Chapter 713

"Dear consumers, please pay attention, please pay attention. Due to the limited production capacity of Gpad, from now on, the Gpad sold in this store will adopt a purchase restriction measure. Each consumer can only buy one Gpad per day. Sorry for the inconvenience. understanding".

The same broadcast sounded in Guanghui mobile phone stores in different cities in the United States.

"Ah? Restricted purchases! No, my brother specifically told me to bring him a Gpad when I went out."

"Why can the person in front of me buy any one, but I can only buy one. It's not fair."

"Purchasing limit? One person is only allowed to buy one? Can I add more money? I bought it on behalf of several people in our office today. I can't go back empty-handed."

"Didn't it say that Guanghui mobile phone has prepared 30 goods, so it won't be sold out in half a day?"


Purchasing restriction means restricting purchases. The specified quantity of purchases refers to a series of promotional measures adopted by merchants in order to achieve good sales performance of their products. They are often special offers and price reduction products. In order to prevent other business partners and the same industry from maliciously A commercial method adopted by panic buying.

American consumers are really not familiar with projects like the Glory mobile phone.

However, the term purchase restriction is all too familiar to the people of the Chinese dynasty in later generations.

With the acceleration of urbanization and the rapid development of the automobile industry, road congestion and air pollution have become important factors restricting urban development.

In order to ease the conflict, some cities in China have successively chosen "purchase restrictions" - a controversial measure that restricts the purchase of cars through license plates.

In addition, due to the hot real estate market, various "purchase restriction" policies in major cities are also varied.

"Families with local household registration and talent residence permits in each city are limited to two houses at most; foreign household registration and foreigners are limited to one house at most; the two purchases must be separated by more than two years; companies are prohibited from buying houses."

"Local household registration is limited to two sets, and single persons are limited to one set. Foreigners must pay social security for five consecutive years...".


All kinds of purchase restriction policies have dazzled the well-informed Chinese people from time to time.

American consumers who have never seen all kinds of strange purchase restrictions can only hold their noses and accept it when they see the banner of purchase restrictions raised by Guanghui mobile phones.

Who makes you like it.

Consumers in other countries can't afford to buy it now.



"What are you talking about? Gpad sales are booming, and you have to limit sales to maintain the continuity of sales?" Jobs yelled.

"Indeed, we have arranged at least one employee in each of their specialty stores to go to the site for inspection, and when our employees in the research center went to buy samples in the morning, there was no purchase limit."

"Could it be a marketing strategy created by Brilliance Mobile? Deliberately using the gimmick of purchase restrictions to stimulate consumers' desire to buy?" Jobs still couldn't believe that the Gpad was so popular.

If I knew it earlier, I should have restarted the iPad project earlier. How much Franklin has to be missed (the maximum denomination of the US dollar bill is one hundred dollars, and the image on it is Franklin. As for why it is not Washington. It is said that it is because he participated in the drafting of the "Declaration of Independence" and The U.S. Constitution actively advocates the abolition of slavery, is deeply respected by the American people, and represents the spirit of the United States).

"There is a possibility, but it doesn't look like it. We got the customs declaration data of Guanghui mobile phone Gpad from the customs. The first batch of Gpads is indeed only 30 units, and the second batch of 20 arrived in the United States only yesterday, and it is still being declared at the customs. And we estimate that they have sold more than [-] units this morning, if there is no purchase limit, some stores may not be able to sell enough today.”

"Hitt, let Jonathan speed up the progress of our iPad project, and we can't let the Guanghui family toss on the tablet, or it will be even more difficult for us to surpass them in the future."


HP computer.

"How about it, I heard that the tablet computer of the Guanghui mobile phone is on sale today? Didn't they claim to subvert the computer industry?"

"We have arranged for people to go to their specialty stores, and it is said that they are selling well."

The boss asked a question, but the secretary didn't dare to touch the mold, and said that the Gpad had already been sold and the purchase was restricted.

"Not bad? Just such a large Gphone is selling well? What do these consumers think? I thought no one would buy it at all."

"Brilliant mobile phones are always more evil."


"Hello, audience friends. It is 12:30 noon in the United States. Behind me is the flagship store of Guanghui Mobile in Manhattan. Starting at nine o'clock today, Gpad will be launched in the United States for the first time. Countless consumers flock to the Guanghui mobile phone monopoly Shops snapped up Gpads. In order to avoid selling out of stock, Guanghui Mobile has adopted purchase restrictions to deal with more and more consumers..." Chaoting Taiwan correspondent in the United States.

This fragment of the report was soon recorded on the morning news of the court station.

The morning news was launched by the Chaoting TV news channel last year. The program mainly focuses on major domestic and international news reports, supplemented by cultural and sports news, weather, travel information, and life service information.

Although the authority of the morning news is different from that of the evening news, not all cats and dogs have the opportunity to go up.

Brilliant Mobile is now a star company in China. Although it cannot be said to dominate the screen all the year round, it is still very common to swipe its face on major websites and TV stations every now and then.

What's even more rare is that the morning news of Chaoting TV took nearly 10 minutes to introduce the Gpad of Guanghui mobile phone and its related situation.

Don't underestimate the reporting time of the court station, what news can be reported and what cannot be reported.How many shots and how much time are given to each news is particular.

To be able to occupy 10 minutes of time on the morning news is definitely not an ordinary status.

Although their program has a total of 180 minutes, they will not just make up the time.

What's even more exaggerated is that the evening news that night actually gave another 1 minute to introduce the grand occasion of Gpad's listing.

"Brave in innovation, pioneering and enterprising. In the new era, Chinese private enterprises have become an important supplementary force under the conditions of a socialist market economy.

Glory Mobile, a subsidiary of Glory Group, released the company's second epoch-making product, the Gpad, after releasing the world's best-selling smart phone Gphone last year.

All the stores of Brilliance Mobile in the United States have welcomed countless consumers. On the first day of sale, more than 20 Gpads have been sold, breaking the daily sales record of tablet PCs in one fell swoop.

Even, Brilliant Mobile has had to use purchase restrictions to ease consumers' enthusiasm for purchases... ".

As soon as the news from Chaoting TV came out, the majority of Tianchao netizens realized that Guanghui Mobile had placed a satellite in the United States, and there was a heated discussion on the Tianchao Internet.

(End of this chapter)

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