Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 680 An Increasingly Rich Gstore

Chapter 680 An Increasingly Rich Gstore
Ahu's success is not an isolated case. In the future, more and more people will find their own world on the big platform of smartphones.

Since Guanghui Mobile announced the Android system interface and affiliated companies and individuals can apply for source code information from Guanghui Mobile, there have been more and more apps on the Gstore.

Since July 2007, it has sprung up like mushrooms after rain.

Especially after the apps launched in May and June have achieved good sales performance in the United States and other places, it has further stimulated developers from all walks of life to join this industry.


An island company.

"President, our funds can only last for half a year at most, if the performance still does not improve."

"Is the income of those web games so poor? Didn't it mean that the growth rate last month was not bad?"

"That's because we invested 1000 million yen in advertising and promotional activities last month. Now that the activities are over, there will be fewer users and less revenue."

"So do you have any suggestions?"

"Tsuchiya-san, who is in charge of market research, made a proposal, suggesting that the company's development focus should shift from the highly competitive PC end to the emerging smartphone end."

"It seems like a good idea. You call Tsuchiya over, and I want to hear his specific plan."


computer science major at Stanford University.

"Gears, have you heard that a student from undergraduate developed a Meitu app last month and sold it on Gphone, earning a lot of money."

"Does it mean that this student wrote his own code and developed a program and put it on Gstore?"

"Yeah, it's more profitable than going out to work part-time, and even achieving financial freedom is no problem."

"Should we consider developing an app and put it on Gstore to try out the effect?"

"That's exactly what I want to tell you today."


A software outsourcing company in Calcutta, India.

"Singer, have you noticed that the outsourcing business related to smartphones that the company has recently received is increasing."

"It seems to be oh, there was almost no business in this area before, but in recent months, we have taken on several projects in this area one after another."

"Do you think this is a trend?"

"Smartphone-based program development?"

"Yes, I think we can try to develop an app after work, and if the effect is good, we can jump out of the company and set up a company to operate it."

"Then what app should we develop?"

"We can have a good discussion on this."


Moscow State University, Russia.

"Ryarsky, haven't I seen you coming to the lab recently? What are you busy with? Have you finished the program for the project arranged by the instructor?"

"Senior, with that little content, I can handle it with the porridge."

"Then why do I hear that you are always busy with your laptop in the library?"

"I thought of an interesting idea, and I want to realize it with this piece of code."

"Is it related to your future paper?"

"It doesn't matter at all."

"Did it have something to do with your part-time job at that time?"


"Then why did you write it?"

"After writing it, put it on Gstore and sell it to see if the app is popular. If it is popular, you can make money."


Penguin Inc.

"The third quarter report of the game business department has just come out, what do you think?"

"I can't understand it a bit."

"Why don't you understand?"

"It's just that our download revenue on the Gphone of Brilliant Mobile and mobile-based game revenue have reached [-]% of our business unit's revenue in the third quarter, which is a bit strange."

"Do you think [-]% is less or more?"

"In terms of absolute value, it is not much, but looking at the monthly growth rate, the growth rate of the mobile phone terminal is much higher than that of the PC terminal."

"I think the game business department needs to fully investigate and consider the future development direction this year. I think the game industry has reached a turning point. If you turn in the right direction, everything is easy to talk about. If you miss it, maybe our Penguin game business department will have nothing in Tianchao in a few years. It's pure emotion."

"I personally recruited people to study the current game market and form a report to the board of directors before the end of the year."


A certain treasure net.

"Mr. Ma, more and more people in China now use Gphones, but the only online shopping apps on Gphones are Jingxi Mall and Daily Fresh. Are we considering launching an app?"

"Apart from Gphone, what other smartphones are selling well now?"

"In the United States, Apple's iphone is barely a rival of Gphone. In China, Gphone is basically the only one at present."

"Can we develop a mobile app for Baowang based on Nokia's Symbian system?"

"As far as Nokia's various mobile phones are concerned, there is no model that matches the installation and use of online shopping apps."

"That is to say, if we want to develop a mobile phone app, it can only be developed based on the Gphone's Android system?"

"Yes, maybe in the future, after Apple's mobile phones enter the Chinese market, we can consider developing based on the IOS system."

"You make a plan first, and I'll see the situation before making a decision."


Shengda Network.

"Mr. Zhang, this month our paid downloads on Gstore and the revenue generated based on the mobile platform have exceeded 1000 million."

"Growing so fast?"

"That's right, it's mainly due to the increase in production of Gphones by Glorious Mobile in May. There are more and more smartphone users around the world, and correspondingly, the downloads of our games are also increasing."

"It seems that the mobile phone market is promising."

"Indeed, I think the company still needs to give more resources to the mobile terminal in the future."

"It's right to tilt, but every time I think of the money we earn, [-]% will be taken away by Guanghui mobile phone, and I feel panicked in my heart."

"It's really depressing. Brilliance Games is our biggest competitor, but we contribute a lot of revenue to Brilliance Games' brother company Brilliance Mobile every month."


Brilliant cell phone.

"Mr. Dai, we have more than [-] apps on Gstore."

From the first dozen of apps mainly based on Guanghui Group, to more than 2000 apps around the world.

The growth rate of apps on Gstore is in the fast lane.

In the first month of Gstore's launch, the number of new apps added was in the single digits.

By the first month, the app review increase has reached double digits.

In the third month, there were nearly a hundred new applications.

From the fourth month onwards, the number of new apps has completely entered triple digits.

By the end of July, the number of apps on Gstore exceeded [-], and it was even more exaggerated in August, with nearly [-] new apps added in a single month.

According to this trend, it is not impossible to break through [-] by the end of the year.

"Increased so fast? No wonder when I just listened to the financial report, I saw that Gstore brought us tens of millions of income this month."

"Yeah, no one thought that the Gstore proposed by Mr. Jiang could make such money."

"I have what others don't have, but I have what others have. Mr. Jiang's opinion is really reasonable."


(End of this chapter)

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