Chapter 702
Fifth Avenue, Manhattan, New York.

Throughout the year, no matter what time of the year, there are always crowds here, in stark contrast to the sparsely populated scenes of most other cities in the United States.

Although Brilliance Mobile is doing its best to keep Gpad secret, with the upcoming World Developers Conference, some information about Gpad will inevitably leak out.

Of course, many of the information that comes out are specious, true or false, making it difficult to judge for a while.

America Online first reported: Glorious Mobile Global Developers Conference will be held tomorrow. What surprises will this company, which launched the epoch-making smart phone Gphone, bring to everyone at this conference?

The reporter of this website learned from a supplier of Guanghui mobile phone that the order of Guanghui mobile phone this month has nearly doubled from the previous month.

From the information learned on this site, Guanghui Mobile added 50 Gphone production capacity in September, but there is no other information.So what products are the remaining parts used to produce...


Immediately afterwards, USA TODAY published a fuzzy photo on the homepage of a suspected Gpad, and introduced that this is the appearance of the latest product of Guanghui Mobile.

Soon, someone tweeted a US Customs declaration form with the word Gpad written on it.

The tweet quickly became some of the most popular tweets of the day, and the owner of the account followed up with several related photos.

For a while, Gpad has become the most concerned product on the Internet before it goes on the market.

Although everyone still doesn't know what kind of product Gpad is, judging from the performance of Guanghui mobile phone in 2007, it should be worth looking forward to.

Since the launch of the Gphone of Guanghui Mobile, although Nokia, Motorola and other giants have dismissed it at the beginning, as it continues to sell well, gradually, everyone began to put away their contempt.

Although Nokia still insists that its own Symbian system is the best, high-end models based on Symbian system are more powerful than Gphone, but this giant is also increasing the intensity of Symbian system optimization.

It's a pity that the Symbian system was not born for smartphones in the sky. No matter how optimized it is, there will be no good results. At most, it will slow down the speed of Nokia's fall.


Brilliant mobile phone flagship store on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan.

Since the Global Developers Conference will be held tomorrow, the store has been closed since yesterday to prepare for tomorrow's conference.

Jiang Hui has also rushed to New York from the imperial capital to confirm the layout of the scene in advance.

"Mr. Jiang, this is the arrangement for tomorrow's developer conference, see if you need to make any adjustments," Zeng Qingying said.

This time, the developer conference was organized by the general manager office of the group and Guanghui Mobile.The group is responsible for coordinating the subordinate companies to cooperate with publicity and other matters, and Guanghui Mobile is responsible for the specific arrangements for the event.

"That's about it, but in terms of media publicity, we need to communicate more with Twitter, Facebook, and potato. This time, the main markets of our Gpad are in Europe and the United States, and it will basically be the same in the next year or two. We must Pay attention to propaganda to the common people in the West," Jiang Hui said.

According to history, it was not until the middle of 2009 that China released the WI-Fi function on mobile phones.

After all, the security of Wi-Fi networks has been questioned all the time. The rampant "cracking network card" in the domestic underground market is to achieve free Internet access by cracking other people's Wi-Fi networks. This is also an important reason why China once planned to enforce the domestic security standard WAPI .

"Okay, in this regard, we have asked the Group's public relations department and Guanghui Investment to help coordinate. At the same time, we have also arranged some resources to cooperate with the Internet to create momentum," Zeng Qingying said.

These days, the view that "the smell of wine is not afraid of deep alleys" is no longer applicable to the electronic market.

Especially as a new product of an emerging company, if the publicity work is not done well, the possibility of hitting the street will be greatly increased.

Even if you succeed in the end, the speed and height of success will be affected.

For a long time, Guanghui Group has a group of its own royal "water army", these teams have been used since the promotion of the new song of "Dream Band".

After so many years of running-in, Guanghui Group has formed its own mature network publicity system.

With the acceleration of Guanghui Group's entry into the international market, the "naval troops" associated with Guanghui Group have also become the first batch of international navy teams in China.

Its professionalism and confidentiality have always reassured Jiang Hui.

"The goods for the Gpad are all ready," Jiang Hui said to Dai Fugan who was next to him.

"The first batch of 30 units of products arrived at our warehouse yesterday, and we will start distributing the products to our directly-operated stores after the conference tomorrow, and they will definitely be in place before the National Day," said Dai Fuqian.

As the most important market for KF Mobile, the United States is the country with the most direct-sale stores. A total of [-] direct-sale stores are located in major cities in the United States.

In the next two years, Guanghui plans to expand the number of directly-operated stores in the United States to [-].

"I have a hunch that once our Gpad is launched, major computer manufacturers, mobile phone manufacturers, and even Internet companies will soon follow suit and launch similar products. Guanghui Mobile must confirm the OEM of Gpad with Futukang as soon as possible. Arrangements, compared with Gphone, the initial sales of Gpad will not be much less," Jiang Hui said.

Similar to Gpad and Gphone, neither is a product with a particularly high threshold. The difference is only in the details and the convenience of the software.

As a pioneer in the tablet computer industry, Brilliant Mobile may only have an exclusive period of about half a year. After half a year, the tablet computers of its competitors will be ready to come out.

This is also an important reason why this time the Gpad will go on sale less than a week after its release.

If the opponents of Gphone are only mobile phone manufacturers, Gpad touches the interests of computer manufacturers more.

IBM, HP, Dell, Asus, Sony, Lenovo...

I don't know how these computer manufacturers will feel at that time?

The feeling of being shot while lying down must not be too good!
"The OEM contract is already being negotiated. Futukang has little opinion on the conditions we gave, and the quotation is more sincere. After this conference, I will sign the contract," Dai Fuqian said.

For a product with a low threshold, how to distribute goods in a short period of time and rely on the first-mover advantage to win is particularly important.

"The construction of direct-sale stores overseas can be appropriately accelerated. Now that the impact of the subprime mortgage crisis is increasing, many properties are mortgaged to banks for auction. We can properly consider the combination of self-purchase and leasing to build direct-sale stores. ".

The impact of the subprime mortgage crisis is far-reaching, and the past of the subprime mortgage crisis seems to be rapid.

Under the stimulation of China's 2009 trillion yuan, in [-], the global economy will slowly recover from the subprime mortgage crisis, and housing prices will usher in a rising channel at that time. Glory Mobile needs to seize this window.

(End of this chapter)

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