Chapter 821
With the rapid development of Guanghui mobile phones, the annual export amount is also increasing.

Now GPhone produces 350 million units per month, and Gpad produces 200 million units. After new products are launched in the second half of the year, the monthly sales volume of Guanghui mobile phones is expected to exceed 900 million units, and the total monthly sales volume of pads will also exceed 500 million units.

About 1400 million units are sold every month, and [-]% of them are exported to the United States, island countries, Europe and other destination countries, and the United States accounts for nearly half of the export share.

This is equivalent to the monthly export value of Guanghui mobile phones reaching more than 50 billion US dollars, of which more than 20 billion US dollars are exported to the United States.

According to this rhythm, it is more than 200 billion US dollars a year. In the next few years, this figure will be even more exaggerated.

Laomei has always been exploiting others in the whole world, so how can he stand that other people keep sucking his blood?

Sooner or later there will be a rebound.

Taking advantage of the financial crisis in the past two years, everyone dare not fight a trade war to stimulate the continuously declining economy, lest it really collapse, and Guanghui Mobile can still have a few years of good life.

However, if Guanghui Mobile does not make any changes, in three to five years, when the annual export value to the United States becomes hundreds of billions of dollars, American companies and the government will definitely join forces to block Guanghui Mobile.

The Huawei mobile phones of the later generations are so awesome, and they can't enter the US market either.

If one sentence affects national security, everything will kill you.

There is a joke saying, why did the United States fight Iraq and Libya?
Because they are suspected of having weapons of mass destruction.

Why do Yankees dare not fight Russia and China?
Because they really have weapons of mass destruction.

If Brilliance Mobile can survive in this highly competitive market, it must hold its "core weapon" in its own hands. Otherwise, when the time comes, people will just find an excuse not to let you buy it in the United States, and the loss will be huge. .

Even people can do even more absolutely - don't sell you parts, let you stop production directly.

This is why Jiang Hui asked if the current chips, motherboards, and storage of Guanghui mobile phones are all imported.

"Mr. Jiang, are you worried that Apple and other companies will be jealous of our rapid development and encourage the US government to fight a trade war?" Zhu Zhengfeng asked a little puzzled.

As Pi Wei, who has lived in the United States for decades, although he has seen some shortcomings in the United States, he still firmly believes that it is a free market economy, attaches great importance to the spirit of contract, and will not mess around easily.

But Jiang Hui knows that the world is as dark as crows, and no matter which country it is in, there are no such "sunshine" governments and companies.

Especially the five permanent members of the United Nations, hey, one black is getting darker than the other.

Sometimes, as ordinary people in the Celestial Dynasty, seeing that my country has finally learned how to play hooligans, I feel relieved.

However, if Guanghui's mobile phone is really targeted by others in the future, it is hard for Jiang Hui to imagine how Tianchao can solve this problem.

After all, it is tens of billions, hundreds of billions of dollars.

Wealth is moving!

Probably not in a "short time". Now that the subprime mortgage crisis is intensifying, the U.S. government will not do this kind of thing that shoots itself in the foot. Develop our own core component technology as soon as possible," Jiang Hui said with emotion.

"At present, except for the battery, part of the screen, part of the camera and other parts, all other core parts are imported. If we spread all over the place and do it ourselves, it will be difficult to change the status quo." Zhu Zhengfeng was a little entangled Said.

"It is true that the development of the electronic components industry cannot be achieved overnight."

Electronic components include a wide range of products, from the most widely used resistors, capacitors and inductors, to various integrated circuits, to various screens, various connectors, connectors, various optoelectronic components, and photosensitive components. , camera modules, various motors, microphones, various RF components (RF power amplifiers, filters, frequency dividers, switching devices, antennas, cables, etc.), various sensors, various power devices, etc., even Some materials for the production of electronic products are counted, and the scope is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

If Brilliance Mobile wants to enter this field on a large scale, it really has more than enough energy.

"There are thousands of manufacturers of electronic components all over the world. There are large factories such as Samsung and Intel with 10 employees, and there are also small factories with only a few employees. We can consider independent research and development while acquiring and absorbing." Dai Fuqian Said on the side.

"A small factory with a few people? What kind of factory is that?" Jiang Hui was a little puzzled when he heard Dai Fugan say this.

"Yes, a small factory with a few people. Of course, this does not refer to those copycat workshops of the Chinese Empire. Some manufacturers of famous-brand RF antennas and waveguide products in Europe, America and island countries have only a dozen to dozens of employees. They are veritable workshop-style enterprises, but Every technology is unique,” ​​Dai Fuqian explained.

"Let's listen to the details," Jiang Hui was a little curious.

"In island countries, large companies control the market and orders, while small and medium-sized enterprises hold a large amount of technology accumulation and are the main force of innovation. Their survival mainly depends on orders from large companies. Facing the decline or transformation of large companies, small and medium-sized enterprises actively transform Upgrade and gradually become the backbone of the island country’s economic circles.”

As the deputy general manager of Guanghui Mobile, many components are purchased from island countries, so Dai Fuqian is naturally very concerned about the situation in island countries.

"According to statistics, there are currently 469 million small and medium-sized enterprises in island countries, accounting for 99.7% of the total number of enterprises, accounting for 70.2% of the total number of jobs, and the added value created by small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises accounts for 57.7% of the total added value of the manufacturing industry.

The government of the island country fully supports the development of small and medium-sized enterprises. It has set up the small and medium-sized enterprise agency in the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, and has also set up review committees with various functions in accordance with the Basic Law of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, including the small and medium-sized enterprise policy review committee, the small and medium-sized enterprise business adjustment review committee, Small and medium-sized enterprise modernization review meeting, small and medium-sized enterprise stabilization review meeting, etc. "

"These support policies have also achieved very remarkable results. Let me tell you an example that everyone is relatively familiar with. China's high-speed rail has developed very fast in recent years, but there is a kind of nut that is purchased from a small and micro enterprise with only 45 employees in the island country. , called Hadlock, because only they can produce nuts that will never loosen. It is said that domestic nuts often break their teeth, but imported nuts from Hadlock, even if you screw the wrench, they will not loosen a bit.” , Dai Fuqian cited an example and said.

Although Dai Fuqian doesn't like island countries very much, they do have unique technologies in many fields, and it's okay if you are not convinced.

Companies like Europe, the United States and Japan often have a group of old engineers with many years of experience. They are all in their 60s and [-]s.

It is difficult to dig out such a person by throwing money at them.

(End of this chapter)

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