Chapter 695
The first stop of Guanghui Group's campus recruitment tour is Huaqing University.

I don't know when, the bigger the company, the earlier the campus recruitment will start.It seems that if you go late, you don't have enough grades, and you don't need to recruit the best talents.

So don't look at the school just started in early September, by mid-September, many companies have already started recruiting.

At this time, you can actually see the difference between a good school and a bad school.

For example, Huaqing University holds several seminars for various companies almost every day.

Banking, consulting, fast-moving consumer goods, electronics, machinery, the Internet... All kinds of companies, as long as they come to the Imperial Capital to hold seminars, they will most likely choose Huaqing University and Kyoto University as the first choice for the seminar.

For the less well-known schools such as the surrounding Women's College, Capital Normal University, and Forestry University, the number of lectures has been greatly reduced.

The students from the schools where the enterprises did not come to hold the seminar had to take the bus to other schools if they wanted to learn more about the situation of the enterprises.

Fortunately, the student card in the imperial capital only costs [-] cents to take the bus, and it doesn't cost much to get around four or nine cities.

"Yingying, I'll give you part of my resume, and you give me part of your resume. After a while, whoever of us has the opportunity to submit a resume to the staff of the presentation will submit both of them together." The two students A girl who looks like a girl is walking on the campus road of Huaqing University.

"Well, we took the bus from Changping for more than two hours to come here. It would be depressing if we didn't even hand over our resumes."

"Yes, regardless of whether we can enter Guanghui Group or not, at least we have to let people in the HR department see our resumes."

"Our school is built in Changping, and there are not many companies that come to give presentations every year. To participate in a presentation, you have to go to the city, which is very troublesome."

"No way, it's all about finding a good job. Although many companies can submit resumes online, compared with submitting resumes to recruiters on the spot, I always feel a bit disadvantaged."

"Yeah, there must be a lot of people today, I hope we can squeeze in later."


Jiang Hui has always believed that talents are the most precious wealth of the company and the core competitiveness of the company.

With the continuous expansion of Guanghui Group's scale and the fierce competition for talents in the industry, the HR Department is also actively exploring new models of talent training, shortening the talent training cycle, and improving the quality of talents.

As an important part of it, it is to strengthen the review and confirmation of all links in the recruitment of new employees.

People with rich interview experience will find that the larger the company, the more complicated the recruitment process.

Resume screening, written examination, one, two, and even three interviews are normal things.

When some companies engage in social recruitment, they even let the interviewers come to the company from the morning, and then go all the way, persist until the last side, and it may be already evening when it ends.

For college students, all businesses are mysterious.

When you are lucky, you happen to have senior brothers and sisters you know in that company, and you can get to know them through them.

But most of the time, you can only look at the information on the company's official website through the Internet.

At this time, the presentation will be particularly important.

On the one hand, companies can use this opportunity to let potential employees know about their company.

On the other hand, students can also take advantage of this opportunity to ask questions face-to-face with the company's senior management to understand the issues they are interested in.

For employees of many companies, this may be the moment they are closest to the company's top management, or even the only moment they have the opportunity to ask questions.

Even if they successfully enter the enterprise in the future, in large companies, most employees will rarely have the opportunity to replace problems with senior management.

More importantly, at the presentations at this time, generally some resumes will be accepted on the spot.

Many students also came to the seminar for this reason.


"What's the situation today? Why are there so many people at the gate of Building No. [-]?" said several Huaqing University students as they passed by Building No. [-].

"I heard that Guanghui Group is holding a presentation."

"I didn't expect Guanghui Group to be so popular now. I remember when I was an undergraduate student in Jiaotong University, Guanghui Group was still not well-known."

"The Internet is really a place full of miracles. I feel like I chose the wrong major."

"No, Guanghui Group now recruits people from almost any major. They even recruit a lot of people from the Department of Chinese and Fine Arts."

"That's true. Guanghui Group is now a big business. It really needs talents of all majors. I just don't know when they will recruit interns. I think it would be nice to be able to go to Guanghui Group for an internship before graduating from graduate school."

"I think so too, Du pay attention to their official website."


"Everyone line up and don't crowd, and enter in an orderly manner." Hu Minting also followed Liu Chujing to the Huaqing University presentation today.

"If you don't have a place, you can stand in the aisles on both sides for a while, our lecture will start immediately."


"Yingying, there is still a small space next to the podium, let's go there quickly, it will be occupied by others in a while."

"Wow, there are so many people, it's scary, I've never seen them before."

"Yeah, this classroom is crowded with at least eight or nine hundred people, and there are still people queuing outside."

"The new employees of Guanghui Group have at least 1 basic salary as soon as they enter, and the highest is more than [-], plus bonuses and so on. It is not a big problem to get [-] in the first year. It is strange that there are not many people."

"It's all the fault of the money."


"Jingjing, Hu Minting from our former class is in South China Normal University, right?" At the lecture, a rather pretty girl was on the phone.

"Yeah, what's the matter? Don't you have a bad relationship with her? Why did you suddenly ask her?"

"I'm attending the Guanghui Group's campus recruitment seminar at Huaqing University, and I saw Hu Minting."

"Ah? No way? She should still be in her senior year. Why did she appear in the Imperial Capital? Did you read it wrong? There is no need for her to go to the Imperial Capital if she is going to attend the presentation of the Guanghui Group."

"She didn't come to the Imperial Capital to attend the presentation. No, this statement is not very appropriate. I think she is wearing the work clothes of Guanghui Group now, and she is a staff member of the presentation."

"Ah? No way? I saw her in Haizhu during the summer vacation. You can just go over and say hello."

"It's not that you don't know that the boy I liked liked her before, so I often hated her, and my relationship with her was very bad. I wish she wouldn't recognize me, otherwise, there would be no hope of joining Guanghui Group ".

"Hey, if I knew today, why bother that day."


(End of this chapter)

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