Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 69 Down Jacket

Chapter 69 Down Jacket

The weather in the imperial capital is gradually getting colder, and the atmosphere of autumn is permeating everywhere.The ginkgo trees in the central garden have also shown a withered yellow color: clusters of white wild chrysanthemums stick their heads out from the grass.A few small yellow flowers trembled in the cool autumn wind; flocks of wild geese flew to the south.A gust of wind blew, and the tall and straight poplar trees also rattled, and a large number of leaves began to fall.

The number of girls wearing miniskirts on campus gradually decreased, and some students who felt the chill in advance had already put on coats.

Although the daily profit of Jiang Hui's clothing business has not changed much, the proportion of denim shorts and denim skirts has been so low that it can almost be ignored.On the contrary, the sales of leggings, denim trousers, and bottoming shirts, which were added later, are constantly rising.

There are dozens of universities in the imperial capital, and there are at least 50 million students in the school.From all over the world, students from all over the world came to study in the imperial capital, and slowly adapted to this city.Many freshmen from the south may not have worn down jackets since they were young, not because they can't afford them, but more because they don't need them.

After the big drop in temperature, many people will realize that it is snowing in the Northland, and it is difficult to stay outdoors for a long time without a down jacket.

The clothing business has reached the current stage and has entered a bottleneck stage. It is necessary to complete an upgrade through new sources of goods and new promotion methods.

For Jiang Hui's four-member team, the freshmen are very good customers, and everyone has a very clear understanding of the needs and spending power of these customers.Down jackets are a good entry point now, and many freshmen from the south haven't bought them yet, or they haven't felt that they need them yet.

If you have a very cost-effective source of goods, you can sell them among new students.On the one hand, you can recruit a sales team to train in advance for the subsequent online promotion in the school. On the other hand, you can accumulate a sum of funds to lay more bullets for your own website construction equipment.Jiang Hui doesn't want his company to be forced to accept some harsh venture capital funds because of funding problems too early.

Jiang Hui once heard from his father during his freshman winter vacation in his previous life that in a factory where a friend of his worked part-time, an order was canceled due to foreigners without reason.The boss has financial pressure due to other reasons, and is unable to continue operating his garment factory. As a result, tens of thousands of down jackets are sold out at a price of five yuan each.This price is not even enough to buy down, not to mention that various processing is required to make down jackets.The export-oriented orders must be produced and shipped at least one month before winter, and the calculation time estimates that the factory is now clearing the goods.

Jiang Hui picked up the phone and called his father.

"Dad, do you have a friend who works in a down jacket factory in southern Fujian?" Jiang Hui said straight to the point.

"That's right, it's your Uncle Tianxiang, who came to our house during the Spring Festival," Father Jiang replied.

"I read on the Internet that there seems to be a factory where the export order for down jackets has been cancelled, and the workers' wages cannot be paid. You can call Uncle Tianxiang to see if it is their factory. I am now considering whether to enter together. Down jackets are sold, if the price is very low, we can consider buying the next batch,” Jiang Hui said.

"That's fine, let me ask, and I'll talk to you later," Father Jiang said.

In fact, Jiang Hui was basically sure that what his father was talking about back then was the factory where Uncle Tianxiang worked, and he began to think about how to get this batch of goods at a low price.

It didn't take long for Jiang Hui to receive a call back from his father. It was confirmed that the incident happened in Uncle Tianxiang's factory. Their boss was looking for a new home, but he had never done this business, so he rashly took over tens of thousands of pieces. I was worried about getting my down jacket stuck in my hand, so no one took it.

Jiang Hui felt that this was an opportunity. Even if he couldn't get the price of five yuan a piece in his previous life, and doubled it to ten yuan to get the goods, it would be a frighteningly low price, so he directly handed it over to the shop owner in the zoo wholesale market. They will definitely not lose money.

Jiang Hui immediately booked a plane ticket for the afternoon, went back and simply packed his things, and told Bai Xue that he had something to go out and was not at school in the past few days.

On the way, Jiang Hui called Uncle Tianxiang and got some specific information from him.Their garment factory is called Jiangjin Pengyu Garment Manufacturing Co., Ltd. This year, they received an order for 30 pieces of down jackets from a Canadian customer. Since they were old customers, they started production without signing a very specific contract. The order was canceled for no reason, and the boss just needs cash flow for other businesses. At present, part of the money for the down jacket materials has not been paid off, and the workers have not been paid last month's wages.This batch of goods, the boss offered a price of [-] yuan to sell at a loss, but no one cared about it.

The plane took off on time, which is rare, and when the sun went down, Jiang Hui was already at the exit of Jiangjin City Airport.

I took a taxi directly to Pengyu Garment Factory, and found a hotel nearby to stay.

Walking in Jiangjin City, you can see various garment factories and shoe factories everywhere. Since the 20s, garment enterprises in Jiangjin City have entered the fast lane of development, and they have chosen to build their own brands. CCTV Sports Channel The advertising period of the channel is almost covered by Jinjiang brands such as "Anta" and "Xtep", and is dubbed "Jinjiang Channel".

"Brand = celebrity endorsement + CCTV advertising + channel expansion" was once the brand marketing model that enterprises in Jiangjin City imitated each other. Consumers build long-term brand loyalty.In fact, many garment enterprises in Jiangjin City have achieved sustainable development through transformation and upgrading after their brand awareness has been rapidly improved, and have obtained new development opportunities in their own way.

The development of leading enterprises has led to the rise of the entire industry. Many small and medium-sized foundries have begun to receive some orders from home and abroad, and Pengyu is one of them.When Taobao clothing stores were rampant in later generations, many of the sources of goods came from small and medium factories in Jiangjin City.

In the evening, Jiang Hui invited Uncle Tianxiang to have dinner. By the way, he learned about Peng Yu's situation again. Jiang Hui felt that their boss was about to lose his grip.

Jiang Hui asked Uncle Tianxiang to mention to his supervisor that there is a boss in his hometown who is in the clothing business and is interested in buying this batch of goods.

In the afternoon of the next day, Jiang Hui received a call that Peng Yu's boss wanted to meet him, and the place was chosen in the conference room of their factory.

Jiang Hui arrived at the factory gate 5 minutes earlier, and after a simple check-in at the security office, someone led him to the conference room.

The boss is a middle-aged man in his early forties, with a trace of exhaustion on his face, he must have been tossed a lot recently.Seeing Jiang Hui so young, he couldn't hide his disappointment.

(End of this chapter)

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