Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 822 Chips

Chapter 822 Chips

The nut that never loosens, the principle of this nut, Hadlock of the island country has announced it on its official website, and people are not afraid of you imitating it at all.

This never-loosening nut consists of a set of two concave and convex nuts.

The convex nut at the bottom has a slight misalignment of the central axis during processing and manufacturing, which acts as a wedge.

The concave nut on the top is not processed away from the central axis, so the locking function of the hammer hitting the wedge is formed.

Such two nuts are combined into one, and the problem of loosening is easily solved.

Because the contact surface of the two nuts has very high precision requirements, there should be no way to manufacture this kind of anti-loosening nut in China at present.

This is also an important reason why Hadlock has announced its manufacturing principles without any concealment.

The reason seems simple, but such a nut is not so easy to be copied.

Because the extremely detailed product data is what people have accumulated little by little for decades of research, and it is difficult for others to copy it for a while.

"Xiao Dai, the current subprime mortgage crisis has begun to affect the island country, right? According to the news released by Nomura Securities last week, the economy of the island country has also begun to be impacted. Is it possible that we will also acquire a group of small and micro enterprises in the island country this year?" What about the companies?" Jiang Hui suddenly became envious of the technologies of these companies.

Hadlock is just one of the countless small and micro enterprises in the island country. There are tens of thousands of parts for mobile phones and cars. Many of them should be able to find some exclusive technologies among the small and micro enterprises in the island country.

"It's not impossible, but the risk is relatively high. These small and micro enterprises are all workshop-style family businesses, and the technology is in the hands of a few people. If you just buy other companies and all the returning employees leave, what about the equipment? It’s not worth much at all.” The more he understands the island country, the more Dai Fugan feels how closed the companies in the island country are.

The smaller the business, the more conservative and closed it is.

If Jiang Hui were to acquire mid-to-large international companies from several island countries during the financial crisis, it would not necessarily be very difficult.

But when you go to acquire small and micro enterprises, this foreigner really doesn't have to try it lightly.

The Americans have been the overlord of the island nation for decades and have not solved this problem. Jiang Hui wants to solve it easily, but how can it be so easy.

"Let's pay attention to it first, whether it will be successful or not is another matter. Let's go back and talk about the development of electronic components," Jiang Hui said.

"Well, let me start with the chip, motherboard and storage that you just mentioned, Mr. Jiang," Zhu Zhengfeng interjected.

As the vice president in charge of research and development of Guanghui Mobile, Zhu Zhengfeng undoubtedly had a deeper understanding of the various parts of the mobile phone.

"The so-called chip is actually an integrated circuit, which is a kind of miniature electronic device or component. Using a certain process, the transistors, resistors, capacitors, inductors and other components and wiring required in a circuit are interconnected together and made in a small piece. Or a few small semiconductor wafers or dielectric substrates, and then encapsulated in a package to become a microstructure with the required circuit functions; all the components have been structurally integrated, making electronic components towards miniaturization and low power consumption. It has taken a big step forward in terms of power consumption, intelligence and high reliability."

"Integrated circuit technology includes chip manufacturing technology and design technology, which is mainly reflected in the capabilities of processing equipment, processing technology, packaging and testing, mass production and design innovation."

"Mr. Jiang, you must have heard of Moore's Law," Zhu Zhengfeng looked at Jiang Hui and said.

"Of course, you continue," Jiang Hui glanced at Zhu Zhengfeng and said.

"When the price remains constant, the number of components that can be accommodated on an integrated circuit will double approximately every 18-24 months, and the performance will also double.

For a while, people said that Moore's Law has failed, and Intel itself can't do it, and some people say that the IC industry is actually developing faster than Moore's Law.

In any case, global semiconductor companies have been investing huge sums of money in researching new process technologies, the symbol of which is the line width of integrated semiconductor components.

Every advancement in process technology brings smaller line width, lower power consumption, higher operating frequency, the ability to integrate more components, and stronger performance. "

"The most advanced process technology in the semiconductor industry ranges from tens of microns to several microns, and then to hundreds of nanometers. 130 nanometers, 65 nanometers, and 45 nanometers. It is said that Intel has developed a 28-nanometer technology. In the future, it will be 20 nanometers, 16 nanometers, and 14 nanometers. , 10nm...

A new generation is updated every two or three years, but based on these line widths, each manufacturer still has different process technologies.

Sometimes the line width is just a commercial publicity gimmick, because each transistor on the IC circuit is made of a variety of semiconductor materials, and the shape and line width of each material may be different. The manufacturer chooses the narrowest one for publicity, as if The highest level, maybe not that high actually.

For example, there are many discussions on the Internet that Intel's 60nm process technology is actually better than TSMC's 45nm process technology.Therefore, when we evaluate whether the process technology of an IC factory is advanced, the line width is an important reference, but it is not the only one. "

Although Jiang Hui was a little dizzy when he heard Zhu Zhengfeng's professional knowledge, he still listened very seriously. This may be related to the future investment of tens of billions or even hundreds of billions of Guanghui Group.

"Speaking of chips, there is one more thing that must be mentioned, and that is the wafer.

A wafer is a circular silicon slice cut from cylindrical monocrystalline silicon. All ICs are processed on the wafer, and then cut, packaged, and tested to become finished chips.

Obviously, the larger the wafer, the more ICs that can be fabricated on the wafer and the lower the cost.

Therefore, in the past few decades of the development of the semiconductor industry, the size of wafers has continued to increase, from 1 inch, 2 inches, and 3 inches to the current mainstream 6 inches, and there will be larger wafers in the future.

In principle, there is no necessary relationship between the number of nanometer line widths used and the size of the wafer. 45nm can also use 2-inch wafers, but in fact IC factories usually use the largest wafers of that era to reduce costs. "

Zhu Zhengfeng continued to talk about the chip-related knowledge he had mastered.

"How much investment do these chip factories with different processes need?" Jiang Hui asked a question that a boss is very concerned about.

"This question is really critical. Moore's Law only tells us how the IC process progresses, but it doesn't tell us how the investment in building IC factories increases. In fact, with each generation of process technology progress, the investment required for new factories has increased significantly.

From tens of millions of dollars in the 70s, to hundreds of millions of dollars, more than a billion dollars, and billions of dollars, and recently Samsung, Intel and TSMC have invested in 45nm production plants, and the investment has exceeded 50 billion U.S. dollars," said Zhu Zhengfeng. Left Xuyi said.

(End of this chapter)

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