Chapter 673
Europeans and Americans like to have parties, and Chinese people like to have parties. To put it bluntly, this is a way of communication.

Among all walks of life, people in the entertainment industry love parties the most.

Since Wang Luodan starred in Guanghui Film and Television's "Struggle", everyone stopped calling her by her name, but called her "Mi Lai".

Today is the class reunion two years after graduation.In fact, it is to find a famous person to get together, exchange information with each other, and see if they can help.

Of course, it is unavoidable that some good ones will show off in front of their classmates, especially those who were not very good during school, but are still good now.

"Oh, it's only been two years since I graduated, and everyone has changed a lot," said Cheng Cheng, the class treasurer.

"Yeah, Liangliang's "Beautiful Baby" last year was very popular. I see that he has already entered the top [-] in the hot list of male artists."

"Xiaoyi is also very good. Not to mention that she was the most popular in our class when she was in school, this year's "Pairing of Immortals" is very popular, and now she is filming "Jade Blood Sword". She is not popular." .

"If you ask me, Mi Lai is the most powerful. You see, since she signed with Guanghui Film and Television and filmed "Struggle", she has become an actor familiar to young people. I heard that she participated in Guanghui Film and Television's annual drama in the first half of the year. What about the filming of "Ode to Joy".


The classmates who arrived first were discussing in a hurry, and the few classmates who became famous early have not arrived yet.

This is actually similar to the appearance of a leader. Important leaders are always the last to come.

"Miley is here? Do it with me, there's no one sitting next to me," said Rosie.

Rosie and Mi Lai live in the same dormitory, and the relationship between the two has always been good.

"The people are quite tidy today," Mi Lai said after scanning around.

"The only difference is that Liangliang and Xiaoyi didn't arrive. Apart from those who are still abroad and filming in other places, everyone else has basically arrived."

Those who have organized class reunions will find that this person is not as neat as every year. If it can reach [-]%, even if everyone is very active.

"Mi Lai, I heard that you are filming "Ode to Joy" recently? Guanghui Film and Television has hardly announced the shooting situation on the Internet, and it has done a good job of keeping it secret."

The promotion of Guanghui Film and Television likes to be in the final stage, and it is suddenly fully rolled out, giving people a feeling of sweeping everything.

Generally speaking, all major film and television companies like to start publicity when they start up, revealing some stills from time to time, and at the end, they like to create some gossip and hype, in order to achieve the purpose of publicity.

With the assistance of so many channels from Guanghui Group, Guanghui Film and Television has taken a unique path.

"Well, I played a small role in it," Millais said modestly.

Like "Struggle", Mi Lai is also a rich second generation in "Ode to Joy", but the plot requirements are quite different.

From Mi Lai to Qu Xiaoxiao, the change is quite big, but it is not considered a small role by any means.

"Go, you are still a small character, so how do we passers-by who don't even have lines to live? Let me reveal the plot to everyone."

"It's probably finished this month, and the company will definitely start promoting it by then, so you'll know everything." Mi Lai didn't want the plot of "Ode to Joy" to spread out of his mouth.

Although Guanghui Film and Television takes good care of its artists, and will not take the girls to eat, drink and play with them every now and then, but if you really violate the company's regulations and leak some information that should not be leaked, at that time, Guanghui The punishment given by the film and television is not something ordinary people can bear.

"It is said on the Internet that your company has made a documentary this year? It is said that it has been more than half a year since the preparation for the gold medal. Why haven't you seen any news released yet?"

"I'm not very clear about this. The protagonists of the documentary are not actors like us. Mr. He is catching it himself."


The status of Brilliant Films and Television in Tianchao's entertainment industry is getting higher and higher, and Mi Lai's classmates are eager to learn more about Brilliant Films and Television.

"Your boss is so courageous. He actually invested [-] million US dollars to make a film in Hollywood. [-] million US dollars, how much box office will it take to pay back?"

"You are talking about "2012", right? It is said that the film invested [-] million U.S. dollars, and we Guanghui Film and Television and Columbia Pictures each contributed half of the funds to cooperate in the filming. The box office of Hollywood blockbusters can easily reach hundreds of millions of U.S. dollars. In a short period of time, our domestic The film is incomparable."

In China in 2007, an investment of over [-] million RMB could be considered a blockbuster.

However, 1000 million yuan is converted into US dollars, which is more than [-] million.This small amount of money in Hollywood is not enough for a big-name star's salary.

Why is Hollywood always happy to invest in high-cost movies? If it doesn’t invest in a few movies with a cost of hundreds of millions of dollars every year, it seems that the company can’t keep up with the pace of business.

In fact, film companies also have their own helplessness.

Generally speaking, the cost of publicity in various markets around the world is lower than that of the North American market. After all, North America is still the movie market with the strongest consumption power, and the annual box office output is more than 100 billion US dollars.

At the same time, Hollywood blockbusters are doing all kinds of promotion in North America, and after posting posters, they will be spread all over the world through online platforms. Therefore, tens of millions of dollars in promotional expenses in North America will soon be seen by audiences in other countries. I realized that the radiation area is very large, and when these films are released overseas, the local promotion costs of the films can be saved.

To put it simply, the proportion of production costs of Hollywood films is that actors' fees account for about [-]%
The pre-production and post-production costs account for half, and the remaining two achievements are post-publicity costs.

Of course, there are also some film actors who take half of their salary, this is a special case.

That is to say, out of the 2012 million US dollars of "6000", 4000 million US dollars are film remuneration, [-] million US dollars are filming expenses, and the remaining [-] million US dollars are publicity costs.

Even the major film and television companies in the later generations of the Chinese dynasty would not dare to play with this big money.

After all, Hollywood blockbusters can be distributed globally, while most of China's films rely on the mainland market.

In 2007, the film market in mainland China could not even enter the top three in the world.

Of course, ten years from now it will be different.At that time, any Hollywood blockbuster that didn't take the initiative to add some Chinese elements would be ashamed to make money in the mainland.

"I heard that your company will choose a few supporting roles to participate in "2012"?"

When Rosie asked Mi Lai this question, everyone pricked up their ears, wanting to hear what Mi Lai had to say.

The news that Brilliant Films has chosen a cast member to star in "2012" has spread throughout the industry, and it is now one of the most concerned issues in the entertainment industry, but Brilliant Films has not announced the results.

It made everyone's heart itch.

Those who think they have a chance are waiting for the result.

Those who know that they have no chance also want to know who this lucky one is.

In short, none of the high hanging style is completely gone.

(End of this chapter)

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