Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 661 New Employee Induction Speech

Chapter 661 New Employee Induction Speech

Guanghui Group recruited approximately [-] fresh graduates and [-] experienced employees in its [-]-person recruitment plan last year.

Among them, all the employees with work experience have already arrived at their respective jobs, and part of the campus recruitment is that the graduate students who graduated in March have already started working. Now there are only employees who have entered the same time period as Jiang Hui, and the newcomers who have just completed a month Training, ready to work.

For a large company, newcomer training is a must-have job. Tell employees about rules and regulations, talk about corporate culture, talk about company development plans, and stimulate employees' enthusiasm for work.

In short, it is to allow new employees who are still a blank sheet of paper to start working in accordance with the circles and rules drawn by the company.

For many small companies, the cost of spending a month on newcomer training is too high.

At this time, the so-called newcomer training is often just a brief talk for a day and a half, and then you have to start working for the capitalists.

Among the new employees of Guanghui Group, about [-] are still in the Guanghui Building in the imperial capital. Before they rushed to work, Liu Chujing, the head of the group's personnel department, specially asked Jiang Hui to give a speech to the new employees.

For these new employees, listening to Jiang Hui's speech at this time must be very different from listening to lectures during college.

"Mr. Jiang, I'm sorry, I asked you to come and give a speech to everyone as soon as you got off the plane." Liu Chujing followed Jiang Hui to the speech hall.

The lobby on the first floor of the Guanghui Building was built with consideration for some program needs of Guanghui Film and Television and the needs of the group conference in the future. The largest hall can accommodate more than 3000 people.

However, the plan couldn't keep up with the changes, and with the current number of employees of Guanghui Group, it was already impossible to find a place within itself to hold an all-staff meeting.

"What are you talking about? I'm the general manager of the company. It's only natural for me to come back and say a few words to everyone before officially joining the company," Jiang Hui said as he walked.

When Liao Yun and Pan Wei walked ahead and opened the door of the hall, Jiang Hui took a deep breath and walked directly to the stage.

At the moment Jia Jianghui first appeared in the lobby, I don't know if Liu Chujing had arranged it in advance, anyway, there was a thunderous applause from below.

"I heard from Minister Liu that there are 110 and [-] employees present today. As a boss, I am very pleased that so many fresh blood can join our big group at the same time." As soon as he took the stage, Jiang Hui looked around On the spot, he started his speech directly.

"Let me tell a little story first. I know a senior who graduated from university the year before last. He is 23 years old. He should be about the same age as most of the people here." The new employees who come out of the ivory tower can transform from a student to a social person as soon as possible.

"I went to my girlfriend's house to meet my parents for the first time. In fact, they have met before, but only in the video. This time is different, it is a kind invitation from my girlfriend's parents."

"Sitting in front of a table full of meals, the scene was too formal, and the senior was a little uneasy. Halfway through the meal, the girlfriend's father really started to ask questions, first some irrelevant topics, and then changed the subject: When will I buy a house? "

"Besides, my girlfriend's mother also casually said that the son-in-law of Lao Liu next door just bought a three-bedroom and two-living room."

"The senior doesn't know what to say. His head is full of the salary card that is less than 5000 yuan a month. In the first two years, most of the graduates who graduated from engineering have a salary of less than 5000 yuan. Even if you are Graduated from 985 and 211."

Although the story Jiang Hui told was not the story of a real senior, it actually happened to a classmate of his in the previous life.

"Then, the atmosphere turned cold. The senior finished his meal in a hurry, found an excuse that he had something to do with the company, and returned on the same day. A week later, the senior asked his girlfriend out, and they broke up peacefully."

Probably did not expect Jiang Hui to tell this story as soon as he came up, the scene was silent, there was no applause or voice.

"Although the senior looked at his girlfriend's tears like a broken dam, he still walked away calmly. It wasn't that he was calm, but that he began to understand that love that can't talk about money is destined to not go far. In love, you can No money, but no marriage."

"You may not have experienced buying a house, and you will not know how important money is; you may not have experienced family members getting sick, and you will not know how indispensable money is; of course, your monthly salary does not know 5000 yuan, and it may not be enough. I don’t know what the money is for.”

"Students, this is the last time I call you classmates! I ask you to work hard, not because I am your boss, but because I hope that you will have the right to choose in the future, and choose a meaningful and time-consuming life. "

"Everyone is still young, take advantage of their youth to work hard and earn money. Why do you have to work hard to make money when you are young? Not to become rich, nor to enjoy.

But one day, you have the confidence to say, I can live a better life.You also have the confidence to say to your loved ones: Honey, don't be afraid, I have everything. "

"I once heard a middle-aged friend say: When I was young, I thought money was the most important thing. Now that I'm older, I realize that's true."

When Jiang Hui said this, there was finally a little laughter at the scene, followed by a burst of applause.

"For most people, a job, a job that is meaningful and earns money, is very important. Of course, if you are a rich second generation, then just pretend that I didn't say anything."

"I'm not advocating that everyone focus on money blindly. You can do anything for money. This is not the purpose of what I said. I just hope that after you leave school, you can enter the working state faster and understand more about the reality of this society... ..."

"Many people think about getting rich overnight. Is there a way to get rich overnight? Of course there is, and it is clearly written in the criminal law."

As soon as he finished saying this, the audience roared with laughter.

"Everyone works hard, there will be bread, milk, and bonuses..."

"Finally, let me say one more thing: Don't pretend that you don't love money when you are young. You should work harder, harder, and harder. Say the important thing three times, okay, thank you all."

After Jiang Hui finished speaking, he left the stage and returned the scene to Liu Chujing.

"Thank you Mr. Jiang for his deafening speech. As a person who has worked for many years, I can quite feel the deep meaning contained in Mr. Jiang's words.

Guanghui Group is a sunrise enterprise, a thriving enterprise, and an enterprise that attaches great importance to employee benefits and treatment.

I believe that as long as everyone works hard, you can find your place in the group. No matter which subsidiary company you are in, you will have a bright future. "

Liu Chujing came to the stage and made a brief concluding speech. Today's new employee meeting is over.

After all, tomorrow is another day!

(End of this chapter)

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