Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 686 Communication

Chapter 686 Communication
The real industry is difficult to do, and the profit of the real industry is low. This is actually true, at least it is no problem in China.

This is mainly because most of the entity enterprises in Tianchao have not mastered the core technology, the product homogeneity is serious, and the brand influence is low.

For example, a computer, the core chip, hard disk, memory, and motherboard are almost all controlled by foreign-funded enterprises. Even if domestic enterprises make computers, they only earn a little hard work.

For another example, the various types of civilian aircraft flying in the sky are basically produced by Airbus or Boeing, and it is difficult to find a few exceptions.

In other words, the welding robots of other domestic auto factories are also monopolized by foreign brands. ABB, KUKA, FANUC, Yaskawa, Fujikoshi... there are almost no domestic companies.


In this way, in addition to the mid-to-low-end segment, Chinese enterprises can also seize the market by relying on cost competitiveness, and the high-end products are basically controlled by Western powers.

100 years ago, Western powers relied on strong ships and guns to obtain additional profits. Now, through the acquisition of wealth accumulated in the past, Western developed countries with advanced technologies in various fields are still using technological advantages to develop China's past extra profits.

This is why Bai Guoqiang believes that the real industry is difficult and the profit of the real industry is low.

"Dad, what you said is correct when it comes to other companies, but it doesn't apply when it's placed on Guanghui Mobile Phone or Guanghui Group," Bai Xue said a little arrogantly.

"Is there really that much money?" Bai Guoqiang still couldn't believe it.

"Why lie to you, look at how well our Gphone is sold abroad, those foreigners are rushing to buy it," Bai Xue continued.

"This is mainly related to the innovation of our products. Gphone is a smartphone in the true sense, which completely subverts the traditional feature phone. As a leader in the development direction of mobile phones, the premium of our products is relatively high," Jiang Hui added. Explained a bit.

"Compared with traditional feature phones, the cost of chips, memory and screens of smart phones will be higher, but there is not much difference in other aspects. However, our price is the price of the high-end models of traditional feature phones. Earn some money," Bai Xue said casually.

"Then what are your considerations in the future? You actually said that smartphones do not have a big barrier to entry in terms of hardware. It's just that Brilliant mobile phones have taken the lead. How will you deal with new competitors in the future? Especially those who are more advanced than Brilliant Mobile phones are bigger opponents."

Bai Guoqiang saw the hidden dangers of Guanghui mobile phone at a glance.

Although Gphone is a successful epoch-making product, the performance of the only rival iPhone is far inferior to Gphone.

However, in the smartphone industry where the technical threshold is not high, at least for existing mobile phone manufacturers, the threshold is not high.

Under such circumstances, how to continue to maintain the advantages of the glorious mobile phone is a question worth pondering, and it is also a problem that will affect the long-term development of the glorious mobile phone.

"Innovation, continuous innovation, let Guanghui mobile phones continue to lead the development trend, and make the Gphone series mobile phones an affordable luxury product."

Jiang Hui had also considered Bai Guoqiang's question, so he immediately expressed his opinion.

Why are there so many Apple fans in later generations? Apart from the fact that the Apple mobile phone system is really easy to use, the most important thing is that the various products of the Apple mobile phone always lead the trend of smart phone development, and have surpassed the mobile phone itself. A product that adorns, shows off, and is stylish.

Many little girls are willing to make some special contributions for a new iPhone.

There are also many women with low incomes who are willing to spend a few months of savings just for an Apple mobile phone.

What Jiang Hui has to do is to make the Guanghui mobile phone become the Apple mobile phone it used to be, and even surpass it.

"There is nothing wrong with that, but innovation is not so easy. Besides, making a mobile phone an affordable luxury is not something that can be achieved in a day or two," Bai Guoqiang said.

"Indeed, for this reason, in addition to continuing to develop the next-generation Gphone, Glorious Mobile is also developing a Pad to expand its influence."

"Pad? What kind of product is it?"

"It's a bit like a tablet, and it's a bit like a large Gphone that can't make calls. It's mainly for consumer entertainment. Watching movies, surfing the Internet, reading books, etc., will be very convenient."

"Sounds like a good product."

"Dad, whether it's software or hardware, any of our group's products will be inferior. The so-called brilliant products must be high-quality products. We're not bragging," Bai Xue interjected.

After several years of development, Guanghui Group has indeed established a reputation in Tianchao.

Whether it is,, Brilliant Weibo, or Brilliant drones and Brilliant mobile phones, they are all groundbreaking products.

Guanghui Group has taken a very different path from other Chinese companies.

The Chinese Internet in later generations is actually very developed and has a large capacity, but most of the products are imitated from Silicon Valley.

Then foreign-funded enterprises have not paid attention to China, or when China is not acclimatized, various domestic enterprises quickly launch similar products, so as to become bigger and stronger.

It doesn't really matter if these things are very innovative, it's nothing more than following the right time, place and people.

As a reborn, Jiang Hui would definitely not do such a low-end thing.

"Glorious Group is indeed quite good. I have seen your news many times on the internal reference, and even the words such as positive energy and Internet + have aroused heated discussions in the management department."

Since Jiang Hui proposed the term positive energy, it has become the most frequently used term in the articles of the Propaganda Department.

Of course, if compared with political vocabulary such as Marxism-Leninism, it is still not as good.

And Internet + has appeared in government work reports for several consecutive years, and it has become an inevitable vocabulary when talking about economic-related topics.

In addition, the launch of phenomenon-level products such as Guanghui mobile phone and Guanghui Weibo has not only attracted the enthusiasm of consumers, but also the attention of government departments.

"But I think Guanghui Group has now entered a bottleneck period. If it can't break through, that's the way it is. If it breaks through successfully, it will become the largest conglomerate in the country and even in the world in the future," Jiang Hui said.

Businesses, like people, have bottleneck periods.

For example, in the system, the section level is a threshold, and the department level is another threshold...

Why does it seem that every level is a threshold...

In the early stage of development, a company often develops by relying on the talent of the founder or a certain opportunity.

However, when it develops to a certain stage, it must rely on the system and corporate culture to unite people and strengthen management; it needs a stable core business to support the company's operations; it needs forward-looking research...

Only by doing so can one be reborn in Nirvana.

(End of this chapter)

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