Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 672 The commotion in the entertainment industry

Chapter 672 The commotion in the entertainment industry
Zhang Mingzhu is a young third-line actor, the kind that you seem familiar with but can't name.

However, the social resources that a good face can bring are beyond the reach of many ordinary people.

Like Zhang Mingzhu, many third-tier actors look as good as the first-tier actors. As long as they are not the ones whose brains are too busy to make a big death, it is usually easy to get help from men with social resources around them, and it is easier to marry than ordinary girls. good.

However, Zhang Mingzhu is not willing to live like this for the rest of her life, nor is she willing to sell herself for money.

Therefore, she needs to have a figure, a face, a face, acting skills, and an education. She has been tepid until now.

However, at the beginning of this year, Zhang Mingzhu left her original company and signed a long-term contract with Guanghui Film and Television through the help of her junior sister Xu Yixin in Guanghui Film and Television.

For the artists under the company, especially those who have signed long-term contracts, He Ling has always been willing to invest resources in support.

Not long after Zhang Mingzhu joined the company, she was assigned to be the second female lead in "Ode to Joy" which was being filmed by Guanghui Film and Television, competing on the same stage with Xu Yixin, Zhang Mengze and others.

When Zhang Mingzhu's friends knew that she was actually the second female lead in Guanghui Film and Television's annual drama "Ode to Joy", they all wondered whose room Zhang Mingzhu walked into.

Before that, although Zhang Mingzhu, who was nearly [-] years old, had acted in more than a dozen film and television dramas, the best role was the female supporting role, not the number one female supporting role.

If you want to say which industry is the most glamorous and dark-mouthed, it must be the entertainment industry.

The entertainment industry is like a dyeing vat. If you don't integrate yourself into this dyeing vat, it will be difficult to have a bright future, let alone important roles.

Of course, if your family has a strong background, it doesn't count if you just go to the entertainment industry for fun.

As for the girls in Zhang Mingzhu's college class, all she knows is that there are at least three or four of them who are treated as children and raised outside.

There are also a few female classmates who do well in the circle, but they are all beauties who are "willing to give".

One of them is Zhang Mingzhu's good friend. She has persuaded Zhang Mingzhu many times to be more careful. Anyway, she is no longer good. Why bother?
Zhang Mingzhu just smiled and said nothing every time, and her best friend had nothing to do with her.

Zhang Mingzhu has been living alone since she fell in love with her boyfriend two years ago and followed a rich woman in her 40s for money.

It stands to reason that for a beauty like Zhang Mingzhu, there are not a few people who covet her and pursue her.

However, Zhang Mingzhu has always wanted to make a breakthrough in the entertainment circle with her own efforts.

It is said that success always comes to those who are prepared.

Zhang Mingzhu's outstanding performance in "Ode to Joy", the boss He Ling is in the eyes.

When Brilliant Films formally signed a cooperation agreement with Columbia Pictures, and each invested 2012 million US dollars to co-produce "[-]", He Ling proposed to add several Chinese actors to the film.

Of course, the protagonist should not think about it.

Among the real Hollywood blockbusters, every few have Chinese as the protagonists. If Bruce Lee is resurrected, they may still be able to compete.

Now it would be nice to have a good supporting role.

Of course, Guanghui Film and Television invested 49 million U.S. dollars at any rate, accounting for [-]% of the investment ratio. It's not easy for Roland to fool Guanghui Film and Television with a character who just shows up and disappears.

When the news that Guanghui Film and Television was going to select someone to go to Hollywood spread in the Tianchao entertainment circle, the shock caused far exceeded Jiang Hui's expectations.

Originally, in Jiang Hui's view, it was nothing more than a supporting role. Although it was a supporting role with a relatively heavy role, it was a supporting role after all.

Although it may be attractive to many stars in China, this attraction should be limited.

However, when various popular celebrities and their agents found Jiang Hui and He Ling through their connections, Jiang Hui was also shocked.

"Didn't this sister Gong already win the award and get soft? Why do you still want to be a supporting role?"

"There is also this Sister Fan, a first-line star who is willing to play a supporting role."

"This Angkor is also the same. Which movie in China must not be the leading actor? Why are you also interested in Hollywood?".


Jiang Hui said a little speechlessly to the list of various related households compiled by He Ling.

"You still don't know much about the domestic entertainment industry, and you don't realize Hollywood's influence on the domestic entertainment industry." He Ling was going to explain to Jiang Hui why this happened.

As the general manager of Guanghui Film and Television, although He Ling herself cannot be regarded as a person in the entertainment industry, she is very familiar with the affairs of the entertainment industry.

With Guanghui Film and Television's status in the entertainment circle of Tianchao today, there are basically people who actively introduce all kinds of information and methods in the entertainment circle to He Ling.

When the employees of Guanghui Film and Television are alone with He Ling or in small gatherings, it is more appropriate to talk about interesting things in the circle.

Especially for female artists, telling some secrets can pull the distance between yourself and the leader.

In fact, this is also the case sometimes in the workplace. Sharing secrets with others can greatly shorten the psychological distance between the two parties.

In this way, although He Ling herself has not experienced the messy things in the entertainment industry, the way inside is very clear.

"That's right, why don't we invite the future queen of the entertainment circle of China to answer Xiaosheng's questions?" Jiang Hui said to He Ling with a smile.

"Hmph~ Just so you know, this girl is not a vase. Let me tell you, when it comes to Hollywood, this is the dream of many actresses. They want to show their faces when they squeeze their heads. Look at Hollywood movies in recent years. From time to time, there will be a few celestial faces, although the scenes in it are either soy sauce or tricks, but they still can't stop the charm of Hollywood blockbusters," He Ling said to Jiang Hui coquettishly.

"I heard that Hollywood will bully Asian actors, their wages will be halved, their salaries are very low, etc. Why do so many people want to go?" Jiang Hui said a little confused

"It's true, but it doesn't prevent many actresses from smashing their heads and squeezing in. Even if they go to play an 18th-tier role that doesn't have a sense of existence, they are willing, because this way they can hype themselves in the domestic media and enter Hollywood. up".

"Uh, well, this seems to be the style of an actress from the Celestial Dynasty," Jiang Hui said a little speechlessly.

"To put it bluntly, domestic audiences still recognize Hollywood. As long as an actor shows up in a Hollywood blockbuster, the number of fans will skyrocket immediately, and then his own commercial value will also increase. After going to Hollywood to get some color, it will become 300 million, do you think it is attractive or not?", He Ling spread her hands and said to Jiang Hui.

The prosperity of the world is all for profit; the hustle and bustle of the world is for profit. Sima Qian's words express the essential characteristics of the matter.

(End of this chapter)

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