Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 68 Paper Publishing

Chapter 68 Paper Publishing
Women are a group that can easily feel lonely, so they can't be without someone to accompany them, and they can't be without love. In a relationship, they often worry about gains and losses, fearing that they are not good enough to keep their lovers, so they try to hold on to each other, like a couple It is generally best not to separate babies for 24 hours.

Baixue herself is a very good girl. Even if the boys who chased her since she was a child do not have a regiment, it is no problem to form a reinforced company.

However, no matter how good she is, she is still a girl after all, and she has become more and more clingy since she was with Jiang Hui, wishing she could be with Jiang Hui every day.Even though she was embarrassed to let her dormmates know that she was with Jiang Hui because of her absence at night, she gradually let go of her dignity and endured the gossip of other girls, just to have more time To be able to be with Jiang Hui.

After singing in the evening, after Song Min and the others left, the two of them took a taxi back to the rental house.Bai Xue gradually fell in love with this place, where she can be with Jiang Hui unscrupulously, and do whatever she wants.

Under the dense trees in the depths of some gardens in the school, if you go to the end and look down, you will find traces left after various battles, and some unknown things scattered around.University is wonderful, but for most people, this period is also poor. The fact that they can open a house when they need it is too expensive, and many people cannot afford it.As a result, places with relatively few people, such as the depths of the woods, the grass, and the stairs of the teaching building, have become emergency places for many people.

Bai Xue and Jiang Hui like to take walks in the school together, and their footprints are basically left in every corner of the campus.Naturally, she has also seen many battlefields that have not been cleaned up. Bai Xue is very glad that she and Jiang Hui now have their own private space.

"Honey, today is the happiest and most fulfilling birthday in my life, thank you," Bai Xue said.

"Baby, there is no need for thanks between you and me. I hope that every day in the future will be as happy as today," Jiang Hui said.

"We opened a bottle of red wine, I'm not ashamed to drink outside, but I really want to have a drink with you," Bai Xue said.

"Okay, how about we wash it for nothing first and then drink it?" Jiang Hui said.

"No, you won't be able to drink that way," Bai Xue said.

Since he spent more and more time in the rental house, Jiang Hui went to the supermarket to buy a few times, and basically provided the items for daily life. Considering that he still likes to drink a little wine from time to time, he bought red wine, white wine, and beer. Each of them bought some and put them in the house.

The two opened a bottle of red wine, leaned on the sofa, chatted and sipped the wine.

Bai Xue was in high spirits tonight, she drank no less than Jiang Hui, and slowly finished a bottle of wine.

The room began to play a piece of music that was high and low, like pain and joy.

It was written in Dream of the Red Chamber: "Women are made of water, and men are made of mud. Once water meets mud, it will change from being clear and flexible to muddy."

A man made of mud likes a woman made of water. Clay must be made of water. When mud is mixed with water, men are not clean because of the purity of water, but women are polluted because of the turbidity of mud.

In the next few days, Jiang Hui basically stayed in the library and worked on his website before Bai Xue went to class, came to accompany Jiang Hui for self-study and dinner after class, stayed in the rental house for a while at night, and occasionally went directly to Going back to the dormitory, he quickly consumed Song Min's birthday present.

On Thursday afternoon, Jiang Hui stayed in the library as usual, and counselor Xu Yun called Jiang Hui again to go to Professor Chen's office.

It was only later that Jiang Hui found out that Xu Yun, the counselor, was originally a graduate student under Professor Chen, so it was no wonder that Professor Chen asked her to inform him.

Arriving at Professor Chen's office, before Jiang Hui had time to knock on the door, Professor Chen saw him.

"Xiao Jiang, come in and sit down. I have good news for you. Your article is about to be published, and the samples have been sent." Professor Chen picked up a magazine on the table and handed it to Jiang Hui.

The influence of "Industrial Engineering and Management" in the journal industry is actually not that great, but in the field of industrial engineering, its brand is still the most famous No. 1.As far as college students are concerned, if they have the opportunity to publish an article in four years of university, it is considered very powerful, and even some graduate students have not had the opportunity to publish an article here.

Jiang Hui took over the magazine and roughly doubled it. This time, he only published one article of his own. The position of the fifth article is considered a good position. After all, he was plugged in by Professor Chen's relationship.Although one's own article strength can enter the first three or even the first article, but after all, there is still a first-come-first-served right.

Jiang Hui chatted with Professor Chen for a while, and saw that many people came to look for Professor Chen, so he said goodbye to Professor Chen, and returned to the library with a sample magazine.

Before publishing the paper, if you don’t have anyone to recommend it, it is estimated that many editors will throw something written by a freshman into the trash without even reading it.For Jiang Hui, he has no shortage of good articles, but what he lacks is opportunities for people to see his strength.

With the successful case of this paper published today, it will become more and more convenient to initiate articles in the future.At least people won't throw it away without reading it.It can be said that Jiang Hui got his first admission ticket in the academic world. How to perform after playing depends on the following article.

Jiang Hui was thinking about how to improve his academic status. Relying on just one journal, no matter how many articles he published, his influence would be limited.Of course, if the journal is in science or nature, that's another matter.

Everything at present is centered on economic construction. If my future papers can focus more on the theme of economic construction, and show some relevant information such as economic theories or economic trend judgments that have been successfully proved by later generations, it should be of great benefit. After all, when the whole world is looking at themselves with a magnifying glass, these papers will make their achievements appear less obtrusive. Of course, their role is just "less".

(End of this chapter)

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