Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 664 Feeling the Chill

Chapter 664 Feeling the Chill
With regard to the global financial crisis from 2007 to 2008, if a few years later, anyone can talk with eloquence and give a bunch of analysis opinions.

All kinds of experts have published some articles they published in their early years, arguing that they once had "foresight" and predicted the crisis, but unfortunately no one believed it.

However, at this time in early August 2007, apart from Jiang Hui, I am afraid that few people dare to swear that the crisis is about to erupt, right?

Some "bricks" who bet on the same articles all day long are not counted.

"Mr. Jiang, do you really think that a financial crisis is about to break out?" Guan Weidong confirmed Jiang Hui's thoughts again.

"It's a premonition. It is said that people are not happy in a hundred days, and flowers are not prosperous in a day. The global economy has been developing rapidly for many years, and it is impossible to continue at such a fast pace." Naturally, Jiang Hui would not tell Guan Weidong about his true love. Judging the reason, but saying something that is universally applicable.

"If this is the case, then maybe our feast is about to begin," Guan Weidong said, looking at Jiang Hui with bright eyes.

It was fine just now, but all of a sudden, like a hungry wolf seeing fat, Jiang Hui is really not used to managing Weidong's changes.

"Oh, what do you mean by that?" Jiang Hui asked a little curiously.

"This is what I think. If the financial crisis is coming, the stock market will definitely plummet, and the prices of various assets will also plummet. If we can find a suitable opportunity to short the stocks of some companies, we will earn a few fortunes, and then Following the opportunity of the financial crisis, we will acquire some companies in the global trend, and wait until the crisis is over..." Guan Weidong spoke excitedly for five or six minutes.

Guan Weidong's thoughts are actually correct if he is wrong.As long as you find the right node, you will definitely have no problem entering the market to make a fortune.

However, you can't eat too much, if you want to take advantage of this opportunity to earn more money from people around the world, you still need to work hard.

"Old Guan, let's do this, you come back and make an investment plan, and I'll think about what to do."

Anyway, the financial crisis has just begun, and it is far from reaching its climax.

I didn't see that the Tianchao Shanghai Stock Exchange Index is only over 4000, and there is still some distance from the highest of over 6000.

When he drops from more than 6000 to more than 1000, that is the arrival of the "feast" in the global financial market.

"Okay, no problem, shall we continue to have a holiday in August?"

"Let's go, wait for your plan to come out, and we will re-enter the international crude oil futures market in September."


On August 2007, 8, two hedge funds under the Macquarie Group in Australia suffered a loss of more than 1% last month due to the US subprime mortgage problem; the stock market plummeted on the same day.

On August 2007, 8, the German Industrial Bank announced a profit warning, and later estimated that there was a loss of 2 billion euros, because the "Rhineland Fund" with a scale of 82 billion euros and the bank itself participated in a small amount in the US real estate market. suffered huge losses in the primary mortgage market business.

The German central bank convened the national banking industry to discuss a package plan to rescue the German industrial bank.

On August 2007, 8, Tianchao Bank announced that it would increase the reserve amount for subprime housing loans in the United States, letting the market know that the problem is not just HSBC, but the problem of the entire global banking industry.

Immediately afterwards, American Home Mortgage Investment Corporation, the tenth largest mortgage lender in the United States, formally filed for bankruptcy protection on August 2007, 8, becoming another large mortgage lender in the United States to file for bankruptcy after New Century Financial Corporation.

On the same day, global stock markets plummeted again due to the US subprime housing credit problem.

On August 2007, 8, Bear Stearns, the fifth largest investment bank in the United States, announced the closure of two of its funds, also due to the subprime mortgage crisis.

On August 2007, 8, France's largest bank, BNP Paribas, announced that it would freeze three of its funds, which also suffered huge losses from investing in US subprime mortgage bonds.The move sent European stock markets tumbling.


On August 2007, 8, the global stock market plummeted for the fourth time due to the US subprime housing credit problem.

The subprime mortgage crisis has begun to sweep the world.

Cancel the recruitment!

Lower bonuses!

Consider layoffs!


People in the financial industry were the first to feel the chill in this wave of crisis.

Along with the turmoil in the stock market, crude oil prices have begun to fall after hitting new highs in early August.

Of course, Jiang Hui knew that these declines were temporary, and the madness was yet to come.

"Mr. Guan, why do I feel that even though I am in the Maldives and the surrounding temperature is close to [-] degrees, why is my heart so cold?" said Chen Xiaojian, who is in charge of the stock market investment business of the Guanghui Investment Finance Department, who is on vacation.

"Thank you Mr. Jiang, we escaped a catastrophe." Although Guan Weidong couldn't go to work for the whole of August like everyone else, he still took a week out and brought the employees of the finance department to the Maldives for a public-funded tour.

"This market is changing too fast. At the beginning of last month, the World Bank predicted that the global economic growth rate will hit a new high this year. Unexpectedly, there will be flames everywhere in the blink of an eye," Chen Xiaojian said with emotion.

"Everyone should relax this month and just watch the excitement from the sidelines. We will report the new investment plan to Mr. Jiang next month. I have a hunch that the era of our glorious investment is coming."

"Mr. Guan, joining Guanghui Investment is the most correct choice I have made in my life."

"Get out, stop being so sensational, I don't want to eat your tricks."

After chatting for a while, the two began to digress.


Wall Street.

This is a narrow street in Lower Manhattan, New York City, USA.

The name of a large street extending from Broadway Road to the East River from the southern part of Manhattan in New York City. It is only one-third of a mile long and 11 meters wide. It is a transliteration of the English "Wall Street".

The street is narrow and short, only 7 blocks from Broadway to the East River, but it is known as "the financial center of the United States".

The management offices of banking, insurance, shipping, railway and other companies established by the Morgan chaebol, the Rockefeller oil king and the DuPont consortium are concentrated here.

The famous New York Stock Exchange is also here, and it is still the headquarters of several major exchanges: such as Nasdaq, American Stock Exchange, New York Futures Exchange and so on.

Near noon, the street was crowded with tourists and pedestrians. Suddenly, there was a sound of "someone jumped off the building" from the pedestrians.

When the financial crisis comes, there are always some people who cannot stand the blow and cannot accept the reality that yesterday they were worth millions, but today they are penniless, and even have millions in debt.

This is just the beginning, and it is far from the end.

(End of this chapter)

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