Chapter 797

"Mr. Fang, it has been online for an hour and has over [-] million hits. Guanghui Film and Television's "A Bite of Heaven" has succeeded."

"Which video has the highest click rate today?"

"This is "A Bite of Heaven". In fact, at the beginning, the click-through rate was not very high, but it started to skyrocket after half an hour, especially in the last 10 minutes, with an average of more than 50 clicks per minute."

"To be able to make a food documentary like this, Guanghui Film and Television is also amazing. It really is a hit."

"I heard that the idea of ​​this documentary was provided by Mr. Jiang himself. If it is not popular, it will not be normal."

"Boss Jiang is really a strange person!"

"A Bite of the Tongue to Heaven" is so popular, there is naturally a lot of discussion on the Internet.

Netizen "Wu cx language": We can use "eating" to describe the big and small things in our daily life, such as:
work = rice bowl;

fired = fired;
No money = eat dirt;

Jealousy = jealous;

Ugly = eat lotus root;

Take benefits = get kickbacks;
A trip in vain = being rejected;

There is nothing to say about the love of Chinese people for food. The title of "A Bite of Heaven" is very appropriate.

Netizen "smack101": I agree with the statement above, the Chinese people invented dumplings to avoid hunger during the Spring Festival; mooncakes were invented to avoid hunger during the Mid-Autumn Festival; Hungry, invented zongzi; in order not to be hungry in the twelfth lunar month, invented Laba porridge.In order to eat Tang Monk meat, all the monsters acted together in "Journey to the West".

Netizen “Little Bird Made of Mud”: In the eyes of Chinese people, food can be roughly divided into three categories: food that can be eaten directly; food that looks like it can be eaten; food that needs to be found out.

Netizen “Little Bookboy in the City”: According to the Bible, Adam and Eve were expelled from the Garden of Eden after eating the forbidden fruit.If it was in the Celestial Dynasty, apart from the forbidden fruit, the snake might be eaten...

Netizen "Brother Longjiang": People in other countries eat to live, and Chinese people live to eat.

Netizen "Hengyu Wars Without Beginning": Why didn't we suddenly realize that Chinese documentaries are so good until the appearance of "A Bite of Heaven"!Thanks to Guanghui Film and Television for opening up a new world for us!
Netizen "Queen Wood": Whether it is in a school classroom or a company's office, mobile wallets are safe to put on the table, but snacks may disappear in a blink of an eye.It is indeed the heaven on the tip of the tongue!

Netizen "Master Lei Y": The English name of Tianchao is China, and when you take it apart, it looks like China na (where to eat?), and you can still say that you are not Tianchao on the tip of your tongue?

Netizen "Lianshiweizhu": Let alone how many words describe the taste, there are already so many words next to the word "fire".Stir-fry, boil, cook, burn, explode, deep-fry, burn, bake, braise, stew, stew, simmer, blanch, simmer, bake, stew, stir-fry, roast.My Great Heavenly Dynasty is indeed mighty!
Netizen "adult 911": The first sentence that neighbors, acquaintances and relatives say when they meet is probably: Have you eaten yet?
Netizen "Bingshan/Xueyuan": What is the biggest problem for the Chinese people?What to eat in the morning, what to eat at noon, what to eat at night?
Netizen "Pingfeng 123": There are more than 5 universities in the world, but only the Chinese universities have a snack street at the entrance.

Netizen "Lin Jiqing": I didn't expect winter bamboo shoots and lotus roots to look so beautiful.

Netizen "The madman who reads YY novels": I look forward to the second episode airing soon, I have never seen such a good-looking documentary, and it is a food-related documentary.

Netizen "Camera Story": Among other things, the texture of the picture and the pixels of the camera are definitely not produced by ordinary domestic documentaries. It seems that Guanghui Film and Television has spent a lot of money.

Netizen "Good morning, old time": We can put those flying in the sky, swimming in the water, and running on the ground, and then perform various special effects to make them into delicious delicacies with various special effects. This is The people of the Celestial Dynasty on the tip of their tongues.

Netizen "One World Destiny": I just want to say it looks good, very good, very good.Then, very hungry, very hungry, I really want to eat!


Compared with the comments of netizens, the angles of various media look at the issue are different.

News from Du Niang: Yesterday, Guanghui Film and Television's first documentary "A Bite of Heaven" premiered on first episode currently broadcasting will choose representative individuals, families and communities living in very different geographical environments (such as oceans, grasslands, forests, basins, lakes) in the Chinese Empire as the protagonists of the story, and due to the huge natural environment Different eating habits and lifestyles brought about by differences (such as drought, humidity, extreme heat, and severe cold) serve as the background of the story.

It shows how nature gave food to the Chinese people in different ways, and how we live in harmony with nature, so as to understand the story of obtaining food through various ways in the traditional way of life passed down from generation to generation.

Once the documentary was aired, it aroused a huge response, with over [-] million hits within an hour, setting a new record and ushering in a new era of domestic documentaries.


Penguin News: As a gourmet, the wonderful taste of food is worth pondering, but where does the food come from?
There is no doubt that we get all our food from nature. Before we step into the kitchen and go to the table, let us return to nature and see her initial gift to us. This is the first chapter of "A Bite of China" An episode of "Nature's Gift" will tell you the story.

Obviously, judging by the click-through rate, the story was told very successfully.


Sina News: Food is manifested through color, aroma and taste, but the inherent limitations of documentaries prevent food from being reflected through these characteristics. However, "A Bite of Heaven" takes a different approach, combining sound and pictures, boldly using The sound evokes all imaginations of food.

In "Tianchao on the Bite of the Tongue", the sound of boiling food, the crisp sound of cutting ingredients, and the sound of picking food are all deliberately amplified through the later simulation, which greatly enhances the sense of presence in food production and makes people feel in the While visually enjoying, feel the "delicacy" of food.

This is also the uniqueness and brilliance of "A Bite of Heaven".

In the first episode of "Nature's Gift", the delicacy of the food made people's eyes shine, and they immediately salivated.In terms of picture processing, "Nature's Gift" uses a lot of close-ups to shoot, which makes the matsutake, winter bamboo shoots, and lotus roots in this episode appear fresh and tender, crystal-clear and plump under close-ups, and highlights the delicacy and beauty of food. It is pleasing to the eye, allowing people to appreciate the beauty of the natural gift even through the screen.


(End of this chapter)

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