Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 698 The Gap

Chapter 698 The Gap
While Jiang Hui and Zhu Zhengfeng were discussing Gphone2, Apple on the other side of the Pacific was also discussing iPhone and Gphone.

"McKen, what should I do? The data gathered by the directly-operated stores is far from satisfactory. How can I tell the president?" Jack, the VP of the sales department, said with a frown.

"Gphone can sell 200 million units a month, why can't we sell 50 iPhones? We are cheaper," McCann said.

"The people in the design department are out of their minds. When the Gphone is launched next year, it has already proved how popular Gstore is. They are stubborn not to add this function to the iPhone."

"Yeah, I'm also very speechless. This should be the most complained about our iPhone. In order for smartphones to reflect the difference between themselves and traditional feature phones, in addition to the large screen, the most important thing is to have various Various apps can be downloaded.”

"The people in the design department were scolded by Jobs for more than an hour last week, saying that they did not do a good job in software development."

"I am also using the iPhone myself, and there are indeed many problems. It freezes from time to time, especially when I use several functions at the same time."

"Fortunately, the company is already urgently advancing the design of the iPhone 2, and we should have our own app store by then."

"If there is a mall, it may not necessarily sell Gphone. Our iOS system is too closed, and we are unwilling to open too many interfaces to the outside world. In addition, our iPhone sales are not as good as Gphone. Developers will give priority to launching apps that continue Gphone. ".

"One step behind, step by step behind."

"The technology is backward, but the appearance is not comparable. It is not so easy to defeat the opponent just by relying on a discount of one hundred dollars."


Electronics Hobbyists Association at Caltech Berkeley.

"Avery, why did you drop your phone when you're so good?" In the activity room of the association, the president Birmingham said to the vice president of the association, Avery.

"Don't mention it, it crashes when I use it, and the Wi-Fi connection is also very unstable. I worked part-time at McDonald's for more than two weeks to earn enough money to buy an iPhone. I didn't expect to buy it for two months, and I was depressed. two months".

"Look, I said at the beginning that the performance of the Gphone surpasses that of the iPhone in all aspects, and you have to spend an extra one hundred dollars to buy a Gphone, but you still insist on selling Apple products."

"I adore Jobs, you know, my idol is not Madonna, nor Tom Cruise, but Steve Jobs. At the iPhone conference, this phone performed very well. ".

"Hehe, the things at the press conference are just like the food in the advertisement. They look very beautiful and appetizing, but in fact they are not like that at all."

"Oh, don't mention it, I will regret it to death."

"Don't regret it. In a few days it will be the 2007 Brilliance Mobile Developers Conference. When the time comes, let's see what new products they will launch and whether there will be an update for the Gphone. Then you should quickly replace this broken phone."

"Developer conference? Where is it held?"

"It's still held in the Brilliance Mobile Store in Manhattan."

"Why do I go to the east every time, and I can't go to the scene to see it."

"Even if it's in Los Angeles, you won't be able to get in without an invitation."


In a factory in Futukang, Shenzhen Free Trade Zone, a bunch of employees stayed in the factory area bored.

The so-called bonded area is a unique model set up for manufacturing enterprises that focus on foreign trade processing. The bonded area adopts the concept of "domestic customs and outside the customs", that is, although the bonded area itself is located in the territory of China, it is supervised by the customs and isolated from the outside world. The components and finished products here are equivalent to not entering the customs abroad, so no tariffs are involved.

Apple's iPhone is produced here.

As Apple's partner for many years, the iPhone was naturally handed over to Futukang without exception.

However, in Futukang's eyes, Gphone is the real first smart phone, and it is also the smart phone they value the most.

So in September, when Futukang rolled out the Gphone to the Guanghui mobile phone foundry, Boss Guo was there in person.

Futukang also offered a very attractive price for Guanghui mobile phones, which was [-]% cheaper than that of Guanghui mobile phones.

Futukang has always been known as "receiving orders at a deficit and shipping in black", that is, accepting orders at a price lower than that of competitors, compressing and saving costs through efforts in all aspects of manufacturing and marketing, and delivering goods at competitive prices. client.

According to the report, others think that there is no profit, and Futukang can make a profit, which is not a small amount.

At the same time, in the bidding of OEM orders from international customers, there are only a few outsourcing manufacturers including Futukang that can meet the quality requirements of international customers. The efficient operation of industrial banks enhances their competitiveness with scale and volume, plunders the living space of other enterprises, and maximizes the accumulation of production resources to feed back the growth of enterprises.

However, the iPhone factory with a planned volume of 100 million is almost on the verge of shutting down, except for the production of 200 million units at full capacity in the first two months.

The production plan has plummeted from 100 million units to [-] units per month. How can this still work?
Apple still has more than 100 million inventory on hand. According to the current sales speed, it can be sold for three to four months, or even longer. Naturally, it is unwilling to continue to produce more inventory.

"Yusheng, if I can only work one day a week next month, I'm going to resign," a worker said to his fellow villagers.

For Futukang workers, the biggest income is overtime pay. If there is no overtime pay, what can they do with [-] yuan a month?
Although the 2007 in 2017 was much more valuable than the [-], it was only [-].

"I thought so too. I used to say that Futukang's income is high, so I came here to work, but look at the current situation, we can only get basic wages, and we can't save much money at all after a month."

"Yeah, the first two months were fine. The salary plus full attendance and overtime pay was 3000 yuan. This month started to be miserable."

"Why do you think Apple's iPhone is so hard to sell? I heard that the Gphone, which is similar to the iPhone, is completely in short supply and they are working overtime to produce it."

"Damn the iPhone, it's going to kill us, and our boss doesn't even think about deploying us to a factory that produces Gphones."

"Apple is an important customer of Futukang. Before they take the initiative to announce the adjustment of production capacity, Futukang dare not reduce workers easily. What if they suddenly ask for an increase in production?"

"That's true, but I really don't want to stay in the bonded area, a place that doesn't shit. I used to put up with it for the sake of RMB. Now..."


(End of this chapter)

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