Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 689 Interns

Chapter 689 Interns

Not long after the meal, Bai Guoqiang and his wife found an excuse and went back to the room.

Although he knew how far Bai Xue and Jiang Hui had grown, he knew that if he wanted to ask Jiang Hui to stay, Bai Guoqiang and his wife would not be able to.

It seems weird to say that the guest room at home is still vacant, let Jiang Hui live in the guest room, and it seems a bit overkill.

It would be even more impossible to directly say that Jiang Hui and Bai Xue would live together.

I don't know how to say it, but Bai Guoqiang and his wife acted like ostriches and went back to the room early, acquiescing that Jiang Hui would stay here. As for where to live...

"Honey, I'm sorry today. I didn't expect Aunt Wang to be so ignorant. My dad would definitely not take the initiative to let her introduce boys to me." After the two of them took a bath at night, Bai Xue said while putting on a mask.

"In the agency, there are many so-called kind-hearted people like Aunt Wang, so don't blame uncle," Jiang Hui said, kissing Bai Xue's forehead.

"My dad is usually too unassuming, so that everyone is not afraid of him. If it were other leaders, Aunt Wang would never dare to be so bold," Bai Xue said.


While Jiang Hui and Bai Xue were chatting, Bai Guoqiang and his wife were also discussing in the room.

"Old Bai, you said that what happened today won't add any trouble to Xiao Jiang's heart?" said Bai Xue's mother a little worried.

"No, if Xiao Jiang doesn't have this bit of knowledge and measurement, Guanghui Group won't be able to develop to where it is today," Bai Guoqiang said while reading his book.

"Sigh~ It's really not easy to raise a daughter. In the past, I was worried that she would be cheated by someone who fell in love early. After I went to college, when I just found out that she was in love, I was worried that the love in college would not last. I'm worried that she will find a poor scholar foolishly and work hard all her life," Bai Xue's mother said naggingly.

"Aren't you very satisfied with Xiaojiang? What else is there to worry about?"

"Satisfaction is satisfaction, but being too good is also a problem. Look, since ancient times, when have good men lacked women around them? With Xiaojiang's achievements today, not to mention whether Xiaoxue will feel pressure to follow him, I don't even say whether Xiaojiang will always give up in chaos, Xiaojiang is just Liu Xiahui, and he can't stand the temptation again and again."

"Then what can we do? Let it be. It's useless for us to worry about it here. I think the two of them have a good relationship now. They can still be like this after being together for three or four years, and they won't be worse in the future," Bai Guoqiang said. .

"No, I have to arrange someone to be next to Xiaoxue to help her make suggestions."

"How to arrange it? Can't you follow her all day by yourself?"

"What do you think of Min Ting from my sister's family?"

"Hu Minting? Isn't she still in her senior year? Besides, she is one year younger than Xiaoxue."

"It's one year younger than Xiaoxue, but since she was a child, this girl has been raised by ghosts. She has a lot of ideas, and she is much smarter than Xiaoxue."

"That's true".

"The last time I came to play at home during the summer vacation, she also said that there were no classes in her senior year, and her classmates were busy looking for jobs and internships. She also planned to find a company for internships."

"You want Min Ting to go to Guanghui Group for an internship?"

"Yeah, what do you think?"

"It's good, but I don't know what Xiao Jianghui thinks."

"I called Minting and asked her to talk to Xiaoxue herself, and then Xiaoxue discussed with Xiaojiang how to arrange it, so it would be more natural."

"It's okay."


Hu Minting's dormitory.

"Auntie, why do you take the initiative to call me when you have time?"

"You girl, I haven't seen you for a month and you called me, so I have to call you."

"Auntie, am I busy looking for a job?" Hu Minting said coquettishly.

Hu Minting's mother and Bai Xue's mother are twin sisters, and Bai Xue's mother is just over an hour older.

Since the two sisters are both in Haizhu, Hu Minting has often stayed at Bai Xue's house since she was a child. In addition, Bai Xue and Hu Minting are only one year apart, nine months to be precise, and there are so many common topics between the two.

The relationship between Hu Minting and her aunt is also as close as mother and daughter.

However, since Baixue went to the imperial capital to go to university, Hu Minting was in Wuyang, and Baixue fell in love and took over the brilliant game, etc., gradually there was not much free time to chat with the little sisters, and the connection between the two became less up.

But the relationship is still good.

"What are you looking for, let your sister help you figure it out."

"Auntie, although my sister is the general manager of Brilliant Games, it is because my future brother-in-law trusts her. If I go to her company, I might be accused of nepotism. I can't cause trouble for my sister."

"No trouble, no trouble, your sister brought her boyfriend and daughter home today, call your sister later and ask her to arrange for you to go to Guanghui Group for an internship."

"Go to Guanghui Group? Don't you want to go to Guanghui Games?", Hu Minting grasped the main point of Bai Xue's mother's words at once.

"Don't you want to go to Brilliant Games? With so many companies in Brilliant Group, you can consider going to other companies."

"Auntie, you are so concerned about my internship all of a sudden, have you forgotten the nickname you once gave me? The female Zhuge is not called for nothing, you must have other ideas," Hu Minting said with a smile.

"Oh~ I know I can't hide it from you, so I'll just say it straight. You know your sister's situation, and you should also know her boyfriend's situation..."


It was almost eleven o'clock, and under the harassment of Jiang Hui's unruly hands and feet, Bai Xue, who was about to moan uncontrollably, finally hung up the call of Hu Minting, who was chattering non-stop, and was concerned about Hu Minting's desire to come to the Imperial Capital for an internship on the phone , Bai Xue didn't think too much, and naturally agreed.

"You're going to die. Tingting heard it. I won't be able to lift my head up in front of her anymore," Bai Xue said, pinching Jiang Hui's waist.

"Hey," Jiang Hui immediately responded to Bai Xue's complaint with actions.

Bai Xue, who had been tormented by Jiang Hui, surrendered after a symbolic resistance.

"Just now my cousin Hu Minting is now a senior student at China Normal University, and she wants to come to our group for an internship." After the exercise, Bai Xue said with her arms around Jiang Hui's waist.

"It's ok, she doesn't have any problem with which company she wants to go to."

"I'm serious, when we return to the imperial capital, we will let her go with us."

"No problem. Our group has just launched a new round of recruitment plan for [-] people. It's not like you don't know that no matter what major you are in, you can find your place in Guanghui Group."

"Tingting happens to be studying human resources management, so let her go to the HR department of the group for an internship first? Director Liu won't have any ideas," Bai Xue said.

"Okay, I'll say hello to Liu Chujing tomorrow, just arrange an intern for her, no problem."


(End of this chapter)

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