Chapter 688

Doing bad things with good intentions is not unique to the Celestial Dynasty.

In the Nelliing Nature Reserve in Alaska, the local people "kindly" wiped out the wolves in order to protect the deer, leaving no one behind.

The deer has no natural enemies, and eats in the forest without worry all day long.

Ten years later, the deer herd grew from [-] to [-].Plants were also eaten, trampled and withered by the rapid reproduction of the deer.

The "good intentions" of the local people destroyed the food chain and violated the laws of nature. The deer died in large numbers due to lack of sufficient food and physical weakness caused by ease and inactivity.

In Sister Wang's eyes, she "kindly" helped to introduce a high-quality man to Bai Xue, and Bai Guoqiang should at least greet him with a smile, not to say that he was grateful.

It was a bit unexpected for her to want to drive herself out as soon as she entered the door like today.

However, when she looked at Jiang Hui a few more times, she probably knew it in her heart.

At this time, Cheng Gang found that Bai Xue looked better in person than in the photo, although he also realized that Bai Xue had already been "preempted".

However, not only did he not give up, but on the contrary, he had the momentum to show his superiority in front of everyone.

"Director Bai, I'm sorry to bother you today. When I returned home from Singapore after finishing my Ph.D., my uncle suggested that I join the unit and study with Director Bai more. When he came to Haizhu for inspection last time, Director Bai's excellent The performance left a deep impression on him, no, I let Sister Wang bring me to learn from you," Cheng Gang said.

Cheng Gang also knew that if he had directly said that he came here today to meet Bai Xue, he probably wouldn't be able to continue the conversation.

So he chatted with Bai Guoqiang in a way he thought was smart.

On the one hand, Cheng Gang's words reveal that he is a doctor who has returned from studying abroad.

In 2007, Ph.D. students who returned from studying abroad were still very popular. Unlike ten years later, turtles ran everywhere, and their gold content dropped sharply.

On the other hand, Cheng Gang also pointed out the identity of his uncle, letting Bai Guoqiang know that he has a background.

"I don't dare to be, I just do my job well." Bai Guoqiang, as the deputy director of the general office, is also very clear about Cheng Gang's background.

Although it wasn't very pleasant for him to follow Sister Wang to his home so abruptly, he also felt that there was no need to just get stuck.

"As the saying goes, like a father, like a son, Director Bai, like a father, like a daughter, has raised such an excellent daughter." Sister Wang deliberately brought the topic to Bai Xue.

"This is Bai Xue, right? I've been hearing from Sister Wang that you are the most beautiful girl in the entire compound. When I saw you today, you really deserve your reputation," Cheng Gang said to Bai Xue, ignoring Jiang Hui's existence.

"Don't dare, Jiang Hui, they have something to do with my dad, let's go to my room and don't disturb their communication." After Bai Xue finished speaking, she walked towards the room holding Jiang Hui's arm.

"Xiao Xue, don't bother me, it doesn't matter if you stay here." Seeing Bai Xue's reaction, Sister Wang was a little dumbfounded, and hurriedly said.

"This is Xiaoxue's boyfriend Jiang Hui, let's talk about us, they are young, let them play by themselves," Bai Guoqiang said.

"Jiang Hui, right? Hello, I'm Cheng Gang, and I'm working at the Haizhu City Finance Bureau. This is my business card," Cheng Gang stood up and said.

In Cheng Gang's eyes, Jiang Hui should have just graduated from college like Bai Xue, and he could easily kill him in seconds.

Jiang Hui glanced at Bai Guoqiang, who was a little embarrassed, and took Cheng Gang's business card, "Sorry, I don't have a business card."

Ever since Sister Wang and Cheng Gang came in, Jiang Hui quickly realized the purpose of these two people.

For Cheng Gang and Sister Wang who were preparing to pry the corner and led the team to pry the corner, Jiang Hui must be unhappy with them, but considering that they are Bai Guoqiang's colleagues, Jiang Hui did not take the initiative to yell at them in order not to make it difficult for the prospective father-in-law them.

However, exchanging business cards and the like with them is completely uninteresting.

"Where does Xiao Jiang work? He just graduated this year, right? It's normal to not have a business card," Sister Wang said, Hei Chenggang.

"Xiaojiang and Xiaoxue are college classmates, and now they are starting their own company." Bai Guoqiang was worried that Jiang Hui and Cheng Gang would start a fight, so he took the initiative to strike up a conversation.

In fact, Bai Guoqiang was extremely depressed.Although I am not afraid of Cheng Gang's background, but the second generation like Xiang Cheng Gang may not be able to help you succeed, but it is easy to fail.

Bai Guoqiang is still a year away from fifty, and he is not retiring so soon, so naturally he doesn't want to get into trouble with someone like Cheng Gang.

"Starting your own business is not a good way out. Generally, those who have not found a good job will start their own business. Xiaojiang, listen to Ms. Wang, go to the civil service exam, it is better than starting a business", Ms. Wang "Very kindly" persuaded Jiang Hui.

Jiang Hui and Bai Xue looked at each other, and pursed their lips a little speechlessly.

He took the initiative to talk to himself, Jiang Hui didn't continue to go back to the room with Bai Xue in order not to embarrass Bai Guoqiang so much.

"Yes, yes, even going to graduate school is more reliable than starting a business," Cheng Gang said.

"Xiaocheng is right. You can see that he returned to China after graduating from a doctoral degree. He went directly to the Finance Bureau and is now a deputy chief staff member," Sister Wang said.

"I'm sorry, my brain is not working well, and I'm not interested in studying for graduate school," Jiang Hui said without giving away the two of them.

Hearing Jiang Hui's words, Bai Xue almost couldn't help laughing.

Jiang Hui himself graduated from a bachelor's degree, but there are a bunch of graduate students and doctors working for Jiang Hui under the company.

I don't know how Sister Wang and Cheng Gang will feel when they know Jiang Hui's actual identity.

The few people chatted in such a non-embarrassing and unembarrassing manner, until Bai Xue's mother had already prepared dinner, and Sister Wang and Cheng Gang had no intention of leaving.

Bai Xue's mother also knew Sister Wang, but when she saw the situation in the living room, she was smart and immediately realized what was going on outside, so she didn't even bother to talk to Sister Wang.

Let your prospective son-in-law have any unnecessary misunderstandings for free.

Regarding Jiang Hui, if Bai Guoqiang was still a little worried, then Bai Xue's mother was only satisfied.

Such a fast-paced son-in-law, what else is there to dislike?
"Xiaojiang, Director Bai and his family are going to have dinner, why don't we bother him?" Sister Wang saw that Director Bai didn't even pretend to keep them for dinner, so she thought about leaving Jiang Hui Also pull away together.

It has the meaning of "what I can't get, you can't get it".

"Yes, Xiaojiang, let's go together. I am familiar with Haizhu. Tonight, I will treat you to a drink and have a good conversation," Cheng Gang said.

"No need, we rushed back today. Jiang Hui is eating at my house. I'm sorry, I didn't know there would be guests at home, so I didn't prepare your share," Bai Xue said.

(End of this chapter)

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