Chapter 692
"Mr. Jiang, according to the current development progress of our Weichat, we can basically finalize it next month. When are you going to launch it?" Zhang Dalong asked.

The development of Weichat is actually not particularly difficult. In the previous life, WeChat was also developed after similar products were launched by other people. Penguin felt the threat and imitated and developed it in just three months.

It is not difficult to develop products, but it is not so simple to make the use of various functions smooth.

Often a very simple function needs to be modified repeatedly, and the previous design ideas may be constantly overturned during the research and development process.

Because, a software with a good user experience must not only balance user satisfaction, but also guide users to improve user activity and retention.

In particular, application software such as Weichat needs to be continuously optimized and iterated every once in a while to improve user retention.

In addition, different mobile devices, different operating systems, and even different version numbers. If Weichat Technology has no pursuit but only for Gphones, then the function code may only be one of the contents of this project. How to solve the differences? The compatibility of mobile devices will be a very big challenge.

After all, more smartphones will be launched in the future. As far as Guanghui Mobile has grasped, there are at least three or four domestic companies developing smartphones based on the Android system.

Although everyone is on the Android system, they will carry out some targeted development, and sometimes it is necessary to make some targeted adjustments to make the APP more usable.

In addition, the shake, red envelopes, and wallets of the later generations of WeChat still do not have these functions at present. It will take some time to fully launch a product that satisfies Jiang Hui.

"Has Weichat Technology arranged personnel to understand the situation of similar products in the market?" Jiang Hui did not answer Zhang Dalong directly, but asked a question first.

"Our marketing department mainly analyzes the current market performance of Penguin Communications, MSN and other products, and reacts in a targeted manner on our Weichat," Zhang Dalong said.

"The product of Weichat should not be Penguin Communication, let alone MSN. We must keep an eye on the market and quickly launch our Weichat after other competitors launch chat tools based on smartphone platforms," ​​Jiang Hui said.

"Mr. Jiang, you mean that when our Weichat will be launched depends on when similar products will be produced?" Zhang Dalong asked.

"It's not exactly like this. If there is no opponent within 2008, then we will launch it at the end of 2008 or early 2009."

"By the end of this year at the latest, our Weichat will be able to develop more mature products. Why do we have to wait until the end of next year?"

If Weichat was not launched until 2009, Zhang Dalong, the general manager of Weichat Technology, would have to bear a lot of pressure.

Not to mention whether the employees below will lose confidence, even he himself will doubt himself.

"Nowadays, the market share of smartphones is still too low. In the world, only Brilliance Mobile and Apple are relatively decent. However, the total sales volume of the two companies is still less than 2000 million, and they are still distributed around the world. If we now If we just launch Weichat, it won’t have much influence.”

"With the increase in smartphone shipments, the influence of micro-chat will also increase."

"Your idea seems to be right, but have you ever thought that the market is changing? Kwanghui Group launched a chat app, will Penguin follow? Once Penguin launches similar products, there will be hundreds of millions of Penguin Communications With the support of users, it’s really hard to say who will win.”

The WeChat of the later generations, relying on Penguin's strong development and publicity capabilities, as well as a huge user base, quickly photographed the front waves on the beach.

Therefore, in the era of smartphones, just because you are the first to launch a product does not mean that you will have the last laugh.

There is a high possibility that you just gave your opponent an inspiration, and then you were surpassed by the latecomers.

In the previous life, the Penguin Company did a lot of things like this, and it has been copying but has never been surpassed. It is the Penguin Company.

However, there is a saying, how can the affairs of scholars be considered stealing?
Of course, this kind of plagiarism can indeed be understood as micro-innovation to a certain extent.

For example, the well-known Penguin game plagiarized Lianzhong, and Lianzhong platform is almost no longer interested in it.

But is this really just caused by Penguin’s plagiarism? At that time, there were more than one cocoa copying, as if the creator of Penguin’s copying seemed to die immediately.

Some people say that because Penguin has a large user base, it will quickly seize the market and make the copied ones quickly lose the market.

This is of course a reason, but more importantly, Penguin itself is a company that values ​​user experience. It has a large user base and attaches great importance to user experience. It is not easy to fail.

So Jiang Hui has concerns about when the Weichat product will be launched, so don't make wedding clothes for Penguin.

Jiang Hui didn't want to see Penguin's WeChat follow along when his own WeChat was launched.

"Penguin communication is the lifeblood of Penguin. If our WeChat chat threatens it, Penguin will definitely find a way to suppress it or launch a similar product. I really neglected the impact." Zhang Dalong said regretfully .

"We are not afraid of them. In terms of user base, Guanghui Group is no worse than Penguin. If we really want to engage in a propaganda war, they are definitely not our opponents. It's just that Weichat is too important to Guanghui Group. I don't allow it to have No accident, unnecessary risks should be avoided as much as possible," Jiang Hui explained.

As the core product of Guanghui Group based on the Internet in the future, no one understands the importance of Weichat better than Jiang Hui, and no one knows better than Jiang Hui what changes Weichat will bring to everyone.

Many post-[-]s, post-[-]s, and even post-[-]s used to be loyal users of Penguin Communications, but when WeChat became popular, many people would not log in to Penguin Communications several times a month. In previous lives, WeChat used to be WeChat s future.

"I understand what you mean, Mr. Jiang. I will arrange special staff to follow up the market situation of various chat apps. If there is any situation, I will report to you as soon as possible," Zhang Dalong said.

"Well, Lao Zhang, don't worry, it should be yours, and it will be yours after all. I believe that Weichat will rise like a shining star among many products in a short time. At that time, Weichat technology will become One of the largest Internet companies in China," said Jiang Hui.

Qianlong waits for clouds to gather in the abyss, pheasants and tigers hide in forests and other winds rise, micro-chat is destined to bring a new storm to the Chinese Internet market in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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