Chapter 683

The off-line of Guanghui Mobile entrusting Futukang to manufacture Gphone did not cause much disturbance inside Guanghui Mobile. After all, this is just a change in production capacity from 200 million to 250 million.

However, the status of Brilliant Mobile in the Chinese mobile phone industry today is still very special.

Well, for the time being, I can only use the word "special" to describe it more appropriately.

CCID Consulting released a research report on the mobile phone market in Shanghai last month, saying that the sales volume of China's mobile phone market in 2007 will exceed 1.5 million units, a year-on-year increase of 27%.

The report also predicts that in the next few years, China, as an important market in the global mobile phone industry, will benefit from the demand for mobile phone replacement brought about by the application of [-]G technology, and its sales will continue to rise.

Under such circumstances, the monthly production and sales of 250 million Brilliance mobile phones has a relatively weak influence in front of the global monthly production and sales of [-] million units.

However, in the face of the monthly production and sales of China's only more than 1000 million, 250 million is definitely not a small number.

Although most of the 250 million were exported, less than 50 remained in the country.

However, in any case, 250 million is also the monthly production and sales data of Guanghui mobile phones, which cannot be ignored by various mobile phone companies in China.

Therefore, in China, many eyes are still paying attention to the Brilliance mobile phone.


Lenovo Mobile.

"Glory's domestic sales in September have entered No.8."

"So powerful? What's the status of the list now?"

"The champion is still Nokia, with a share of 47.5%, leading the way; the runner-up is Sony Ericsson, with a share of 14.4%; the third is Motorola, with a share of 12.1%; Samsung is fourth, with a share of 9.4%; fifth It is our company with a share ratio of 3.2%.

"No.2 to No.4 can't compare to the Nokia family. When will this situation change? Oh~ forget it, you continue to talk."

"Dopod is sixth, with a share of 2.8%; LG is seventh, with a share of 2.2%; followed by Brilliant Mobile, with a share of 2.1%."

"2.1% is not too high, but it is already among the best among self-owned brands."

"You can't simply look at the 2.1% of Brilliant mobile phones. If they let them sell it freely, it will be no problem to double it."

"That's true. I heard that Guanghui's Gphone is mainly aimed at foreign markets."

"Now that they have increased production, it's hard to say, and our life will become more and more difficult in the future."

"Not necessarily, Brilliant mobile phone is taking the high-end route, and it will not have much impact on us in a short period of time. If you want to be nervous, other people will be nervous first."


Nokia China.

"Boss, the sales data for September is out, and we account for nearly half of the market share in China."

"Everyone has worked hard. The quarterly bonus will be issued next week. You can look forward to it."

"China's mobile phone market is growing too fast. According to this pace, it won't take long for us to reach annual sales of [-] million units."

"Indeed, if this is the case, the Chinese market can occupy nearly a quarter of our Nokia Group's market share."

"However, the market is getting bigger and the competition is getting more intense. I saw the news last night that Brilliance Mobile has expanded its production again."

"You're talking about the 50 production capacity entrusted by Brilliant Mobile to Futukang? As far as the positioning of the Gphone is concerned, it is doomed that the number of users will not be wide, so we don't have to worry too much."

"I just don't know if they will continue to expand production, and then fight price wars like other Chinese companies."

"What Nokia is most afraid of is a price war. Let them come here if they have the ability."


Sony Ericsson China Branch.

"Mr. Kojima, I heard that the Brilliance mobile phone is selling very well in our country. It has already accounted for 4.3% of the market share. Now they are still expanding production, which is a problem."

"Let those old guys worry about domestic affairs, we just need to set up the Tianchao market."

"I hope that Guanghui Mobile will export all the 50 increased production to the international market for sale, and don't cause trouble for us."

"Yeah, now it seems that the head office still underestimated Brilliant Mobile."

"Yeah, the supply of Gphones is completely in short supply. If Guanghui Mobile directly doubles its production capacity and then aggressively enters the domestic market, we may really be in trouble."

"Let the marketing department pay more attention to the movement of Guanghui mobile phone, and report to me as soon as there is any new situation."


Samsung Electronics Tianchao Branch.

"The marketing department just analyzed the situation of China's mobile phone market last month, and found a problem that I think needs to be taken seriously."

"What's the problem? Isn't our sales hitting a new high?"

"Indeed, under your leadership, Mr. Jin, our mobile phone products have sold the highest sales volume in history. However, in terms of growth rate, the growth rate of mobile phones of China's local brands is higher than that of foreign brands."

"Lenovo, Gionee, and Coolpad? There are not as many phones as our Samsung family, not to mention the tall Nokia in front of us."

"I'm not too worried about these companies. Their mobile phones have no special features, and they just rely on cost performance to attract some low-end users."

"Then what are you worried about?"

"I'm worried about Guanghui, their Gphone is so special."

"Didn't the headquarters analyze that the Brilliant mobile phone was not to be feared before? The price is so high and the number of users is limited."

"However, according to our analysis, we believe that Guanghui Mobile has at least 50% room for price cuts. Yesterday they increased their monthly production capacity by [-]. If they continue to increase production, it is difficult to guarantee that they will not sell at a lower price in order to expand the market."

"Our goal is still Nokia. Let's put the Guanghui mobile phone first, and Nokia doesn't worry about it."


wiwo technology.

"Glory mobile phone production has increased again."

"It seems that smartphones are really popular."

"Yes, according to equipment manufacturers, the next round of production increase of Guanghui mobile phones is already in progress."

"High-end smart phones have high profit margins. We have calculated that according to the output of Gphone, its hardware cost will not exceed 2000 yuan, and [-] yuan may be enough for low-end smartphones."

"That is to say, the profit margin of Gphone is at least [-]%? This is a huge profit in the mobile phone industry."

"It is estimated that there are more than that. They mainly export, and they can also enjoy export tax rebates."

"It seems that our smartphone research and development progress will be accelerated. In any case, we will make the product first this year."

"Indeed, there are gossip that there are at least four or five domestic manufacturers developing smartphones, not counting the counterfeit factories in Huaqiangbei."

"Brilliant mobile phone has taken the lead. Everyone found out that this business is dreaming of making money, and they must have rushed to do it. I hope that group of people will not mess up the signboard of smart phones."

"Let's hope so, all we can do is make our first smartphone even better."

"Well, come on."


(End of this chapter)

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