Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 714 Pride

Chapter 714 Pride

Gu Hongming once walked into the classroom of Kyoto University with pigtails, and the students burst into laughter. Gu said calmly: "The braids on my head are tangible, but the braids in your hearts are invisible."

Hearing this, the arrogant Peking University students fell silent.

Gu Hongming continued, "My braids are tangible and can be cut off, but the braids in your heads are not so easy to cut."

At that time, many naughty students of Peking University bet to cut the old man's braids in order to become famous, but considering his temper, no one dared to do it.

As Gu Hongming said: The braids on my head are tangible, but the braids in your hearts are invisible.

Although the Celestial Dynasty has come out of the semi-colonial and semi-feudal situation.

But after seeing the development of the West, many people still feel that they are inferior to Europeans and Americans, and they always want to find something that can reflect their sense of superiority to balance the differences in their hearts.

The Gphone of Guanghui Mobile is an excuse for balance in the hearts of these people, and now there is another Gpad.

Naturally, without the guidance of Guanghui Group, the Internet is already strong and countless netizens are praising Gpad.

"Brilliant mobile phone is doing well."

"Products produced by Guanghui must be high-quality goods, sincerity does not deceive me."

"Gpad is amazing, it was sold out of the purchase limit on the first day."

"When did the American people become so enthusiastic?"

"Gpads are not cheap, Guanghui Mobile has opened a new money printing machine."

"Just obey Jiang Hui, and do everything best."

"I passed the written test of Guanghui Group last week, and I look forward to being able to enter this rising company smoothly."

"Those who say that Gpad is just a big Gphone and no one likes it, where are you going to put your face?"

"When will it be listed in China, I also seem to want a Gpad."

"Same request, who has the channel to help me get one."

"If Glorious Mobile doesn't launch Gpad in Tianchao, those scalpers will have to go wild."

"Increase production, increase production quickly, if you don't earn money, you don't earn it for nothing."

"When will Guanghui Mobile go public, I want to become its shareholder, although I guess I can only afford to buy one when I get a job."

"What China needs most is a high-tech company like Guanghui Mobile, and all the money it makes is in dollars."

"Come on, Brilliant Mobile, continue to look forward to the performance of the Worldwide Developers Conference next year."


All kinds of comments rushed to Guanghui Weibo, Xiaonei and other places.

"Mr. Jiang, the sales data is out. On the first day, 24 units were sold in the United States. Fortunately, we have adopted a purchase restriction measure. Otherwise, it is estimated that the first batch of 3000 units will be sold out." Dai Fuqian told Jiang Hui report.

"Although I had a hunch that the Gpad would sell well, I didn't expect it to sell so well," Jiang Hui said with emotion.

In the previous life, when the iPad went on the market, it also attracted countless fans, and even had to postpone the launch time in other countries because the product was so popular.

However, now that the time has been advanced by more than two years, I did not expect the effect to be even better.

After thinking about it, Jiang Hui understood why: consumers in 2007, when they saw the Gpad, should have suffered a greater impact.

It's like consumers who have seen too many classic cars and suddenly see a new Mercedes-Benz S600, the impact must be huge.

After being influenced by the Gphone, everyone has gradually realized the benefits of this mobile device. At just the right time, Guanghui Mobile launched the Gpad, which made up for the fact that the screen is not big enough for watching movies and playing games on the Gphone. question.

It is inevitable that Gpad will be popular.

"The OEM contract with Futukang is almost finalized, and they also promised to build the production line within three months, then train the workers, and officially launch the OEM products in February next year," said Dai Fuqian.

"That's good. Looking at the performance of Gpad, I don't think a production capacity of 200 million units may be able to meet global demand," Jiang Hui said.

"This year, our turnover has exceeded 1000 billion. There is no problem at all. I have received several calls from morning to congratulations," Dai Fuqian said.

"1000 billion is just the beginning. My goal is that one day the turnover of Brilliant Mobile will exceed [-] trillion and become the most profitable company in China and even in the world," Jiang Hui said with a smile.

Is it more than a trillion?

There must be many. There are not many companies in the world whose turnover reaches this figure.

But when you think about the cash stock of Apple in later generations with more than 2000 billion U.S. dollars, that is, more than 1 trillion yuan, you won’t feel how exaggerated the annual sales target of Glory’s mobile phones is one trillion yuan.

"Oh, Mr. Jiang, I feel a lot of pressure when you say that." Dai Fuqian also laughed.


wiwo technology.

"Gpad is selling well, and even the sales of Gphone have reached a new level."

"It seems that the trend brought about by Guanghui mobile phones has completely begun to affect the world."

"Yes, big screen, beautiful appearance, whether it is Gphone or Gpad, there will be no rival products."

"Our smart phone is about to go on the market. Finally, we have caught up with this trend. The company's success or failure depends on it."

"Well, although there are still some problems like this, but it is finally going to be done."


A cottage workshop in Shenzhen City.

"Brother Qiang, it's on fire."

"What's on fire?".

"The Gpad of Guanghui mobile phone has become popular, and it has already been on the imperial court. It is said that the US side is about to sell out of stock."

"Selling so well? Haha~ It seems that there is no problem with our idea of ​​imitating Gpad," Xiaoqiang said with a smile.

"Yes, we will definitely be the first batch of companies to launch Gpad imitation products by then, and I seem to see a RMB road coming towards me."


ASUS computer.

"This is really troublesome. I didn't expect the Gpad of Guanghui Mobile to sell so well."

"The US branch also bought a batch of Gpads for research. The performance is no worse than our netbooks. The most important thing is that it is more convenient than our netbooks. No one has the confidence to compare it with it."

"Comparison is better than comparison. The arrow is on the string, so we have to release it. The company has invested a lot of manpower and material resources for the netbook project. Now the first batch of goods has been delivered to various regions, and it can only be launched on time next week."

"Yes, but fortunately there is only one Gpad in the market. Although it is excellent, it just proves that our original netbook positioning is still very marketable. As long as we avoid the Gpad user group, it should be able to sell well. of".

"That's right, Gpad is only sold in the United States now, and there is no production capacity to expand the market in a short period of time. Then we will focus on other markets and form our own reputation before the arrival of Gpad. How can we say that we are also the first to make netbooks in the computer industry."

"Well, let's move forward in this direction."


Some people laugh and some cry, that's how the world is.

(End of this chapter)

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