Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 693 Move Out

Chapter 693 Move Out

While Jiang Hui and Zhang Dalong were talking about Weichat, Bai Xue went to Hu Minting's school to pick her up to the imperial capital.

"Sister, it's not easy to see you now." Hu Minting dragged a suitcase out of the dormitory building, and came to the front of the Mercedes-Benz S600 where Bai Xue was.

"You don't call me very much yourself, so you're ashamed to say it." The driver took the initiative to help Hu Minting put Xinglv into the trunk, and Hu Minting chatted with Bai Xue.

At the same time, Hu Minting's class was also discussing Hu Minting, who was the first in the class to go out for an internship after entering the senior year.

"Dandan, you mean that Min Ting went to Guanghui Group for an internship? Is it the Guanghui Group that owns Guanghui Games, Guanghui Film and Television, Guanghui Weibo, and Guanghui Mobile?".

"Yes, it is said that she is going to the HR department of the group headquarters for an internship. If she can stay after the internship, she will make it through."

"I logged on to the official website of Guanghui Group to check. Their campus recruitment notice for this year has just been sent out a few days ago, and the first presentation will be held tomorrow night, and there is no notice for recruiting interns. What is she doing? Where did it go in?"

"I don't know, she just said that her sister helped her get it done."

"Isn't she the only child? Where's the older sister?"

"It should be cousin or cousin."

"Her cousin is really good at getting her directly into the Guanghui Group headquarters for an internship."


"Sister, I'll hang out with you from now on. Where will I live after I go to the Imperial Capital? My aunt just asked me to call you about the internship yesterday. I'm not at all prepared to go to the Imperial Capital." Hu Minting and Bai Xue Sitting side by side in the back row of S600 said.

"Ah? My mother asked you to mention the internship. Well, I'll just say it."

"Yeah, didn't Auntie mention it to you?"

"My mother just asked me to tell you anything that is inconvenient for me to discuss with her in the future," Bai Xue said a little depressed.

"Sister, you haven't said where I'm staying tonight."

"Live on the street," Bai Xue joked.

"A smart and beautiful girl like me, are you willing to let me live on the street?" Hu Minting said to Bai Xue with a pitiful look.

"You just pretend, no wonder my mother always said that you are much smarter than me. I have a house in the capital, and I don't usually live there. When the time comes, you can live there," Bai Xue said.

"Aren't you living with me? Sis, are you living with your brother-in-law?" Hu Minting asked gossipingly.

"I see the situation."

"I have a little suggestion."

"you say".

"Actually, I think it would be better for you to live outside by yourself now."

"Why do you say that? Now there are more couples who are not married and live together."

"Sister, let me analyze it for you. Does a man as good as brother-in-law have a lot of entertainment?"

"Of course, every day if he likes it."

"Then some of his entertainments are not suitable for taking you with him?".

Bai Xue thought for a while and said, "Sometimes it's really not suitable."

"That's it. You just think, when your brother-in-law goes to socialize, you wait for him at home. It doesn't matter once or twice. If there are too many times, will you feel unhappy?"

"I don't think so."

"Well, that's not the point. Will my brother-in-law feel an invisible pressure? It's like someone is urging him to go back at home? If he doesn't return at night sometimes, will he feel inconvenient?", Hu Minting said.

"I haven't thought about that, have I?"

"Of course I will. Besides, let me ask a question. Do you think brother-in-law will only guard you in this life?" Hu Minting whispered in Bai Xue's ear.

Hu Minting's words touched Bai Xue's pain point, that is, her sister said these words, otherwise Bai Xue would have suspected the speaker's intentions.

If we say that when we were together with Jiang Hui, Bai Xue still imagined that he and Jiang Hui only loved each other.

But as the Guanghui Group grew stronger, Jiang Hui grew like a rocket, making Bai Xue realize the gap between the two.

Although Bai Xue has never doubted Jiang Hui's feelings for her, but with more and more excellent women around Jiang Hui, Bai Xue no longer has the confidence to monopolize Jiang Hui.

And He Ling's intervention made Bai Xue completely realize that Jiang Hui, a man, would not be able to enjoy himself alone in this life.

"Just say what you want to say," Bai Xue said to Hu Minting in a low voice.

"Sister, if you answer me like this, it means that you have recognized this cruel reality, then you should leave some distance between yourself and your brother-in-law, and leave some space for each other. After all, you are still just men now. Where's the girlfriend?" Hu Minting said.

After Hu Minting finished speaking, Bai Xue fell silent.

Although she herself felt vaguely that it was necessary to give Jiang Hui more space before, she didn't want to see him every day.

But now hearing what Hu Minting said, Bai Xue felt that it was quite reasonable.

"Even if Jiang Hui likes him, Jiang Hui still needs his own private space, not to mention that besides himself, there is at least one He Ling mixed in," Bai Xue thought in her heart.

"It just so happens that I'm going to the imperial capital with you now. You can use this as an opportunity to move out from your brother-in-law and let your brother-in-law treat your residence as a palace. You can go there every now and then, but you don't have to report every day," Hu Minting continued. Said.

"Aren't you afraid that your brother-in-law will be angry with you if you encourage me to move out?" Bai Xue said.

"Brother-in-law is a smart man. Although I have never met him, but based on my judgment, he who can achieve today's results in just a few years from scratch must be able to understand my painstaking efforts," Hu Minting said affirmatively.

"What painstaking effort, you are simply beating mandarin ducks with a stick." Although Bai Xue was a little moved by Hu Minting's suggestion, she still didn't let go.

"Why don't you do this? If my sister is worried, you can go and check on your brother-in-law first, and then make a decision."

"Let's talk about it, let's talk about your work first. This time, I went to the group's personnel department for an internship. I just caught up with the start of a new round of campus recruitment by Guanghui Group. I guess there will be a lot of things to do. You have to do it well. I'm ready."

"Don't worry, I won't embarrass Mr. Bai or Mr. Jiang," Hu Minting said with a smile.

"Seriously, I mean seriously."

"Your sister and my EQ and IQ, sister, you still don't know? The personnel department mainly does all kinds of things related to people, which I am best at."

"As far as you are smart, Guanghui Group has graduated from crouching tiger, hidden dragon, Kyoto University, Huaqing University and other prestigious universities. Don't underestimate everyone. I will not stand up and intercede for you if you suffer a loss. ".

The two sisters chatted all the way.

In an era when there are more and more only children, cousins ​​and cousins ​​are real brothers and sisters.

(End of this chapter)

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