Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 699 Charter Flight

Chapter 699 Charter Flight
Didu Airport Departure Hall.

"Old Liu, you are here too."

"Reporter Wang, I knew your daily would definitely send you out."

"Sister Na, you are here too."

"Editor Zhao, you're on your own."


At the waiting area of ​​Air China CA1336, a group of reporters and editors from major media across the country gathered together.

For this Glorious Mobile Global Developers Conference, Glorious Mobile invited nearly a thousand media reporters, including nearly a hundred from China.

Tianchao Youth Daily, Chaoting TV, Didu Evening News, Nanfang Daily, Dongfang Daily... The major daily newspapers basically have invitations.,,, NetEase, Zhongguancun Online, Pacific Science and Technology... All major portal websites and mainstream websites related to the electronics industry have come.

Brilliant Mobile, Brilliant Games, Tudou, Meituan, Brilliant Microblog, Brilliant Payment, Brilliant Film and Television... Excellent employee representatives from companies under the Brilliant Group were also invited.

After a scattered calculation, there are actually more than 100 people, plus there are also about [-] people from the island media and supplier representatives.

With a flick of a pen, Jiang Hui chartered a flight to the United States.

"Sister Ping, I really found you." Xiao Guan dragged his travels to find Chen Yanping who was sitting in the corner.

"Xiaoguan? I didn't expect to go with you this year when I'm not in the same company," Chen Yanping said, putting down the Gphone in her hand.

Xiaoguan followed Chen Yanping when he first entered Tianchao Youth Daily, and he was brought out by Chen Yanping himself.

At the beginning, they were all characters that their grandma didn't know or love, but since they interviewed Jiang Hui because of Xiaonei, the fate of several people ushered in a change.

Because of Chen Yanping's existence, Tianchao Youth Daily can always get first-hand information about Guanghui Group. Slowly, with the rapid rise of Guanghui Group's status in Tianchao's economic circles, the status of Chen Yanping and others in Tianchao Youth Daily is also increasing. A rising tide lifts all boats.

Last year, because of this, Chen Yanping was selected by the imperial court and transferred to be the host of the column.

Xiaoguan also took over Chen Yanping's position and became a senior reporter of Tianchao Youth Daily.

Whether it’s thanks to the Tianchao Youth Daily’s report that accelerated the development of and laid the foundation for the first step of Guanghui Group, or thanks to the pleasant cooperation over the years, or considering their location, this time Guanghui’s mobile phone Chen Yanping and Xiaoguan will be invited to the Global Developers Conference.

"Mr. Jiang is so interesting. It was a matter of little effort for us back then. After so many years, he still remembers it," Xiaoguan said with emotion.

Over the years, Chen Yanping and Xiaoguan have also reported on countless companies and read countless reports.

Of course, some of them are critical, and it is only natural that the other party does not appreciate it.

However, there are more praises in it, and I haven't seen how others thank you afterwards.

At most, it's just a little more money during the interview.

"Yeah, basically whenever we want to meet Mr. Jiang, he accepts our interview with dignity." Chen Yanping said while recalling the details after she met Jiang Hui.

Chen Yanping is almost 30 years old this year, and she is still single up to now.

"This time Guanghui Group chartered a large-scale flight to the United States. I don't know what big news will come out. I'm looking forward to it."

"The theme of this event is the Glorious Mobile Global Developers Conference, and it should be that Glory Mobile will release new products."

"I think so too, but I think the current Gphone has no rivals at all, and there is no need to update it at all."

"I think so too, but because of this, I think there should be a new product launch, but this new product is not necessarily a replacement for Gphone."

"Hey, there is no news at all, and Guanghui's confidentiality work is too good."

While the two of them were chatting, it was soon time to board the plane.

Brilliant mobile phone package is an Air China Boeing 777.

The Boeing 777 adopts a circular fuselage design and a total of 14 tires on the landing gear.

Back then, Boeing invested a lot of resources to develop the 777, which was the second gamble in Boeing history after the 747. If it failed, Boeing might not escape bankruptcy. Fortunately, the Boeing 777 turned out to be a successful aircraft.

Seventy-eight out of ten of China's international flights use Boeing aircraft, and the rest are Airbus.

In the past, it was said that if China exported [-] million shirts, it would not be able to exchange for a large plane. This is the consequence of not mastering the core technology.

The flight from Teito Airport will stop at Narita Airport in Tokyo for an hour, pick up a hundred or so media personnel from the island country, and fly to the United States together.

As an island country that accounts for [-]% of Gphone sales, Brilliant Mobile also attaches great importance to it.

Whether he likes the islanders or not, Jiang Hui likes the money of the islanders.

"Shimazaki-kun, Yahu Island sent you to go out in person?" At Narita Airport, a group of people who were preparing to participate in the Glorious Mobile Global Developers Conference were also communicating with each other.

"Yes, boss Sun of Softbank Group, the major shareholder of our Yahoo island country, personally spoke and asked us to pay attention to this event."

"That's right. Apart from its own directly-operated stores in the island country, the only other places where you can buy Gphone are the telecom business offices under Softbank. This cooperation relationship cannot be ignored."

"At this time last year, the Gphone of Guanghui Mobile was born. Although many traditional mobile phone giants did not pay attention to it, various media have fully felt its influence."

The spring river plumbing duck prophet, if the smartphone industry is compared to the spring river, then the media is a "duck".

"Sony Ericsson and Sharp still insist on their own feature phones. I feel that if they don't change, the center of the mobile phone industry will shift to China."

"Yeah, I hope this Brilliance Mobile Developers Conference can come up with some more impactful products, so that those island companies that have not yet awakened will move quickly."

"You are right. After this conference, I plan to write a few articles related to smartphones, so that companies from island countries can fully pay attention to this industry."

"I think the same way. Since I changed my Sharp to a Gphone, I can no longer look at those traditional mobile phones. It's like an old Chinese saying: from frugality to luxury, from luxury to frugality Difficult."

"Gphone is really easy to use. Since I have it, I usually don't turn on the computer when I go home at night. I can read emails, read news, play games, listen to music, matter what I can do on it."

"Jiang Hui of Guanghui Mobile said that this is an epoch-making product, and he really didn't brag."


(End of this chapter)

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