Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 694 Assistant

Chapter 694 Assistant
There are no two identical leaves in the world, and each company has its own characteristics.

But in some things, there are often fixed rules.

Take the entry of new employees as an example. The employees recruited by general campuses in China generally start in July.In island countries, this time is often April.

Whether it is July or April, the gap between different companies is often not particularly huge.The larger the companies, the smaller the differences in this regard.

Guanghui Group is no exception.

The campus recruitment starts in September every year, and the first round of recruitment usually ends in November of that year. Depending on the situation, whether to supplement the recruitment in the spring of the second year.

Most of these recruited fresh graduates joined in July.

Correspondingly, the recruitment of interns also has fixed nodes.

Although compared with formal employee recruitment, the degree of freedom in recruiting interns is greater, but it is absolutely unprecedented that they are directly assigned to the group headquarters or the HR department without any written test or interview.

As soon as Hu Minting entered the personnel department of Guanghui Group, she attracted everyone's attention.

This young and over-the-top assistant to the head of the personnel department who appeared out of nowhere couldn't be believed to be an ordinary person.

The few insiders in Guanghui Group will not talk too much, and Liu Chujing will not reveal anything.

The younger sister of the boss's future wife came to her department for an internship, and Liu Chujing also had a bit of a headache as to how to arrange it.

If it was really treated as an ordinary intern and arranged for her to do some trivial things, Hu Minting would probably not be happy, and Bai Xue might not be satisfied either, and it would be troublesome to blow some pillow wind someday.

But it wouldn't work if she was assigned an important position, after all, she was a senior with no work experience.

There are more than a dozen important subordinate companies under the Guanghui Group. The work of the group's personnel department not only affects the headquarters, but also has a huge influence on the subordinate companies.

Arranging an unreliable person in an important position will not only reduce the credibility of the HR department, but if Hu Minting accidentally does something unreliable, what will Liu Chujing do?Do you want to wipe your ass?
After much deliberation, Liu Chujing specially set up the position of Assistant Minister of Personnel Department for Hu Minting.

The so-called assistant, generally speaking, its birth is the product of the main leader's self-expansion of power.The big leader has a few assistants of his own. Although there is no basis in the system, the biggest advantage of doing so is that it can erode the authority of the deputy to the greatest extent and let his hand stretch longer.

Assistants in domestic companies are different from assistants in foreign companies. Assistants in foreign companies simply mean "helping with management". As mentioned above, assistants in state-owned enterprises have a lower position than deputy positions, but they have higher real power than deputy positions in matters authorized by the top leader.

However, Liu Chujing's assistant is obviously different from the one described above.

On the one hand, although there is a deputy director in the personnel department, this deputy director was promoted by himself, and as the group veteran, Shi Jianghui personally recruited him back, and he is one of the few executives who owns shares in the subsidiary.

Therefore, there was absolutely no need for Liu Chujing to erode the deputy minister's rights by setting up assistants, because the other party did not have much rights at all.

In addition, Guanghui Group is neither a foreign company nor a state-owned company, and generally does not have an assistant staff.

Now, in order to allow Hu Minting to get in touch with the specific work of the personnel department and make her feel valued.

It also prevents her from specifically commanding or performing a certain job, resulting in unpredictable problems.

So Assistant Hu was born.

Although Hu Minting and Bai Xue have moved out now, in order not to let the company employees know her special status, Hu Minting did not take Bai Xue's special car to go to work.

Fortunately, the traffic around Guanghui Building is convenient, and the residence is not far away. Hu Minting can easily get to work by herself or by taxi.

By the end of this week, Bai Xue was going to the 4S store of Wang Jiang Automobile to pick a car for Hu Minting. Anyway, the little girl got her C1 driver's license when she was a junior in college, and now she is very interested in driving by herself.

"Min Ting, during this period of time, you should follow the campus recruitment project first. This is the recent key work project of the Human Resources Department," Liu Chujing called Hu Minting to her office and said.

All the entry-related procedures are handled by the HR department, so as an intern in the HR department, Hu Minting did almost nothing, just signed a few names, handed in some documents, and the entry procedures were completed.

"Okay, Minister Liu, don't worry, I will study hard with my seniors, ask questions if you don't understand, listen more and talk less," Hu Minting said modestly.

"Well, if you have any comments, you can give me feedback at any time. You are now an assistant to the minister. If you have any ideas, you can tell everyone that there is no problem," Liu Chujing said.


When Hu Minting was called to Liu Chujing's office, countless eyes were staring at the door of Liu Chujing's office in the office area of ​​the personnel department, and the fire of gossip was rising among the masses.

Just like when there are some domestic policies to be promulgated, there are always some gossips that come out in advance, and these roadside news are often very accurate.

It's the same in the company.

Often when there is a change in a certain person's position, rumors will spread in advance. Although the information may not be completely accurate, in all likelihood, it will not be outrageously deviated.

But this time, there was no news about the Assistant Minister of Personnel Department who fell from the sky this time.

Even this position is only known to everyone after seeing the internal appointment letter, so everyone can't help but guess in their hearts.

"Could it be a relative of Minister Liu? Otherwise, why would he put it directly beside me?"

"You are stupid, you must not be a relative of Minister Liu. If you are a relative, you should put it in the important joint venture company below, so that it will not appear so conspicuous."

"That's right, but it's obviously not an ordinary intern."

"Nonsense, can ordinary interns become assistant ministers in one step?"

"Could it be a second generation? Minister Liu didn't know how to arrange it, so he had to give her an assistant position and let her play."

"Assistant is a good position. Assistant ministers of national ministries and commissions are assistants at the deputy ministerial level; assistants to mayors are assistants and are at the deputy department level; interns brought by ordinary employees in enterprises can also be assistants."

"However, although our assistant is not at the level of deputy minister, he should have the right to speak, so everyone should take it easy."

"Indeed, it is said that there are three fires when a new official takes office, but don't let the first fire burn on us."


In this way, Hu Minting started her internship career.

If Jiang Ping is an intern who rotates around in various companies in the group, everyone still knows some background.

Hu Minting looked even more mysterious.

(End of this chapter)

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