Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 684 Chapter 686

Chapter 684 Chapter 686

It is said that time flies, youth is easy to grow old.

It has been four years since I met Bai Xue in freshman year.

After Jiang Hui and Bai Xue came to participate in the production increase ceremony of Guanghui Mobile, they followed Bai Xue to Haizhu City.

Although Jiang Hui had been to Haizhu during the Spring Festival the year before last, he had never been to Bai Xue's house.

Now that the two of them have also graduated, although it is still a little early to talk about marriage, Jiang Hui feels that he will indeed go to Bai Xue's house.

While the various mobile phone companies outside were still discussing about increasing the production of Guanghui mobile phones again, Jiang Hui and Bai Xue had already arrived in Haizhu City.

Bai Xue's father is a department-level cadre in Haizhu City and serves as the deputy director of the general office.

Bai Xue's mother is also a civil servant, and she is the vice chairman of the trade union in the Finance Bureau, and she can be regarded as a deputy director-level cadre.

The situation of Bai Xue's family, if it is placed in the imperial capital where there are ministerial levels everywhere, bureau levels everywhere, and department levels are as numerous as dogs, it might not be a big deal.

There are not [-], but [-] families of this kind in the imperial capital.

However, in a department-level city like Haizhu, where the first and second leaders are only at the department level (occasionally the top leader is assigned to a provincial standing committee and becomes a deputy ministerial level), the situation of Bai Xue's family is considered to be very top-notch.

When Jiang Hui and Bai Xue arrived at the gate of the family area of ​​the municipal party committee compound, they didn't let Pan Wei and others drive in with them, but Pan Wei drove Jiang Hui and Bai Xue alone.

In this kind of place, safety is generally not a problem. Some people are more afraid of death than Jiang Hui.

Although there are no armed police on guard, the law and order will definitely not be bad.

Maybe the guard still remembered Bai Xue, or maybe the Mercedes-Benz S600 car played a role. After Bai Xue poked her head out and said a few words to the guard, Jiang Hui's car quickly entered the community.

"Is that the daughter of Director Bai's family? Doesn't she go to school in the imperial capital? Why are you running around?" Two aunts just passed by the gate of the community.

"Yesterday I told him about his daughter, who graduated from university this year and stayed in the capital to work."

"That girl is getting more and more beautiful."

"Cheng Gang, the newcomer in our department, is the one who graduated from the National University of Singapore with a Ph.D. Doesn't he have a girlfriend yet? Now I think Director Bai's daughter is a good match for him."

"That's right. Uncle Cheng Gang is the leader of the province, and he himself is a high-achieving student. It's really a good match."

"Sister Wang, you are familiar with Director Bai and his wife, so it's really suitable for you to be the matchmaker."

"As soon as I got to the office, I told Cheng Gang that there happened to be a picture of his daughter in Director Bai's Weibo. If Cheng Gang took a look, he would definitely not be able to walk anymore."


"Ah, mom, you didn't go to work." When Bai Xue opened the door and entered the house, her mother was busy in the living room.

"Didn't you call and say you'll be back this afternoon? I'm just the vice chairman of the trade union. I thought I had nothing to do in the office, so I came back first."

The emergence of trade unions stems from the Industrial Revolution, when more and more farmers left their livelihoods from agriculture and poured into cities to work for urban factory employers, but the wages were low and the working conditions were extremely harsh. In this environment, a single The employed are powerless to deal with powerful employers, which induces labor unrest and leads to the birth of trade unions.

In many countries, trade unions have been illegal organizations for quite a long period of time. The authorities have imposed torture on the establishment of illegal trade unions, and some have even imposed the death penalty. However, various trade unions still exist and gradually gain political power, which leads to the establishment of trade unions. Legalization has also given birth to the birth of labor laws or trade union laws in various countries.

In essence, trade unions represent the working class and are opposed to the bourgeoisie. Naturally, many companies do not agree to the establishment of trade unions.

Wal-Mart is one of the most resolute anti-union companies in the United States, and they absolutely do not allow unions to exist in their stores (China is an exception).

There was once a Wal-Mart where the fresh meat counter employees voted to form a labor union. After all other opposition methods failed, Wal-Mart gave up all the fresh meat counter business in its stores across the country, and all these employees were fired. Of course, there is no union.

In later generations, Jiang Hui can also often see the General Motors union leading workers to strike to demand higher wages, the Hyundai Motor union leading workers to strike to demand more bonuses, and the transportation president union to organize a strike to demand adjustments in benefits...

It can be said that in foreign countries, the trade union is a very good organization that really represents the interests of its members in real time.

However, in the Celestial Dynasty, everything changed.

Not to mention the trade unions in government organizations at all levels, they will not encourage members to go on strike at all.

Even the industry in the enterprise only distributes benefits, and on the whole, it protects the interests of the management.

In this context, as the vice chairman of the trade union of the Finance Bureau, Mother Baixue's rank is not low, but there are not many things to do.

"Auntie, hello, long time no see, this is my little thought." Seeing Bai Xue and her mother talking, Jiang Hui interjected.

The gift for Bai Xue's mother was chosen by Bai Xue herself. With such an "inner ghost", there is no need to worry about the gift being unsuitable.

"Xiao Jiang is here, he's here, what gift do you bring?" Bai Xue's mother said with a smile.

"Mom, open it and have a look. This is the latest diamond necklace from Cartier. It looks great. I chose it myself. Open it and have a look." Bai Xue choked aside.

"Cartier, why buy such expensive things?" Bai Xue's mother herself is a college student in the 80s, so her knowledge is naturally not bad.

"What about my dad, have you told him that I'm coming back today?"

"You don't know your dad. When you were still in middle school, you didn't see him a few times a week."

"Is he coming back tonight?"

"I told him that you and Xiaojiang will come back today, so let him come back early after get off work."


While Jiang Hui was chatting with Bai Xue's mother at Bai Xue's house, Bai Xue's father was busy in the office.

"Director Bai, what do you think of our newly opened Xiaocheng?" Sister Wang said when she came to Bai Xue's father's office.

The general office is an organization serving the leaders, unlike the counties and towns below, where any leader has an independent office.

Except for the independent office of the Chief of Staff, other members work in a large public area.

"Xiaocheng, he's a pretty good guy." As a doctor of sea turtles, he chose to enter the civil service system. This was relatively rare in Haizhu City in 2007. Father Bai, who is the deputy director of the general office, must have heard of this person .

"I saw your family's Bai Xue came back today. How about it? You know Xiao Cheng, he is worthy of your family's Bai Xue." Sister Wang said expectantly.

"Young people's affairs, let them toss themselves, we as parents will not interfere."

Sister Wang has always been willing to be a matchmaker for others. This time, after Cheng just saw Bai Xue's photo, he immediately became interested. Naturally, Sister Wang immediately went to Father Bai's side to become a celebrity.

"Although we don't talk about parents' orders and matchmakers' words now, it is still necessary for parents to help check."

"Well, Sister Wang, I have another meeting later, and I will talk to you another day."

Sister Wang herself is only a chief staff member, but because she has worked with the city leaders very early, as the deputy director of the general office, she doesn't want to offend her, but she is also unwilling to talk about Bai Xue's affairs with her.

(End of this chapter)

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