Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 685 Meeting Weng and Son-in-Law

Chapter 685 Meeting Weng and Son-in-Law
"Old Bai, I left work so early today."

"Hello Director Bai."

"Director Bai, go home."


I was thinking about my daughter's return home today, and Bai Xue's mother called again in the afternoon to remind her, and it was rare for Father Bai to pack his things and go home as soon as he got off work.

Father Bai's full name is Bai Guoqiang, and such a name was due to the atmosphere at that time.

At that time, there were not just one or two people who were called Guoqiang, Fuqiang, and Guofu, not to mention each village, at least how many towns there were in each town, how many towns were there in the whole country?
As the first batch of college students after the resumption of the college entrance examination, Bai Guoqiang completely relied on the college entrance examination to achieve class leap.

From a farm boy to one who eats public food.

Although Bai Fuqiang only graduated from an ordinary university, neither Huaqing University nor Kyoto University, but at that time, as long as he was a college student, he would not worry about not getting important things when he went to the unit.

So although it didn't matter, Bai Guoqiang was promoted to a department-level cadre in just over ten years.

But at this time, the disadvantage of being irrelevant began to show.

Generally speaking, mid-to-low-level cadres, in the 90s and [-]s, can rely on their own efforts to advance, but the higher the level, the more obvious the importance of relationships.

Generally speaking, people from ordinary families, apart from finding a good wife, or working as a secretary for a big leader, and someone to support them, otherwise they will basically end up at the department level, and they will go up half a level if they are struggling.

Bai Guoqiang is a typical case. After being promoted to the senior level smoothly, he has been rolling in many positions at this level for more than ten years, but he can't go any further.

Bai Guoqiang had already resigned himself to his fate.


"My dad must be back," Bai Xue said to Jiang Hui who was still chatting with Bai Xue's mother when she heard the sound of someone opening the door.

As soon as Bai Xue finished speaking, Bai Guoqiang Liu opened the door and came in.

"Uncle is back," Jiang Hui got up and said to Bai Guoqiang.

"Xiao Jiang is here, when did you arrive?" Bai Guoqiang said while putting the briefcase on the shoe cabinet at the door.

"It's not too long since we arrived," Jiang Hui said.

"They'll be back before two or three o'clock," said Bai Xue's mother.

"I heard from Xiaoxue that you are holding a new Gphone production line roll-off ceremony today. I thought you would be free to come back at night." Bai Guoqiang walked to the sofa opposite Jiang Hui and sat down.

"You guys chat, I'm going to the kitchen to cook," said Bai Xue's mother.

"Mom, let me help you."

"No, you can just accompany Xiao Jiang and chat with your father."

"After the ceremony in the morning, a simple lunch was held. After the leaders retreated, Xiaoxue and I left first," Jiang Hui said to Bai Guoqiang.

"I heard that your Guanghui mobile phone is now a treasure in Shenzhen City, and it is already No. 3 in the tax ranking."

"Dad, let me tell you whether you think the Gphone is easy to use or not," Bai Xue interjected.

Since the launch of the Gphone, Bai Xue has given each of her parents and some close relatives a high-end Gphone.

"I was not used to it at first, and felt that the operation was too complicated, but after using it for a while, if I were to use my previous mobile phone now, it would be like being sent to live in North Korea after staying in our country for a long time. I can't get used to anything."

People of Bai Guoqiang's generation had a deep impression of North Korea.

When they were in college, or even just graduated, objectively speaking, the living standards of the Korean people were much higher than those of the Chinese.

The economic foundation of North Korea was laid during the colonial period of the island country. According to the characteristics of the mountains in the north and the plains in the south, the colonists mainly carried out industrial construction in the north and arranged agricultural production in the south. Therefore, after the defeat of the island country in 1945, the economic foundation of North Korea was far from Far better than South Korea.

Now the media is fantasizing about the "Han River Miracle" created by Park Chung-hee, but few people know that before the 80s, North Korea's per capita GDP and living standards surpassed South Korea's, so before the 80s In Japan, Koreans and South Koreans often return to North Korea to settle down, which is in stark contrast to the current North Koreans who are "fleeing to North Korea".

In South Korea during the same period, the government used the means of encouraging citizens to inform each other to prohibit citizens from eating foreign food and foreign cigarettes, and there were sweatshops and slums all over South Korea.

At that time, our country and North Korea were even more dwarfed.

China’s per capita GDP in 2003 surpassed that of North Korea in the 80s. In 1978, North Korea’s per capita GDP was even three times that of my country. In the 60s and [-]s of the last century, North Korea’s products were also very popular in my country.

This is actually for a reason.

North Korea’s economic development in the past was based on the confrontation between the two poles of the Cold War. Because North Korea was a front-line country and stood on the front line against the United States, Japan, and South Korea, it continuously received cheap aid from the Soviet Union, and even the poorer China also tightened its grip. Belt support.

After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, North Korea’s aid from the Soviet Union was cut off, and the North Korean economy suddenly revealed its original shape—there was no oil, and power generation plummeted; the annual output of Xingnan Plant, a key fertilizer plant that is the lifeline of North Korea’s agriculture, dropped from 120 million tons to 35 tons tons, and grain production is also insufficient.

At this time, North Korea discovered that it had neither foreign exchange to buy oil nor foreign exchange to buy grain, but to export to earn foreign exchange, North Korea’s industrial products coincided with the surge in China’s exports due to the reform and opening up, and it was no match for China’s products in the international market. Less than an iota of foreign exchange.

In this way, the famine broke out in North Korea in the 90s, and the distance from the Celestial Dynasty has been getting farther and farther since then.

"You all know that Gphone is very useful, and so are other consumers. Word of mouth, and we have no real rivals in a short period of time, Gphone must be very easy to sell, and the production value is not high," Baixue continued. Said her father's words.

"Then your income this year should be quite good, right? The monthly tax payment is hundreds of millions."

"In someone's words: Counting money makes your hands cramp." Bai Xue glanced at Jiang Hui and said with a smile.

The overall turnover of Glorious Mobile in 2007 is estimated to reach RMB 800-1100 billion. Judging from the current rate of return, even if the equipment, factory, land and other expenses are allocated to this year at one time, there will be at least RMB [-]-[-] billion in profit.

This money-absorbing ability, looking at the heavens, apart from a few major banks, mobile and other large central enterprises, there is really no other company that can match it.

With the Brilliance Group of Brilliant Mobile Phone and Brilliant Games, plus the windfall made by Brilliant Investment in the stock market and oil futures market.

In the current Guanghui Group, counting money is really cramping.Just wait for the financial crisis to expand, go to various parts of the world to start the acquisition model, and completely lay down the industrial foundation of Guanghui Group.

"Is it so profitable to make mobile phones? Doesn't it mean that the profit margin of the real industry is very low?" Hearing Bai Xue's words, Bai Guoqiang said with some doubts.

(End of this chapter)

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