Chapter 707

"Gpad has never been able to replace a notebook. It has its own obvious strengths and weaknesses... If your work involves more approval, reading, and recording, and it is clear that Gpad can meet the needs of your work, then you can consider it.

And if your work involves professional image and video editing, or you often need to open multiple software on the screen at the same time for work, then the traditional computer is still your first choice," said the statement released at the Glory Mobile Global Developers Conference. Gpad and Yahoo America first published relevant review articles on their homepages.

As the leading Internet portal in the United States, Yahoo has a very close relationship with computer giants such as IBM, Hewlett-Packard, and Dell.

However, as a large enterprise, Yahoo's views are relatively objective and fair. It does not blindly say that Gpad is good, nor does it constantly emphasize that Gpad is bad.

"The problem that computers have been facing since its birth is insufficient performance. Because people's needs for computers are constantly evolving, from character interfaces to graphical interfaces, from the Internet to video, from 2D to 3D, computer processors have been working hard to catch up. the needs of the people.

However, this demand is not unlimited. When the operating system evolves to Windows XP and the processor evolves to Core 2 Duo.

The performance requirements of daily applications are basically met, the processor can be faster, and the operating system can be more bulky, but in terms of the graphical operation interface and the smoothness of daily needs, this configuration can already meet the needs.

As a result, the IT industry turned to low power consumption. At this time, Intel developed the ATOM processor and created the concept of netbooks and light PCs.

And Brilliance mobile phone keenly grasped this opportunity, first launched the smart phone Gphone, followed by the launch of the tablet computer Gpad... ".

This is an article published by a media that clearly leans towards Guanghui's position.

"You know, when the operating principle of something goes beyond your cognitive range, it will add a bit of magic, this is Gpad", this is the official tweet issued by Twitter.

As a company controlled by Guanghui Group, Twitter's support and attention to brother company Guanghui Mobile is naturally unparalleled.

This is no longer a question of whether or not Guanghui Mobile will pay advertising fees, and how much advertising fees will be paid.

It's whether Twitter wants to get involved in political issues within the Guanghui Group.

Although Twitter is a company registered in the United States, and most of the company's employees are also Americans, key positions are still controlled by Jiang Hui.

Besides, don't think that only the Chinese government will govern politics, and the Americans are the same.

"Since the Gphone, Glorious Mobile has explored such a new business model that bundles hardware, software and content together to provide a one-stop solution.

As an enterprise established less than three years ago, Guanghui Mobile has developed into a tablet computer integrating communication, Internet, entertainment and reading in a short period of time. Gphone has changed the smart phone industry, and Gpad will also change the rules of the game in the Tablet PC industry.

Gpad itself is not just a tablet computer that can do everything, its impact may affect the future of computers, the future of mobile Internet, and even the future of traditional media..." On the second day of the Glorious Mobile Global Developers Conference, The Los Angeles Times even praised the Brilliance mobile phone in a rare way.

"Whether it's Gpad or other products of Guanghui Mobile, the design and positioning are clearly different from other similar products, which makes it unique and irreplaceable."

NBC TV reporters who were stuck outside the Brilliance Mobile flagship store in Manhattan interviewed Xiaoguan who came out of the Global Developers Conference for the first time.

"I found that many people were not 'bright fans' when they first bought Brilliance mobile phones. They changed their attitudes after playing with them. Therefore, in order to objectively evaluate the products of Brilliance mobile phones, it is best to use them for two days. I I strongly recommend everyone to buy it and try it out.”

Although Xiaoguan's English is a bit stumbled, he still expressed his opinion accurately.

As a witness to the rise of Guanghui Group, Xiao Guan is now a "bright fan" that is valued.

Under her influence, Tianchao Youth Daily also has dozens of "bright fans".

Brilliant Mobile's Gphone is relying on the power of word of mouth step by step. It has been on the market for nearly a year, and the price has not been lowered. When the production capacity is still increasing, it is still a hot-selling product. From time to time, individual monopoly The store will be out of stock.

Even Jingxi Mall, which Guanghui Group has invested in, has no way to sell it openly.

"The shirt collision among entertainment stars is a very embarrassing thing, every time this happens, the entertainment journalists are as excited as Chinese New Year, and the shirt collision incident will inevitably fill the headlines of the major media at the same time.

In fact, star Zhuangshan has become the focus of attention that the public loves to see, and it is more due to the extreme identification with individuality deep in the heart.

Of course, personalization is a derivative of great material abundance. We must know that in the Chinese dynasty 30 years ago, almost everyone was dressed in blue tunic suits, Dacron shirts and rubber shoes, so personalization was out of the question.

The great abundance of material goods leads to personalization, and this rule can be applied to any industry. Take mobile phones as an example. Ten years ago, people would never feel distressed by their dull and monotonous appearance. After all, at that time, mobile phones were personal Sheer luxury.

But today, when mobile phones are becoming popular, people have higher and higher requirements for appearance.The Gphone of Guanghui Mobile has achieved success by virtue of its excellent appearance.

However, with the glorious mobile phone that is becoming successful with its personalization, the brand new product Gpad launched at the Global Developers Conference yesterday, a tablet computer, is almost exactly the same as the Gphone. It is 3.5 inches.

In other words, Gpad is a large Gphone.Such a product dares to claim to be an epoch-making product, I really don’t agree with it.”

This is obviously an article published by a media that is not optimistic about Gpad.

In fact, the iPad back then was considered to be just a large iPhone, and many media and experts were not optimistic about its future.

But consumers slapped the bricks in the face with loud data.

With very good data, the iPad got off to a good start, and has been selling well for many years. Its sales once surpassed that of the iPhone. It was not until 2015, when there were more and more large-screen mobile phones, that the sales of the iPad began to enter the stage of stagflation.

Facts have proved that consumers have a strong demand for larger tablets, and new games and video experience will strongly promote the sales of Gpads.

This is why Guanghui Mobile's own Gpad production line with a capacity of 100 million has just been put into production, and Jiang Hui asked Dai Fuqian to negotiate an OEM contract with Futukang as soon as possible.

This kind of aggressive production capacity policy, if you encounter a company that is not so forward-looking, maybe Liu will be defeated by the boss.

(End of this chapter)

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