Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 712 Restricted Purchase

Chapter 712 Restricted Purchase
"I want a white 32G version, credit card."

"I want two, and the "Plants vs. Zombies" protective case wants four."

"I want one, and another tempered protective film, swipe the card."

"I want ten white 16G, can you help me get a box to pack it."


The Brilliant flagship store on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan was buzzing with people. The cashier counter had already been lined up, and even eight cashiers with full firepower couldn't handle it.

Surprisingly, this time when the Gpad is on sale, the corresponding protective case and tempered protective film are also sold at an almost one-to-one ratio.

When Gphone went on sale, consumers did not have a high degree of recognition for protective cases and protective films.

However, after nearly a year of nurturing, many people have understood that smartphones with large screens cannot compare with functional phones in terms of drop resistance. protected.

For Guanghui mobile phones, protective cases and tempered films in specialty stores are products with much higher profit margins than Gphone and Gpad.

A tempered film that costs only two or three yuan costs $9.9 in the store.

A protective cover that costs only more than ten yuan in RMB costs 19.9 US dollars in the store.

Cases with Plants vs. Zombies or Angry Birds logos are a few bucks more.

Even Guanghui mobile phone also launched a protective case worth 99 US dollars: silk fabric, shaped epoxy resin panel, flocking inner, PC hard shell.

All in all, through these peripheral products, Guanghui can earn at least an extra twenty dollars by selling a Gpad.

Judging from the current monthly production of 100 million Gpads by Brilliant Mobile, that is an additional profit of more than 2000 million US dollars, and there will be [-] million US dollars in a year.

The annual profit of 90.00% of the listed companies above five in Shanghai and Shenzhen is less than [-] million U.S. dollars, right?

This is just the profit of the add-on, and there is no ontology that calculates more profit.

It's just stealing money.

It feels really good to grab Lao Mei's money!
It would be even better if China could have more companies that could steal money like this in the United States.

After all, companies such as Boeing, Intel, Microsoft, Oracle, Motorola, and Cisco, which are so old and beautiful, are also stealing money from China in this way.

"Manager, Gpads are selling too fast. Since our store opened today, 90.00% of the sales are Gpads, and nearly [-] units have been sold." The salesperson of the direct-sale store on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan told the store Long said.

"How much inventory do we have? How much is left?" As a store manager, the first concern is whether the Gpad will be sold out.

If there are a lot of consumers in the store, but there are no Gpads to sell.

Not to mention how regrettable this loss is, it is hard to say whether these enthusiastic consumers will go crazy because they did not buy Xinyi's products.

If there is any disturbance because of this, then she, the store manager, might end up with it.

In this world, the Celestial Dynasty is not the only one who is afraid of mass incidents.

"Because of the important status of our flagship store, 30 units of the first batch of [-] units have been distributed to us, and all of them are in the warehouse. According to the plan, there will be another [-] units delivered tomorrow, and customs clearance procedures are already being processed today. up".

"That means we only have [-] units in stock?"


"It's only less than twelve o'clock now. At this rate, the remaining [-] yuan will be sold out before we close today."

"Well, so I hurried to discuss with you what to do, these consumers are too crazy."

"No, I can't let this situation continue. I have to confirm with the company what to do so that nothing happens. Wait a minute, I'll make a call right away and tell you what to do later."


"How is it? Have you heard about the sales situation in the United States?" Dai Fuqian asked.

Although it was already past eleven o'clock in the evening in China, Dai Fuqian was still in the office and did not come home.

"I made a few phone calls, and all the stores said that the sales were particularly good, but I haven't had time to accurately count the sales," Dai Fuqian's secretary said.

"The sales situation is very good. This is too abstract. If Mr. Jiang asks me, I can't give such a perfunctory answer, right? Hurry up and find out. Who knows whether it is particularly good because it sold [-] units, or [-] units? ", Dai Fuqian was a little dissatisfied with this answer.

Although several hours have passed since the Gpad went on sale, Jiang Hui didn't call himself to ask.

But if the leader didn't ask, he didn't ask. You have to prepare the information that the leader wants to know at any time.

You even have to take the initiative to report to the leader.

Obviously, the sales of Gpad must be Jiang Hui's concern.

It's just that out of confidence in the product, I didn't keep asking Dai Fugan.

"Okay, I'll contact the US branch right away."


Glorious Mobile America Branch.

"The Los Angeles store wants to give them priority to restock, and they're half sold."

"Philadelphia has made several calls to ask if there is any way to send tomorrow's goods ahead of schedule this afternoon."

"Detroit has sold more than 5000 units."

"Manhattan has reported that their store's inventory will last until today, and I hope we can give guidance."


There are less than 100 people in the headquarters of the entire Guanghui Mobile US branch, but the entire office area is full of calls and bustling.

"The heads of various departments come to the big conference room for an emergency meeting, which will start in five minutes," said Li Wenxing, the head of the branch.

Li Wenxing is a department manager in charge of iPod sales hired by Guanghui Mobile from Apple.

As a Chinese, although Li Wenxing is less than 40 years old this year, his future at Apple is basically over.

The Chinese ceiling has always existed.

So when the headhunter found him and recommended him the position of general manager of KF Mobile's US branch, he agreed without much hesitation.

Li Wenxing also lived up to expectations and assisted Dai Fuqian and Wang Mengyu to basically build the sales channel of KF Mobile in the United States in just over a year.

Now, the sales of Gpads reported by specialty stores all over the United States are better than everyone expected. As the general manager of the US branch of Guanghui Mobile, Li Wenxing is also happy with headaches.

"The situation is like this. Everyone expresses their opinions and discusses what to do," Li Wenxing said, looking around at the senior management of the branch.

"Why don't we buy a Gpad only after making an appointment online, just like when the Gphone was sold?"

"It can also be considered to temporarily shorten the film industry time of each specialty store."

"Can you ask the head office to send another batch of goods by air urgently?"


Everyone was chattering, and all the opinions seemed to be okay, but either the distant water could not save the nearby fire, or the side effects were too great.

In the end, regardless of the fact that it was already twelve o'clock in the evening, Li Wenxing directly called Jiang Hui, briefly reported and asked for instructions.

"Let's limit purchases," Jiang Hui said after listening to Li Wenxing's statement.

(End of this chapter)

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