled by foreign parties. hands."

"You mean that our group should also consider establishing its own car brand?"

"Yes, I think we need to build the group's own brand of passenger cars this year to make it bigger and stronger..."

Wuyang Automobile Group Passenger Vehicle Company, which was originally established in the second half of 2008, seems to have been established a year earlier.

The stone of Brilliant Automobile is thrown into the deep pool of China's auto market, and it will surely bring more and more waves.

(End of this chapter)

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