Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 678 Ah Hu's Counterattack

Chapter 678 Ah Hu's Counterattack

Gphone is an epoch-making smartphone, and Ahu, who has a little money, bought the first batch of products from Tianchao.

This may be the most valuable thing Ahu bought in his life.

Because through the use of Gphone, Ahu found that the development of Gstore app is a very promising thing.

Especially when Guanghui mobile phone was launched on Gphone, it announced that it could open source code and interface to developers.

This opens the door to developing apps for the Gphone.

And when the news that the various products of Brilliant Games were selling well on Gstore was sent back to Tianchao, Ahu became firm at once, abandoning the increasingly tasteless plug-in business, and began to develop Gphone-based apps in transition.

In March 2007, in the second half of his senior year, Ahu, with his experience in developing plug-ins, got some offers, but he never signed a contract with any company.

And the other students in the class who have a good relationship with Ah Hu generally find jobs that cost 4000 to [-] yuan.

In 2007, although the IT industry was also a hot industry, there is still a big gap between it and the hot situation ten years later, especially in salary.

Ahu intends to set up his own studio and develop games by himself.

With the hundreds of thousands earned in the past few years, it is enough to toss for a while.

Just doing what he said, Ah Hu persuaded the other four students in the class to join his "Tiger Studio" and started the development process of mobile games.

This should be the first batch of real mobile game developers in China.

To paraphrase a sentence, "Standing on the tuyere, even a pig can fly".

The Gphone, which has just been launched for a short time, and the apos sold by Gstore are almost all products under the Guanghui Group.

And the most popular game app is monopolized by Brilliant Games.

Although the works of Brilliant Games are excellent, after all, the total number is only a few. In the emerging industry of mobile games, it is far from reaching saturation, which is enough for "Tiger Studio" to make a fortune in it.

After several days of discussion, "Tiger Studio" determined the development direction, and then five people started working almost day and night, and developed the game within two months.

This is a mobile game similar to the later "Temple Run", and the name is coincidentally called "Escape from the Temple".

This is a fun parkour game that makes your heart beat faster, but this time the opponent is not a racing car, but a group of monsters, and yourself.

The first benefit of "Tiger Studio" is a Gphone for each person.

Ahu led a few friends to fully analyze the characteristics of Gphone, making the operation of the game "Escape from the Temple" very easy to understand.

Of course, it also draws on a lot of advanced experience from Brilliant Games.

This game can be played with only one hand. You can control the character by sliding and swinging the phone, and you can control the turning, jumping and sliding actions at the turn, the tree branch, and the broken road, and collect the ancient fragments along the way .

It takes 30 seconds to a few minutes to run through the ancient temple, which makes it easy for people to enter the game and create game records. At the same time, they can also surpass the scores of their friends, achieving an unstoppable game experience.

At the same time, in order to improve the playability of the game. Escape from the Temple also has some practical tools, such as the resurrection tool, which can be activated immediately after death.

Another example is the invincible state of running 1000 meters quickly, which can overcome any obstacles and traps and automatically turn; more powerful running props can quickly run 2500 meters and overcome any obstacles and traps. These can increase game points and speed up the game upgrade.

Once "Escape from the Temple" was launched in May, it attracted countless European and American users.

In order to open up the market, "Tiger Studio" priced "Escape from the Temple" at $0.99 on Gstore.

It just so happens that May is the month when Guanghui’s mobile phone production increase started. Every month, there are nearly 200 million new Gphone users worldwide, plus the previous nearly [-] million users.

"Tiger Studios" earned more than half a million dollars in profits in May alone.

This is after deducting the 100% commission of Brilliance Mobile, and considering that the game will only be released in mid-May, otherwise, it would not be a problem to break through [-] million US dollars.

In the next few months, everyone in "Tiger Studio" was busy maintaining the game, renting servers, and continuing to expand the rental scale of servers.

Ah Hu, who has earned a lot of money, happily gave each member a bonus of 50 RMB.

The reputation of "Tiger Studio" also quickly spread in the game industry.

With money in hand, Ah Hu began to think about improving his living conditions.

The first thing to improve conditions is to buy a house.

On the last day of August, Ah Hu arrived at a real estate in Dongshankou by bus.

After Ah Hu, who was wearing flip flops, a sleeveless vest and shorts, entered the sales department, although there were many vacant salesmen in the sales department, no one took the initiative to talk to him.

The salesmen of the real estate company all had a pair of piercing eyes early on. When they saw Ah Hu, they judged him to be a visitor with no purchasing power.

She is young, doesn't wear fancy clothes at all, and doesn't drive here. It's normal for the salesperson to look down on her.

"Hello, is there a model room to see?"

After Ah Hu asked several times, finally a timid girl came to greet him.

"Xiao Li, don't talk to this kind of person, it's a waste of time," an older salesman next to him said to Xiao Li who was receiving Ah Hu.

"Sister Ping, anyway, there are not many customers now, and I have nothing to do, so I will take him to have a look."

At this moment, a voice sounded.

"Ahu? What are you doing here? We don't accept casual visitors here, so go back," a young man said to Ahu.

"Tiansheng? Do you work here? What a coincidence."

"Ah Hu, I haven't seen you for four years, and you still haven't made any progress. Are you here to interview our salesperson? This is the sales department, not in charge of recruitment."

"Tiansheng? This is your classmate," Sister Ping said.

"I haven't seen my classmates in high school for four years. In the past, in our experimental class of No. 47 Middle School, a few of them didn't get into key universities."

"Hey, not everyone is like you, Tiansheng, who joined the headquarters of Baoli Real Estate Group as a management trainee as soon as he graduated from CUHK," Sister Ping said flatteringly.

Although Tiansheng is a new employee who just joined the company this year, and now he comes to the sales department as a management trainee to experience the work of a salesman, but after one or two years, he will definitely return to the group office or be transferred to a branch Be an administrator.

Therefore, as an ordinary salesperson in the sales department, he is not highly educated, so he dares not and does not want to offend the employees of the group at will.

"That's not to say, Ah Hu used to be No.3 in our class. We all thought he would definitely be able to enter a 985 prestigious school. Unexpectedly, this guy knows how to play games all day long. When it comes to the college entrance examination, the score is the last one we handle."

When Tiansheng was in the first year of high school, his grades were relatively backward in the class. At that time, Ah Hu, who had good grades and could play games every day, made him very unhappy.

(End of this chapter)

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