Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 829 Force Majeure

Chapter 829 Force Majeure
Both Zhu Zhengfeng and Dai Fuqian had held high positions for many years, and as servants of the dragon, they should be.

However, the two of them are still relatively young after all, and without the aura of a time traveler like Jiang Hui, their views on some things are often relatively naive.

Jiang Hui said that the U.S. government disagrees with the idea that U.S. companies export chips to Guanghui mobile phones. They never thought about it, because in their view, this is simply an incredible thing.

"Mr. Jiang, isn't your assumption a little too exaggerated?" Zhu Zhengfeng said in surprise.

"Yeah, although there may be some losses in price negotiations, but it won't be so troublesome, right?" Dai Fuqian also had a similar opinion.

"To be a business, the first thing you need to do is how to survive. If you survive, you will have a chance. Similarly, if you want to think about how to survive, you have to think about what circumstances will make you unable to survive? Are you losing money year after year? Is it a slow-moving product? Or a quality problem?" Jiang Hui was not surprised by Zhu Zhengfeng and Dai Fuqian's reaction.

In fact, if you want to say which country the Chinese people like the most, or which country they have the most favorable impression of, it must be the United States.

Although the United States and the United States have been called for many years, the more they belittle the other side, the more the common people like the United States.

Many cents always take the advantages of the US "market economy" to belittle China itself. Is the US really a market economy?

Not necessarily!

Why has Warwick not been able to enter the U.S. market in later generations?
Is it because he can't survive in the market?

The answer is obvious.

The so-called "market economy" is only applicable when the rules made by others and the path they want are on. Once it exceeds their imagination, there will be various other means to greet you immediately.

"For our glorious mobile phone, I don't think these will be a problem, at least not in five years. But will we have no problems? If our scale stops here and we don't develop anymore, then maybe we can be safe and sound. It's been a good few years, but after that?

If you are not making progress, you are actually regressing.But if you keep improving and the scale gets bigger and bigger, sooner or later you will become a thorn in the side of others and a thorn in the flesh.Don’t look at Americans bragging about how democratic and legal they are every day. It’s all deceiving people. The world is as dark as crows. When the time comes when Guanghui’s mobile phone is too huge, they will find an excuse to cut off your confession. It will be done every minute things," Jiang Hui said.

"Our procurement contracts all have various requirements on the supply side, including supply cycle, supply quantity, supply price, etc. If the other party breaches the contract, the liquidated damages are not affordable for ordinary companies." Dai Fuqian said.

"Yes, no one is so stupid to blatantly breach the contract, but there must be a clause of force majeure in your contract, right?" Jiang Hui said.

The so-called force majeure refers to the objective situation that cannot be foreseen, avoided or overcome when the contract is concluded.Including natural disasters, such as typhoons, earthquakes, floods, and hail; government actions, such as expropriation and expropriation; social abnormal events, such as strikes and riots.

"There is this, but so far we have not encountered any disputes in this area or related to the content of this contract," Dai Fuqian said.

"Not now, doesn't mean there won't be any in the future. What I said just now, if Apple lobbied the U.S. government to ban the sale of chips to Guanghui Mobile or the U.S. government took the initiative to find an excuse to ban the export of chips to us, what can we do? ", Jiang Hui asked.

"Although the chip industry in the United States is the most powerful in the world, apart from the United States, the level of South Korea, Taiwan and island countries is still quite high," said Dai Fuqian.

"What you said is not wrong, but look at how the Yankees are sanctioning Iran now? He doesn't allow things to be sold to Iran. Who dares to sell to Iran against the wind? Whether you admit it or not, the United States is now the world leader, and in In the next ten years, or even 20 years, it will still be the world's number one.

Don’t say that countries such as South Korea and island countries are like vassal states of the United States. Even some other countries that are not so closely related to the United States dare not sell them to us even if they have chips. If the United States issues a ban,” Jiang Hui Said.

After hearing Jiang Hui's words, both Zhu Zhengfeng and Dai Fugan fell into deep thought.

Although they had never considered this issue before, but after hearing what Jiang Hui said now, it seems that this issue is not impossible, and when it happens, if Guanghui mobile phone does not make any preparations in advance.

Then it is almost a catastrophe. Without chips, no matter whether it is Gphone or Gpad, or other products launched by Guanghui Mobile in the future, there is basically no way to reproduce it.

Without new product sales, relying solely on some software-related income in Gstore and other fields, although it can support the glory mobile phone for a period of time, but basically such a global technology giant is about to fall.

"Mr. Jiang, from what you said, I think our chip project should be promoted as soon as possible. To enter this industry with a particularly high threshold, it will take two or three years without even the shadow of the product. I don’t think it will take five or six years to produce a chip suitable for our Brilliant mobile phone. If we don’t hurry up, it will be too late.”

From being indifferent before to anxious now, Zhu Zhengfeng is also aware of this huge risk.

"Will it be too late for us to enter now? Now Apple has regarded us as the biggest competitor, and all kinds of advertisements and soft articles are basically compared with us," Dai Fuqian said with a little worry.

"Sooner or later, we all need to start this project as soon as possible. At the same time, we have to be prepared to deal with Apple. When they deal with us in the United States, we can also deal with them in China. The two largest markets in the world , who is more important, it's really hard to say," Jiang Hui said.

"Mr. Jiang, are we going to file a patent lawsuit with Apple? Apple's iPhone has a lot of content that is suspected of infringing on our patents. We organize a team of lawyers to sue them. If we don't die, we have to let them take off a layer of skin." Jiang Hui said that he was going to make apples, Zhu Zhengfeng said excitedly.

"Apple is well aware of the patent matter, and probably has some preparations. We want to use this thing as an atomic bomb. When will the atomic bomb have the strongest deterrence? Is it when it is launched? Obviously not, the atomic bomb Only when it is on the launch pad, the deterrent effect is the strongest. If Apple does not break with us, we should not take the initiative to use our patented atomic bomb," Jiang Hui said.

(End of this chapter)

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