Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 671 Investment "2012"

Chapter 671 Investment "2012"

Historically, the vigorous development of the Hollywood film industry and film financing are inseparable.

In terms of attracting funds from outside the industry, especially Wall Street funds, the licensing of the US legal system and the innovation of the financial system have made outstanding contributions.

In just 50 years, there have been three waves of influx of funds from outside the industry into the film industry.

The first wave appeared in the 70s. The tax incentives provided by the US tax law attracted a large number of individual investors. The funds invested in film production can be depreciated in advance in the short term, and can be used as a tax withholding amount until 1986. In [-], the US tax reform stopped this flow.

The second wave began in 1995, when the theory of investment portfolio was applied to film investment, insurance funds and retirement funds flocked.

In a portfolio, there are usually 20-25 films with different styles, which greatly reduces the risk of investors and allows the funds to obtain satisfactory returns.

The third wave began in 2004. Wall Street private equity funds began to join the army of film investment, appearing in the form of film investment funds. This kind of cooperation between Wall Street and Hollywood has continued to this day and will continue.

However, affected by the subprime mortgage crisis, Wall Street is now overwhelmed, and various funds have to urgently reduce their investment scale.

This is why Finland doesn't think that Roland can get funds from Wall Street.

Of course, Finland didn't expect that Roland was looking for Guanghui Film and Television.

As the president of Columbia Pictures, one of the eight major Hollywood film groups in the United States, Finland not only pays attention to the films of other companies, but also pays attention to the popular TV series in the United States.

"Beautiful Poison Master", invested and filmed by Guanghui Film and Television, has been aired for two seasons.

If we say that the first season was only the beginning of the fame of "Breaking Bad" and Guanghui Film and Television, then the second season will completely make this TV series popular in the United States.

In addition, the investor of Guanghui Film and Television has gradually entered the field of vision of people in the entertainment industry.

Speaking of which, Guanghui Group has actually cooperated with major Hollywood film groups earlier.

Tudou, now the potato company, has purchased a large number of online broadcasting rights of film and television dramas from major film and television companies in North America.

That is to say, through the relationship of Potato Company, Guanghui Film and Television quickly found a partner when it entered the United States.

Roland was planning to shoot "2012", but the news of the lack of funds was also fed back to Guanghui Film and Television by employees of Potato.

Brilliant Films has always wanted to find an opportunity to enter Hollywood. As soon as they heard the news, they immediately reviewed the feasibility of cooperation within the company.

For this reason, He Ling also specifically discussed with Jiang Hui.

In Jiang Hui's view, this is simply a godsend opportunity.

Various funds on Wall Street are now busy dealing with the subprime mortgage crisis, and Columbia Pictures itself is short of money. Also more tense.

Jiang Hui felt that as long as Guanghui Film and Television did not make too many harsh demands, and with the help of director Roland, Columbia Pictures would most likely agree to cooperate in the filming.

In fact, in a few years, cooperative shooting will become a trend.

Don't put all your eggs in one basket, a phrase widely endorsed by studios.

Movies are different from other industries. If you can't sell them, you will only be left with a pile of useless films.

In the future, Hollywood blockbusters will be in the unit of [-] million U.S. dollars. Such a large investment is very risky for a film company.

It was a success, of course it was cool, and counting the money made my hands cramp.

If it fails, the company may be over.

As a mature company, it doesn't like to take such risks.

When He Ling asked Jiang Hui, she was also worried about the impact of the subprime mortgage crisis. In addition, it was a little stressful for Guanghui Film and Television to come up with [-] million US dollars, otherwise she would just make a decision.

However, Jiang Hui was not worried at all.

Of course, the main reason for not worrying is that Jiang Hui had seen the film "2012" in his previous life and knew that it was a blockbuster at the box office.

Another reason not to worry is because the financial crisis is coming.

Sound like a contradiction?
Due to the impact of the subprime mortgage crisis, various funds on Wall Street are unable to invest heavily in Hollywood this year. Why does the Korn Ferry Group rush in?
That's because in Jiang Hui's view, Hollywood has always been the most direct beneficiary of the "lipstick effect".

The so-called "lipstick effect" means that whenever the U.S. economy is in a downturn, the sales of lipsticks will rise in a straight line.

Because Americans believe that lipstick is a relatively cheap consumer product, lipstick, as a "cheap non-essential item", can play a "comforting" effect on consumers, especially when the soft and moist lipstick touches the lips. that moment.

Looking back at history, we can find that the American film industry has always been in line with the consumption trend during the economic downturn.

In the 20s and 20s, the world was in an economic crisis, which even triggered the Second World War.

However, this period was the period when Hollywood took off.

Similarly, as a reborn person, Jiang Hui found that the global economy was affected by the subprime mortgage crisis, but the movie box office was rising steadily.

It is definitely a good opportunity for Guanghui Film and Television to invest in the filming of "2012".

With the cooperation case of Columbia Pictures' "2012", I believe that other directors or companies who lack funds will also find Guanghui Film and Television to invest in filming.

After a few films, Guanghui Film and Television has gained a firm foothold in Hollywood.

In fact, Brilliant Films has another important advantage, which the Hollywood film industry group has not yet discovered.

In other words, Guanghui Film and Television has not yet brought out this magic weapon.

That is, Guanghui Group has Twitter and Potato in the United States, and Guanghui Weibo, Tudou and other websites in Tianchao.

It can be said that Guanghui Group has a strong influence on the global Internet.

And these influences can be turned into the energy of movie promotion.

For example, "2012" is about to be released, can Twitter help to hype some interesting things during the filming process?Or the scandal of a certain protagonist?

Similarly, the various websites under the Guanghui Group can greatly increase the exposure rate of the film.

For a film, exposure often means box office and more income.

That is to say, by cooperating with Brilliant Films, Columbia Pictures can not only spread the risk of filming, but also avoid delaying the filming of "2012".

At the same time, it can be regarded as obtaining a lot of publicity resources for the film in advance.

After figuring this out, it will be much easier for Roland to persuade Finland.

In this way, Guanghui Film and Television became the first film and television company in mainland China to enter Hollywood.

When Columbia Pictures and Brilliant Films and Television announced the co-production of "2012" at the same time, it quickly aroused heated discussions among Chinese netizens.

(End of this chapter)

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