Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 687 The scene is a bit embarrassing

Chapter 687 The scene is a bit embarrassing
"Xiao Cheng, I'll go to Director Bai's house later, and I'll be sweeter. I grew up with Bai Xue, she's so pretty."

At the gate of the family area, Sister Wang told Cheng Gang to say.

Although Sister Wang and Bai Guoqiang proposed to introduce Cheng Gang to Bai Xue in the afternoon, they were politely rejected.

But Sister Wang didn't give up, she just wanted to match this couple who she considered "well-matched".

One is the deputy director of the general office, and the other is the nephew of the provincial leader. In Sister Wang's eyes, both are worth making friends with.

Sister Wang imagined that when the marriage was successful, both parties would sell her well, so her life in the office would be much easier, needless to say.

"Understood, Miss Wang, besides, it wouldn't be bad for us to rush to the door so abruptly, right?" Cheng Gang said.

"What's wrong, Xiaocheng, it's not that my aunt said you, chasing girls is about thick-skinned. If you miss a girl as good as Bai Xue, you won't have time to regret it," Sister Wang said as she walked.

"Bai Xue is so good, does she already have a boyfriend?" Cheng Gang said worriedly.

"I've never heard Director Bai talk about Bai Xue's boyfriend, probably not. Besides, even if there is, you can snatch it. With your conditions, there are no girls who can't handle it."

Although Bai Guoqiang and his wife knew the situation of Bai Xue and Jiang Hui last year, but Bai Xue hadn't graduated from college at that time, so Bai Guoqiang was naturally unwilling to publicize it.

Besides, if you let everyone know that your daughter's boyfriend is the founder of Guanghui Group, maybe others will gossip about it.

And Sister Wang doesn't know much about the Internet, and she didn't notice that Bai Xue has the title of "Queen of Games" on the Internet.

Even if they heard that You Baixue was such a famous person, they would not associate her with Bai Guoqiang's daughter.

Cheng Gang had just returned to China, and had been employed for less than two months, so he naturally didn't know that Bai Guoqiang's daughter was no longer an ordinary college student.

"It's true, no matter what, just seeing the photo you gave me, Sister Wang, I felt that she was the one I was destined for. I didn't believe in love at first sight, but now I know it's because I didn't meet the right one. People," Cheng Gang said.

From Cheng Gang's point of view, he has a Ph. D., and Bai Xue graduated from a bachelor's degree; his uncle is a provincial leader, and his family is not short of money, and Bai Xue's father is only the deputy director of the Haizhu City Office.

Coupled with his rich experience in chasing girls when he was studying abroad, it should be easy to deal with a freshly graduated female college student like Bai Xue.

"That's right, Director Bai likes young men who are full of energy and will behave well in a while."


"The development of Guanghui Group to the present has indeed entered a bottleneck period. Whether it is reborn from Nirvana or just sinks here, it depends on whether you can successfully break through," Bai Guoqiang said.

"Recently, the subprime mortgage crisis in the United States has intensified. I want to take advantage of this crisis and combine the development direction of Guanghui Group to acquire a number of companies, and then form our own core technology on this basis to lay the foundation for long-term development."

"It's good for you to have this idea, but many companies have not survived this hurdle, especially in China. You can look around, not to mention century-old companies, even few companies that have been established for more than 50 years. Basically, They all disappeared in the process of development, of course, this has something to do with our country's special national conditions."

Just as the two were chatting about Guanghui Group, the doorbell rang.

"It's almost time to eat, who is looking for you at this time", Bai Xue said to Bai Guoqiang a little unhappy, and got up to open the door.

With Bai Guoqiang's current status, I can't say that there are as many people looking for him to do business as crucian carp crossing the river, but there are quite a few.

As the deputy director of the general office, although the rights cannot be said to be great, there are definitely a lot of people he knows.

Many times, others want to ask him to help matchmaking.

If it's not a difficult matter, Bai Guoqiang will usually help out.

"Excuse me, who are you looking for?" Bai Xue opened the door and asked Sister Wang and Cheng Gang outside.

"You must be Xiaoxue. I'm Aunt Wang who lives in the building next door. Your father and I are colleagues." Sister Wang said when she saw Bai Xue.

At the same time, he walked into the house from beside Bai Xue.

"Director Bai, I'm not bothering you, Xiaocheng and I are here to visit," Sister Wang said familiarly.

"I have a guest today, what's the matter, why don't you go back to the office tomorrow?" When Bai Guoqiang saw Sister Wang and Cheng Gang coming in, he remembered what Sister Wang said to him in the afternoon, and immediately realized the purpose of their visit.

This is embarrassing.

Bai Xue hadn't graduated from university before, so Bai Guoqiang and his wife didn't talk about Bai Xue having a boyfriend.

People of Bai Guoqiang's generation don't like to go online, even if they go online, they don't pay attention to game-related news. This has led to the fact that basically no one around Bai Guoqiang knows about Bai Xue's situation, let alone the fact that Bai Xue's boyfriend is Jiang Hui. .

As Bai Xue's father, the cabbages he raised with his own hands have already been abused by pigs, so Bai Guoqiang must have a good understanding of Jiang Hui's situation.

The more you know about this, the more guilty you become.

In the past, Bai Guoqiang thought that his daughter should have good looks, education and education, and family background.

But with Jiang Hui, an evildoer, everything was inconspicuous.

Although Jiang Hui's appearance is above average at best, his handsome character doesn't match him, his education is the same as Bai Xue's, and his family background is even worse.

However, looking at the size of the Guanghui Group, looking at the current popular websites on the Internet in Tianchao, and looking at the influence of Guanghui's mobile phone, Bai Guoqiang is a little worried that his daughter is not good enough for Jiang Hui.

The older you get, the more you know the importance of being well-matched in marriage.

Bai Guoqiang, who was worried about the big gap between his daughter and Jiang Hui, saw that Sister Wang led Cheng Gang to his home, so there was no need to mention the depression and anger in his heart.

Otherwise, Bai Guoqiang, who has always been a good guy, wouldn't have said to Sister Wang, "I have something to discuss in the office tomorrow" with a cold face.

Bai Guoqiang was worried about causing Jiang Hui's misunderstanding.

If Jiang Hui had a lump in his heart because of this incident... Bai Guoqiang wanted to tear up Sister Wang.

If Bai Xue didn't have a boyfriend, then Cheng Gang, a young man, Bai Guoqiang felt that he could still consider it.

After all, his conditions in all aspects are considered top-notch in Haizhu City.And the Bai family can be regarded as a good match.

But let's compare everything, this comparison...

There is no comparison at all.

There is no need to compare two people who are not at the same level. You can choose which side to choose with your feet.

In this case, Sister Wang took Cheng Gang to sit on the sofa, and Bai Guoqiang's face fell down instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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