Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 818 Zero Component Strategy

Chapter 818 Parts Strategy

Jiang Hui never thought of making all the parts of Guanghui Automobile by himself, but he also didn't want his "seven inches" to be pinched by others.

In areas where domestic suppliers are doing well, such as automobile rims, automobile tires, and automobile glass, it is of little significance for Guanghui Auto to invest heavily in the development of its own technology.

For example, Dicastal has already made a certain reputation in the industry as a car rim, and ten years later it will become the world's leader in the aluminum wheel industry. Guanghui Motors can just ask them to buy it.

In terms of tires, although the performance of domestic brands is slightly inferior in terms of fuel economy and wear resistance, as a very mature component, there are many manufacturers that can produce internationally. Guanghui Auto does not need to worry too much about being stuck neck, and there is no need to enter the field yourself.

Not to mention glass, Fuyao Glass is a relatively competitive independent brand among domestic auto parts, and even Mercedes-Benz and BMW are using them.

However, for parts such as body control and stability systems, ECUs, steering gears, seat belts, airbags, seats, headlights, wiring harnesses, sensors, etc., it is necessary to moderately intervene or support some manufacturers to reduce supply risks.

Non-my family, its heart must be different!

These words are applicable to many times, many occasions, and many fields.

Although it is an era of globalization, some European and American suppliers, because they have mastered the core technology, are often very strong when dealing with OEMs.

Threatening to cut off supply at every turn, I don't think many OEMs hope to have a bunch of such manufacturers in their system.

"Mr. Jiang, we have discussed this with Mr. Guan and Mr. Kato. In addition to supporting the group's own companies such as Photometric Electronics and Ogiwara to become bigger and stronger, we are also considering acquiring some parts companies to develop a brilliant state. In addition, we have also selected a group of outstanding domestic private enterprises as our strategic partners to provide support and cooperation in terms of funds and orders.” After hearing Jiang Hui’s consideration for Photometric Electronics, Pi Wei also explained the current situation.

"Well, later on, you go to register a company, specializing in auto parts. It's called Guanghui Auto Parts Co., Ltd., which belongs to Guanghui Automobile. In the future, we will put Photon Electronics, Ogiwara, and some parts companies that will be acquired in the future. Under the newly established company, I hope that this company can become a comprehensive parts company like Magna in the future," Jiang Hui said.

For Jiang Hui, although he was not a professional in the automotive industry in his previous life, as a student of the School of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering at Imperial University of Technology, who majored in the same major as vehicle engineering, Jiang Hui still has a certain understanding of automobiles and auto parts companies.

Parts giants such as Magna, although they do not operate a car brand themselves, their technical level is not inferior to that of ordinary car companies, and the company is not small.

Magna's product capabilities include design, engineering development, testing and manufacturing as well as vehicle design and assembly.

Almost all the main parts used in automobiles are produced. Except for professional tires and window glass, Magna does not have independent production, and Magna can provide almost all the products on automobiles.

It is a fighter in the spare parts company!
"Okay, Brilliant Automobile really needs a subsidiary company that is responsible for the research and development of parts technology to support its own development. It always relies on others and is constrained too much," Pi Wei also said with a little emotion.

"Our procurement department must also have a clear parts strategy. For each part, how to consider the future supply system and share allocation, we must plan ahead of time, and we don't have any ideas if we don't encounter anything." .

Compared with a company with a production capacity of 1000, the parts supply system must be different. Compared with a company with a production capacity of [-] million, it is even more different.

At the time of [-] units, it is enough to have two suppliers for each part, and there is no big problem even if some parts are produced by one supplier.

But when the number becomes several million, if there are still only one or two suppliers for each part, then the car company is too "rich", and it is completely relying on blood transfusions to support suppliers.

There is no such stupid car company in this world.

Everyone knows that when buying Dingxi, the more competition there is, the lower the price will be.

If it is an exclusive monopoly, hehe, then you can pay as much as you say.

The most obvious is the automatic transmission.

In recent years, there are basically no automatic transmission companies in China. The core technology is controlled by a few foreign-funded companies such as Aisin Seiki, Jatco, and ZF. How much.

The point is, sometimes even if you have money, people are not willing to sell it.

In his previous life, Jiang Hui had heard such a story. A certain automobile group developed a very good mid-to-large seven-seater SUV under its own brand, and the sales in the market were booming.

The gearbox of this SUV is purchased from a self-made machine, but because this popular SUV model threatens the sales of Toyota Highlander, it even snatched away the top position in the sales rankings.

At this time, hey, people started to make moves.

"I'm sorry, due to... reasons, our gearbox production capacity is insufficient, and we can only supply [-] units per month from next month."

At the critical moment, people would rather not earn money for this gearbox, but also hold your neck so that you don't threaten my model.

Because Aisin Seiki is a subsidiary of Toyota.

Therefore, the core technology still depends on oneself, and Jiang Hui is fully aware of this.

"Understood, we are already planning the parts supply system according to the production capacity of 50. It's just because our cars have not yet been mass-produced, and the suppliers we have contacted are not comprehensive enough, and some ideas need to be combined with the follow-up situation. Judgment," Pi Wei said.

"You can discuss it with Guan Weidong later to see which technologies we urgently need, and we can find suitable opportunities to buy them in the international market. Taking advantage of the turmoil in the international market in the past two years, hurry up and buy them back," Jiang said. Hui said.

2008 was the worst era, but for Jiang Hui, it was also the best era.

Whether Brilliant Automobile's parts strategy can be fully realized depends on the foundation it can lay this year, in addition to the continuous capital investment in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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