Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 703 The Eve of Birth

Chapter 703 The Eve of Birth
During the 5000 years of the Heavenly Dynasty, whenever important people or objects were born, there would always be some strange scenes.

The mother of Liu Bang, the great ancestor of the Han Dynasty, often slept by a large lake in the wild and dreamed of immortals.One day, her husband went to see her, but saw a dragon lying on top of her, and she became pregnant and gave birth to Han Gaozu.

When Li Shimin, Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, lived, there were two dragons playing outside the door of his room for three days in a row.

Legend has it that when Yue Fei was born, there was a big bird like a swan flying in the room, so his parents named him Fei and the word Pengju.

When Zeng Guofan was born, his grandfather dreamed that there was a giant python wrapped around the pillar of his house, so he believed that Zeng Guofan was the reincarnation of the giant python. After Zeng Guofan was born, a dead sycamore tree in his home turned out to be alive again, which convinced his grandfather even more. The dream language of giant python reincarnation.

Coincidentally, Zeng Guofan suffered from a skin disease similar to "psoriasis", and his whole body was covered with ringworm like snake scales, so Zeng Guofan also believed in the dream language of the reincarnation of the python.


As such.

However, no matter when Jiang Hui was born, or when the Gphone arrived, or at the moment when the Gpad was released, the earth was spinning normally, without any rush or slowness. Neither a giant dragon nor a roc came.

Some are just long guns and short guns from various media.

The Glorious Mobile Global Developers Conference was presided over by Zhu Zhengfeng, the deputy general manager in charge of research and development of Glory Mobile, and Jiang Hui played the core part.


YY Live.

"Dear netizens and friends, handsome men and beauties, I am Mimi, and I meet you again today.

The place where I am now is the flagship store of Guanghui Mobile on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan, New York. The 2007 Global Developers Conference of Guanghui Mobile will be held again soon.

You can see through my Gphone camera that media from all over the world have already reached the scene... ".



"Is there any problem with the signal test?".

"Everything is OK, I have tried to broadcast live, but the signal has not been switched to online."

"Today is an important day for the release of new products of Brilliant Mobile. Chairman Jiang of the Group will be on stage in person. will also conduct a live webcast of foreign events for the first time. Everyone must ensure that nothing goes wrong during the live broadcast."

Since last year, has also started to enter the field of live broadcasting. However, unlike YY live broadcasting, which tends to be personal live broadcasting,'s live broadcasting is generally a variety of public events.

What sports events, cultural evenings, press conferences and the like.

"Understood, Brilliant Mobile has already contacted us about some advertising promotion after the press conference, and our company will definitely not hold back."


Brilliance Mobile official Weibo: Dear fans, the annual Brilliance Mobile Global Developers Conference is about to begin, and there will be important surprises waiting for you. Welcome to click the link below to watch the live broadcast of this conference.

Executives of the Brilliant Group, Dream Band, Xu Yixin, Mi Lai and others reposted the news of the Brilliant Mobile Developers Conference on their Brilliant Weibo and made some comments.

Netizens from all walks of life in Tianchao also expressed their comments and expectations.

Netizen "Little Bird Made of Mud": They all say that Brilliant products must be high-quality products, and I hope this time is no exception.

Netizen "Wu cxyu": Last year's conference brought you the epoch-making Gphone. Will there be any epoch-making products in this year's conference?Boss Jiang, you must not exhaust your talents.

Netizen "drunk monk": When will the developer conference of Guanghui Mobile be held in China?

Netizen "Nandou Qixing": Last year's conference was held on the Mid-Autumn Festival, and this year's is also the Mid-Autumn Festival. Foreigners are confused why the Mid-Autumn Festival is different every year, right?Haha~ The traditional festivals of my Great Heavenly Dynasty are not so easy to remember~
Netizen "Master Lei Y": There is no news about wearing it, so I am looking forward to some new products.

Netizen "Qi Suo": Guanghui Mobile is considered the most competitive company in China in recent years. Come on, let's go to the United States.

Netizen "Treading Cloud Lion": Is Boss Jiang going to open his mind again?What will be new this time?

Netizen "Turn the universe upside down and only me": Let's attack, Guanghui Mobile, support you.

Netizen "Night Bat": Ever since I used Gphone, I don't like other mobile phones anymore.Can boss Jiang give new expectations?
Netizen "tiger head dusty": Guanghui mobile phone, mighty!come on!

Netizen "Hengyu Wars Without Beginning": Increase production, hot sale!Continue to increase production and continue to sell well!Continue to increase production and continue to sell well!In one word, take it!

Netizen "Yuzu Chazi": Other domestic mobile phones need to work harder, or else they will be left behind by Guanghui mobile phones.

Netizen "minman": Jiang Hui's Guanghui Group has never disappointed me. I hope that Guanghui Mobile will not disappoint me this time.

Netizen "big man": When will Brilliant mobile phones be able to beat Nokia and beat Motorola? I am looking forward to this day.

Netizen "flipping bb": From scratch, it took less than two years. I hope that Guanghui Mobile will continue to use it for another two years to bring down the traditional mobile phone giants.

Netizen “FourBullet”: Seeing that Gphones bought by foreigners are more expensive than domestic ones, why do I feel inexplicably happy~

Netizen "Bingshan/Xueyuan": According to the report on the website in the United States, it is said that the Guanghui mobile phone will be a tablet computer?real or fake?
Netizen "There are always people who want to harm me": No matter what is announced at the developer conference, a conference of a Chinese company can attract the attention of the world, and it is still something to be proud of. Brilliant mobile phone, great job.


While Chinese netizens were talking about it, many foreign "bright fans" were also paying attention to the Brilliant Mobile Global Developers Conference.

US Internet.

"Brilliant Mobile, which makes the Gphone, is in New York today for the Worldwide Developers Conference."

"I didn't expect that Chinese companies would actually start to enter our homeland."

"Jobs has to work hard, the iPhone is too disappointing."

"The Celestial Dynasty is rising".


Island Internet.

"Glory Mobile is about to launch a new product."

"I look forward to Jiang Sang bringing you new products today."

"Sony Ericsson has to come on."

"The development of the Celestial Dynasty is too fast."


UK Internet.

"The smart phone industry will have new moves again."

"Yes, it is said that Glory Mobile's Global Developers Conference today has an epoch-making product launch."

"Really? Can't every year's epoch-making product be from Brilliant Mobile?"

"The UK is completely behind in this regard."

"It feels like the world of the United States and China now, and the former British Empire has completely declined."


Indian Internet.

"The developer conference of a Chinese company has attracted so much attention. As for it."

"That's right, I think there are many excellent companies in Calcutta."

"Tianchao Enterprises may only be in the spotlight for a while, and will soon be surpassed."


(End of this chapter)

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