Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 690 Silly White Sweet

Chapter 690 Silly White Sweet

The next day, when Jiang Hui and Bai Xue got up, Bai Guoqiang and his wife had already gone out.

Breakfast such as porridge, soy milk, fried dough sticks and so on has been placed on the table.

That's good, otherwise it would be embarrassing to meet Jiang Hui coming out of Bai Xue's room in the morning.

"After dinner, shall I take you out for a walk in the morning? Let's go to Wuyang in the afternoon," Bai Xue said.

Although Haizhu City also has an airport, the number of flights is far less than that of Wuyang.

In addition, Jiang Hui also wanted to go to Wuyang and Zhang Dalong to learn about the progress of the "WeChat" project.

As the most important app in the era of smartphones, the importance of the Weichat product cannot be overemphasized.

Since he came to Lingnan Province this time, Jiang Hui didn't even go back to his hometown, so he had to go see Zhang Dalong.

"Okay, I will listen to your arrangement this morning," Jiang Hui said while eating fried dough sticks.

Haizhu City itself has very good greening and construction, but there are not many famous scenic spots. The most attractive thing for tourists may be the "Casino City" next door.

However, Jiang Hui himself has no interest in gambling, so he doesn't want to pass the test and toss.


Hu Minting's dormitory.

"Min Ting, why are you going to the Imperial Capital for an internship all of a sudden?" Hu Min Ting was packing up in the dormitory, and roommate You Dandan asked.

"My cousin works in the Imperial Capital, and she helped me find an internship. It just so happens that she is on a business trip in Lingnan these days, so I will fly to the Imperial Capital with her tonight," Hu Minting said.

"Emperor Capital, generally the companies over there don't like to recruit people from non-local schools for internships, especially for majors like our human resource management," You Dandan said in a low voice.

The so-called human resources management refers to the effective use of relevant human resources inside and outside the organization through recruitment, selection, training, remuneration and other management forms under the guidance of economics and humanism, to meet the needs of the organization's current and future development, and to ensure the organization's goals An umbrella term for a set of activities that maximize development and membership.

It looks quite tall, and it is also a position that every company must have.But this profession is very polarized.

Large companies tend to have a relatively large voice in personnel, and the level of the personnel director is also relatively high, but the human resource management of small companies is relatively rough, and they often do everything. It’s a bit like a handyman. up.

In the industry, the vast majority of graduates majoring in human resources cannot go to large companies to work as HR. Naturally, the salary and social status of graduates of this major are generally not that high.

"It also happened that my cousin helped me, so I won't tell you, I have to ask the counselor for leave, and I will treat you to a big meal when I come back from my internship."

"Let me go find a counselor with you, which company do you go to for an internship?".

"Brilliant Group".

"Brilliant Group?"


"You've won the lottery!"

The lunch at noon that day was eaten at a relatively high-end Cantonese restaurant in Haizhu City. Jiang Hui was the host, and Bai Xue's parents were invited to have a meal before returning to Beijing.

After returning to Wuyang in the afternoon, Jiang Hui had an appointment with Zhang Dalong to talk about things, but Bai Xue's parents were quite satisfied with Jiang Hui. He took the initiative to chat with Bai Xue's parents about the topics they were interested in, and the meal ended happily.

"Xiaoxue, after you return to the imperial capital, you will discuss everything with Min Ting. Although she is younger than you, her brain is much easier to use than yours in many cases." Bai Xue's mother pulled Bai Xue aside and whispered.

As a mother, she couldn't be more clear about her daughter's personality. Bai Xue can be said to be a standard idiot and sweet.

Although in the past few years as the general manager of Brilliant Games, he has experienced a lot in life.

However, the most important reason why she can sit firmly in this position is that the employees of the company know that she represents the big boss Jiang Hui and is the future boss wife.

Otherwise, a college student, not like a reborn person like Jiang Hui, who sat in the position of the general manager, was emptied every minute, and he was probably still helping count the money after being sold.

"Mom, how could you talk about your daughter like that? How stupid am I?" Bai Xue said to her mother coquettishly.

"You're not stupid. You can ask Xiaojiang yourself. Mom is afraid that you will suffer. Although Xiaojiang is as old as you, his behavior is not comparable to that of a girl who just graduated from college like you."

"No matter how powerful he is, he is still my boyfriend. This shows that I am also great. Isn't there a saying that men conquer women by conquering the world, and women conquer the world by conquering men."

"Conquer the fart, that is, Xiao Jiang's heart is not bad, otherwise he will kick you away when you get tired of playing, and you won't even have a place to cry."

"Mom, what are you talking about?"

Although Bai Xue agrees with her mother's words in her heart, it is still a bit unacceptable to portray the reality so nakedly.

"Okay, I'm scaring you. In short, what mother means is to let you think about things when you encounter things, and be more careful about everything. If you don't want to talk to your parents about things, you can discuss them with Min Ting." Mother Bai Xue exhorted tirelessly.

Poor parents all over the world, every parent is worried about their baby from the time the child is not born, until birth, going to school, falling in love, getting married, giving birth...

Each stage has different concerns.

Before birth, I hoped that the baby would be healthy, and worried every day that various indicators were not normal, and the fetal movement pattern was irregular.

After coming out, I was worried about whether there was enough milk, whether I had caught a cold, or whether my nutrition was not balanced.

Then there is the issue of the degree of kindergarten, whether to take various early education classes, and which one to take...

Elementary school, junior high school, high school, university, it is simply worrying all the way.

The most important thing is that children don't necessarily appreciate it.

In the voice of Bai Xue's mother, Jiang Hui and Bai Xue left Haizhu City.

Haizhu City is only an hour's drive away from Wuyang City. Of course, this is the case without traffic jams.

Weichat Technology Co., Ltd., this is a vest newly registered by Jiang Hui for the Weichat project team in Wuyang.

The company temporarily rented a floor in CITIC Building for office.

In fact, the Weichat project team currently has less than 100 people, so it doesn't take a floor. However, considering the rapid expansion of Weichat in the future, Jiang Hui still asked Zhang Dalong to rent a floor first.

At the same time, Guanghui Group is also discussing the purchase of land to build Weichao Technology Co., Ltd.'s own office space in Wuyang City.

As soon as Jiang Hui and others entered CITIC Building, they felt the aura of a Grade A smart commercial building.

The height of the lobby is 17.7 meters, which looks open and magnificent, because the whole building is designed as an office building.

Therefore, each floor is designed with as few columns as possible, so that the intervals can be flexible and practical, and there are both large and small units.

At this time, Zhang Dalong also brought several core personnel to meet Jiang Hui.

(End of this chapter)

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